RUMORS: Chaos Daemons & Free Deepstike 40k Rules

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopWe had seen a glimpse of these rules, but the rumors are Chaos Daemons in 9th Edition Warhammer 40k will be able to Deepstrike for free and more!

Please keep in mind that all of this is pure speculation. It is worth noting GW supposedly recently “fired” some of its playtester pool recently who were thought responsible for leaking rules. However, the information-sharing policy is supposedly okay once it is leaked..

Here are the latest Chaos Daemons rules rumors and leaks with a look at the official preview by GW first!

Chaos Daemons Codex Art & Details Revealed By GW!

Chaos Daemons

There’s another ever-present threat lurking just behind the material veil. Gibbering, bloodthirsty legions of daemons claw at the walls of existence, taking advantage of any tear in realspace to manifest plagues and curses, tempt mortal souls, and slaughter untold millions. All it takes to invite devastation is one ill-considered ritual drawn from a blasphemous grimoire… speaking of which, Codex: Chaos Daemons is on the way.

As we said, there weren’t too many rumors floating around about when this would actually come out. Maybe that’s because it was basically next in line! Also, we’re not sure if many new minis will come with the book, but we expect at least one new character model.

However, they don’t give an exact date as of yet.

RUMORS: Daemons Get Free Deepstike 40k Rules


More rumors about some spicy new Deepstrike rules that Daemons may be getting in 9th Edition are coming in hot.  These were spotted on Reddit recently from one of the various discords where they supposedly originated with edits for grammar.

A few keen-eyed individuals (most everyone) had noticed the “Warp Locus” keyword on certain CSM units (Master of Possession, Khorne Lord of Skulls). I’m here to tell you at least part of what it does. As you may have heard, you will be able to deepstrike Daemons for free–but that’s not all! When in the Warp, these daemons gain special deepstrike rules.

They can deepstrike as normal, or if you set them up wholly within 6″ of a Warp Locus unit, they can be set up just outside 6″ from enemy units! (Instead of 9″). If you have allegiances, you have to stick with your friends. Warp Locus isn’t a particularly common keyword but an important lynchpin to enable brutal strategies.

You are no longer shelling out 2 or 3 cp to get a guaranteed charge with Bloodletters. I mean, you will still be able to enhance charges in other ways, but now the floor is much higher. Looking to counter or stop your enemy from dropping hell on your doorstep? You’ll want to remove enemy Warp Locus models as efficiently as possible.

Blood ButchersClick Here to Get these New Blood Butchers

But that certainly won’t be simple in most cases. The cool news is that deepstriking via the Warp has some other interesting rules if you’re pure Daemons that make it even more appealing; those fighting daemons should generally stay out of daemonic territory and keep a good sense of leadership.

That’s it for that. A good mechanic to keep in mind as you read any upcoming information. I think it offers some good counterplay while enabling some of the most reliable changes in the game. PSA: As always, understand things can change before release. So salt it a bit. 

So it seems that there may be a high value placed on Warp Locus units both for army construction and target priority! However, anything that allows you to break basic rules of the game, like arriving within 6″ for example, is always worth more than a second look.

It’s also great to see an emphasis placed on closing the gap across the board for armies that rely on assault, first with Tyranids and now supposedly with Daemons. That bodes very well for the arrival of World Eaters in Warhammer 40k as a stand-alone faction, hopefully, sooner rather than later.

So again, take all these rules for the rumors they are until we get more information to cross-reference as if the pattern holds true; we will see more leaks now that the first ones have started…

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from all preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

What do you think of all these Chaos Daemons deepstrike rules, rumors, and leaks?

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