Don’t miss the top Warhammer 40k tournament army lists featuring Adeptus Custodes, Grey Knights, and Death Guard from the Warhammer World GT.
Final Standings:
The tournament is over, and now we can look at which 40k factions’ playstyles and army lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our expert commentary on their selections.
Studying these winning army lists for their tactical synergies can provide great insights for your strategic approach to playing since the latest balance dataslate rules changes and points updates. If you want to elevate your game even further, consider applying to Team USA to compete at the World Team Championships each year!
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1st Place: Stephen Box – Adeptus Custodes Army Lists
In a stunning display of golden glory, Stephen’s Adeptus Custodes army claimed victory at the Warhammer World Grand Tournament, and it wasn’t just the bling that dazzled the competition. It was a masterclass in tactical precision, brutal efficiency, and just the right amount of smugness that only the Emperor’s golden boys can pull off.
Leading the charge was the Blade Champion, proving once again that there’s nothing quite as terrifying as an ancient demigod who’s had millennia to perfect the art of slicing and dicing. In combat, he was a whirlwind of gold and gore, tearing through enemy lines with a grin (well, as much as you can grin with a stoic mask on). When this guy hits the field, enemies have two choices: run or get acquainted with the business end of a solarite power sword.
Backing him up were not one but two Captains on Dawneagle Jetbikes, because who needs subtlety when you can have speed and firepower wrapped up in one beautiful golden package? With their incredible mobility and accurate shooting, these airborne nightmares were the perfect hunters, zipping around the battlefield and mowing down anything foolish enough to think they could escape the wrath of the Emperor’s finest.
The backbone of the army was a lone unit of standard Custodians, proving that sometimes, quality really does beat quantity. These golden giants stood firm, their stoic presence a reminder that the Custodes don’t need numbers when they have unyielding resolve and absurdly durable armor. They were the rock upon which the rest of the list could pivot, providing stability while the rest of the army wreaked havoc.
In the Elites slot, Stephen brought in two Allarus Custodians and two Venetari. The Allarus are like guided missiles in golden plate—precision assassins who can teleport behind enemy lines and make short work of priority targets. It’s like having a personal hit squad that also happens to be nearly indestructible.
The Venetari, on the other hand, brought a little finesse (if you can call raining down death from above “finesse”). Fast, agile, and packing serious firepower, they danced across the battlefield like armored angels of death.
Then came three Vertus Praetors, because what’s better than one Dawneagle Jetbike Captain? Three more jetbikes to keep him company, of course. These guys buzzed around the field, harassing flanks, picking off stragglers, and generally being a colossal pain to anything not blessed with the Emperor’s favor. With their speed and durability, they could engage at will, hit hard, and then disappear before the enemy even knew what happened.
Finally, rounding out the list was a small, cheeky unit of Witchseekers. They were the perfect little cherry on top, bringing a cost-effective answer to pesky psychic threats. Because when you’re the Emperor’s most loyal guard, you don’t tolerate witches—especially not ones who think they can bend reality without consequence. The Witchseekers ensured no psyker was safe, purging heresy with holy flame.
2nd Place: Kian Tan – Grey Knights Army Lists
3rd Place: Jack Painter – Death Guard Army Lists
Final Thoughts on Army Lists: Warhammer World GT
Well, what a showdown it was! 40k’s golden warriors, the Adeptus Custodes, took the crown by gliding elegantly over the competition like the emperors of style they are. Meanwhile, the Grey Knights were there, keeping it classy with their psychic powers and flashy weapons, proving that sometimes a little mind trickery can go a long way—especially when you’re up against a horde of grumbling Death Guard who, let’s be honest, probably should’ve named their army “The Walking Dead” instead! But hey, when you’ve got a stench that could fell a Titan, who needs subtlety?
So, whether you’re planning to play in the next big tournament or just looking to spice up your games at home, take a page from these winners and remember: every unit counts, and sometimes, all you need is a good plan and a whole lot of golden armored bodies.
See the Top Warhammer Army Lists & 40k Tournament Schedule for 2025
What do you think of the results and top Warhammer 40k Warhammer World GT army lists for Adeptus Custodes, Grey Knights, and Death Guard?