Rumored Ork Codex Rules Confirmed as GW Previews Goffs

By Wesley Floyd | October 22nd, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Buckle up and don’t touch that Waaagh! GW just confirmed new Codex Ork rules that fall in line with the rumored rules we’ve seen since August!

Games Workshop finally previewed a Clan from the latest codex to hit 8th edition. Goffs are under today’s spotlight as this is the first official preview we’ve seen of a clan in the Ork codex.

Without any further delay, let’s jump right into what the Goffs will be bringing to the table.

Rumored Ork Codex Rules Confirmed as GW Previews Goffs

goff clan tactic

Each time you roll a 6 to hit, you make an additional hit roll. It’s literally Death to the False Emperor TOWARDS EVERYFIN’.


It looks like the rumors from a while back were true…at least for this clan.

Goff Stratagems

goff strat 1

This stratagem is worth its weight in gold. You can either deepstrike an entire unit of Meganobz somewhere and have them charge 9″ straight into a Knight. Or you could double down on some Boyz by flinging one up the board with Da Jump and have one come down from the Tellyporta. 

goff strat 2

Skarboyz are the toughest Goff Boyz around. You can spend one CP to make a full-sized unit of Boyz Skarboyz and make them S5. That’s disgusting when you pile on a few buffs like the 6+ on a hit generates an extra attack, a WAAAGH! banner, etc. This unit will be a blender and a half.

These are going to be like two-legged, dumb, green Genestealers! They can topple anything in melee combat!

So with the first round of confirmed rules for the Orks, it looks like the rumored stratagems are in line with what we have seen so far:

BREAKING: More 40k Ork Codex Stratagem Rumors!

ork dakka jet

Don’t miss these! It’s a green tide of Ork codex rules rumors today as even more new Stratagems rumors have been spotted for the Greenskins!

Ork Datacards

ork datacards

Orks didn’t get left out in the Datacard department either. They’ll be coming alongside the codex release. Grab everything up all at once and start to revamp your Ork lists. A lot is changing in the next few days!

What do you think about these Ork previews? Which clan is your favorite? Why didn’t they mention Ghazghkull in his own clan’s preview? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.