Come see what happens when an out of control Rocket Boy barrels into a Space Marine?
Checkout some awesome rocket action brought to us by the hobbiholics at Jolly Bodgers.
This was my Golden Demon 2005 entry for the Duel category!
I call it the Casualty of Waaaargh!!! Ork Stormboy Vs Assault Marine… who do you think won? The base is in 6mm Epic scale and the duel itself is in 30mm to give an impression of height and ‘forced perspective’
Critique would be most welcome as i won a finalists pin with this entry but did not place – I hope to rectify that for next year!
Rocket man burning up your fuel, out here alone!
If you click on the Army of One link you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once.
Army of One Galleries
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