RUMORS: GW Pricing for New 40k Plastic Sisters of Battle?

sister wal hor Adepta Sororitas sisters of battleWant to know how much Warhammer 40k’s new Sisters of Battle may cost you when you step up to the register for the rest of the releases?

Warhammer Community just let us in on the week one release lineup for the highly anticipated Sisters of Battle 40k models.  These will be going on pre-order on the 11th of January 2020 for release on the 18th.

GW Pricing for New 40k Plastic Sisters of Battle?


We predicted the first wave pricing correctly back in June of 2019, so why not go all-in on predicting the rest of the release lineup for the Sisters of Battle in 2020?

Hobby YOLO…

Sisters Wave 1 Release: Codex Book $40

If you missed the Army Box a month ago, the new Sisters of Battle Codex is finally here for separate purchase.

These rules include 27 unit datasheets, bespoke Order Convictions and more than 30 Stratagems, alongside Warlord Traits, Relics of the Ecclesiarchy, Tactical Objectives, matched play points and more.

The codex will be available as a standard hardback and lavish collector’s edition, as well as in ePub and enhanced digital formats.

Looks like the codex in the Army Box was the collector’s edition- bonus!

Sisters Wave 1 Release: Dice & Datacards   $35, $25 respectively

dice datacards sisters of battleWe saw the data cards back in November, but these dice are looking pretty cool for sure.  Remember generally these types of products are only around for a limited time.

The Adepta Sororitas Datacards set includes handy reference cards for all 36 of their Tactical Objectives, 38 Stratagems and 6 Sacred Rites.

Meanwhile, the 20 dice are designed to appear as stained glass windows, and each features a large fleur-de-lys icon in place of a 6 and a haloed skull icon in place of a 1 – there’s no thrill quite like rolling a big handful of thematic dice!

Sisters Wave 1 Release: Battle Squads $60

We had seen these Images of new Sororitas units. Now we have a closer look at the painted and unpainted versions of them as well!

sisters of battle leak

Coming from the mouth of GW, the basic Troops kit will also offer two other unit builds:

What’s more, this set also builds you Dominions, forward-scouting vehicle killers and special-weapon wielders, as well as Celestians, elite bodyguards who’ll carve up anyone who dares attack your Canonesses. These units are marked by their own special components.

Sisters have had so much love put into them, each model looks like it could be a character in their own right.


battle sisters multipart squad

From the event back in NOV, we have our first pictures of the sprues. These look to have enough torso back for 6 sisters, and fronts for five.  There is also a good chance that the box of ten will probably have two sets of sprues inside it.

You can see the sprues also have the special weapon options for making Dominion squads as well as a cherub, and standard.

battle sisters dominions

What’s more, this set also builds you Dominions, forward-scouting vehicle killers and special-weapon wielders, as well as Celestians, elite bodyguards who’ll carve up anyone who dares attack your Canonesses. These units are marked by their own special components.

The Sister Superior also has a choice of weapons from the combi flamer above top to this condemnor crossbow bolter.  Sisters have had so much love put into them, each model looks like it could be a character in their own right.

Sisters Wave 1 Release: Retributor Squads $55

Here come the big guns, looks like these Sisters are packing some serious heat!

Wow! Zephyrim, Retributors, and that Battle Sanctum! Get another view of the individual miniatures.

The heavy weapons unit for the Sisters are getting a rework and we have to say we’re pretty happy with the results.

You might remember the Heavy Bolter from a while back. It was previewed along with a handful of other weapons.

Retributors are also getting a resculpted Heavy Flamer! But these aren’t just any Heavy Flamers. These are loaded with the classic Sisters iconography and style. From Fleur de Lise and medieval-looking barrel extensions, these girls are looking unique. Plus, from the two pics above, we can see that there’s going to be all kinds of variations between the models.


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Sisters Wave 1 Release Triumph of St. Katherine: $110

Taking the body of St. Katherine to the battlefield, this unit has one of the most unique datasheets in 40k and will probably turn out being one of the most unique models as well. The major point here is that this thing has 18 wounds, is T3, and gets a mix of 14 attacks. While 14 attacks might seem like a lot, it really all boils down to light infantry-killing. But it has a ton of rules to keep track of. While it’s a character over 10 wounds, it does have a bonus -1 to hit, Sisters models nearby become fearless, it can dish out D3 mortal wounds, can perform bonus acts of faith, and nets miracle dice.

st katherine sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019

How utterly incredible is the Triumph of Saint Katherine?! Whether you’re a painter looking for your next centrepiece project or a gamer in search of a powerful lynchpin around which to form your army (or both!), look no further than this stunning centrepiece. You won’t even have long to wait – you’ll be able to get ahold of all of these stunning new units early next year.

As suspected it was a funeral procession of sorts that will for sure make an amazing hobby project for Sisters players and collectors alike!  Definitely inspired by the art piece above, this model consists of six battle sisters and at least four of their accompanying cherubs.

Hobby heroes Sprues & Brews and Garro were at the latest Warhammer Open event and shared some great pictures of the model as well:

st katherine sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019St. Katherine is coming on two “squad-sized” sprues, and mounts on a custom textured base that appears to be the 120mm large oval.

st katherine sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019

Here’s a close up of the assembled model showing the coffin and battle sisters, looking semi reminiscent of the Nighthaunt Black Coach in AoS. The layout definitely has a few nods to the new Katakros and retinue on a base as well!

st katherine sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019


st katherine sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 2Above is the painted version on display. With Katakros costing $110 it clocked in at the same price for its release on January 18th as well.

New Mulipart Sisters of Battle Kits for 2020

We knew there would be new kits for all the units that came in the Army box. Here is the latest new Infantry model reveals:

It looks like the Battle Sanctum was indeed a terrain piece lying in wait. The key giveaways are that once it’s set up, it can’t move and you can throw Infantry dudes and dudettes inside to man the walls. It’s only Power Level 3, and it costs 50 points.

Sisters of Battle Battle Sanctum:  $100?


The window sections flanking the center look to be all-new bits, and comparing this kit to the Basilicanum, it appears to have a similar amount of components if you factor in the statues wings counting as two statues I suppose.

Sector Imperialis BasilicanumSector Imperialis Basilicanum $100

sisters of battle sanctum (3)

The Sister of Liberty stands tall on the tabletop for sure. This not only looks sweet among all the sister models but will serve a purpose on the table too.  Look at how it towers over the other models in this release wave:

sisters of battle sanctum (2)

The Sister of Liberty stands tall on the tabletop for sure.

Penitent Engines

This one is a bit tricker because we know the kit will come with two models, as seen at Open Day 2020. Coming on 50mm bases puts them smaller than Armigers at $75, but being larger models than Centurions $78 on the same bases may also be a tell.  The only difference is there are two models instead of 3 for the Centurions.

Going to go with an estimate of $75 for this one for now.

New Plastic Adepta Soroitas Sisters of Battle penitent engine sisters of battle

Army Box Engine



sisters of battle penitent engine

First seen in the Army Set with buzzsaws, it’s also getting a multipart feature with dangling flails and heavy bolters!

sisters of battle (4)There is also the fully enclosed version of the Mortifier engine, which is horrifying in its own right!

Arco Flagellant Squads:

arco flagellantIf the new battle sisters are $60, I suspect GW will price these similar to the “smaller” tactical squad pricing of $45. 

Raise your hand if you saw that coming!

To be sentenced to arco-flagellation is to become little more than a weaponised, utterly berserk killer. Over the course of a long, painful process, the convict’s mind is wiped, replaced only with an uncontrollable urge to mete out violent destruction upon their prey.

Multipart sculpts (white backgrounds) for the Arco-flagellants look to have a ton of options for poses.

Sister Repentia

These ladies will be on the new 28mm sized bases, and to be honest, if Retributors are $55, I can see GW making these the same price as the 10 man Arco Flagellants. So that could also be the “smaller” price of $45 as well.

Packed with dynamic poses and plenty of options for customisation, this set will be great for fleshing out your Repentia squads – and flensing the flesh from your enemies!

Zephyrim/ Seraphim Combo Box

sisters of battle seraphim

I think we have a good basis to go off of here again with the Retributors being $55 for five models, I suspect the Seraphim will be the same.

The incoming multipart Seraphim combine the dynamic airborne poses you’d expect with a swath of optional extras. Of course, the holy trinity of bolter, flamer and melta is represented, as is a brand-new kit option – the elite combat-specialists of the Zephyrim.

This set of three was also seen and they have some extra cosmetic options on them

Sister Hospitaller $40?

With even the generic Space Marine Lieutenant being $35 it’s probably a safe bet the Sisters characters will all follow suit.  However, being a diorama, this lady may be $40?

battle sisters hospitaller


First seen with a Bane-type mask and special Sororitas object in her right hand, it looks like the model was tweaked once more and painted up.

You can tell that the Hospitaller had her cool little religious pendant in her hand changed some with her face fully open under her hood.

She looks to be a two sprue kit with custom basing bits, similar to Fierros, and may retail for $40.

 Diologus & Imagifier $35 ea?


battle sisters diologus

New Diologus Model 

GW has certainly come a long way. The new Diologus model was first spotted in an early teaser photo.  However, was officially unveiled with some serious cosmetic upgrades.

battle sisters imagifier

The Imagifier also got a helping hand. Carrying what looks to be some vague idol to Celestine, she’ll be a must-have unit to inspire the rest of your ranks.

Canoness  $35?

battle sisters multipart canoness

Canonesses also got more love from GW getting some pretty amazing multipart options. From staves to power swords, plasma pistols to inferno pistols. the Canoness is looking to be able to fit a variety of frontline roles.

Here you can see her scale better compared to the rank and file sisters.

Junith Eruita on the Pulpit of Doom

Part character, part vehicle, this model defies normal pricing logic and may end up being closer to something like the Invictor Tactical Warsuit at $60 which is also infantry model inside a vehicle.

battle sisters junith eruita 1

The heroes of the Sisters of Battle aren’t just Living Saints, like Celestine – among their number are storied commanders as legendary as any Space Marine Captain. Perhaps foremost among them is Junith Eruita, a Canoness Superior of the Order of Our Martyred Lady with a centre-piece kit so magnificent it rivals any model in the Warhammer 40,000 range!

Junith was another model recently spotted circulating around the web. It didn’t take long to GW to pull the curtain back on this one. How could you say no to a named Sister floating around on a pulpit carrying four flamers???

From the looks of it, Judith will be arriving on three smaller squad sized sprues, and mount on a regular flight base.

New Mulipart Sisters of Battle Rhino

So it looks like this will be just the standard Space Marine Rhino with an upgrade sprue. Comparing that to the Razorback that is basically the same thing, content-wise, we’ll probably see this go for $45 as well.

sisters of battle rhino 1

Here is an assembled Rhino with what looks to be pre-production resin casts, that was on display at the recent 40k Open day Along with its plastic upgrade sprue.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 rhino (2)

The new Sisters Rhino kit may be packaged with this sprue instead of the normal Astartes upgrade sprue.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 vehicle sprue (2)

If boxy transports aren’t your thing, there were some other Rhino-chassis type vehicles previewed showing the circular doors fans loved. We’re also getting the Immolator and Exorcist!

Sisters of Battle Immolator

The Immolator appears to have a similar sprue configuration base Pepulsor which is “only” $80 currently. Again we may be a little off here, but hey I did say Hobby YOLO!

Immolator with Flame weapon option

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 immolator

Immolator with Flame weapon option, unpainted. Get a load of that clear plastic weapons cowl!  There is also a Heavy Bolter weapon variant as well.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 immolator

Painted up with Contrast paints or washes you could emulate the look of stained glass on this!

Sisters of Battle Exorcist

Unfortunately for some hobbyists wallets, this appears to have a similar part count to the Repulsor Executioner, which goes for $100 currently. Whether it goes for that much is a big question, but with two kits possibly being $100 or more on this list so far, it’s not out of the question IMHO.

Exorcist with Lady Ga-Ga style helmeted weapons operator. 

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 immolator (2)

It appears from these shots of the unpainted kit, that there is no lack of detail when it comes to these battle shrines The Exorcist and Immolators are clearly are a step above the normal Rhino design-wise.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 exorcist

You may want to assemble and paint the weapons pulpit separately so that you don’t miss any shred of detail with your brush!

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 exorcist

Simply stunning, and full of class when fully painted.  The appeal of the new Sisters vehicle designs is very intoxicating, to say the least.

Immolator & Excorcist Sprues

From all appearances in these previews, it looks like both the Immolator and Exorcist share this same “base” rhino chassis sprue.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 vehicle sprueFrom there, the Exorcist kit looks to also contain this sprue which was pictured to the right of the chassis sprue above.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 vehicle sprue (3)The Immolator, on the other hand, may come with these two sprues that contain the rotating turret and weapon options as well. They were pictured to the left of the base chassis sprue above.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 vehicle sprue (4)

So there are our potentially spicy hot takes for what we think the pricing will be for the new Sisters release.  With one model already clocking in over $110, any way you look at it this release is aiming right at the bank accounts of anyone collecting a Sisters Army in 2020!

With a ton of more Sisters content revealed beyond the Army Set, what are you most excited for? Will you be playing Our Martyred Lady for Junith? Will you be making Battle Sanctum the centerpiece of your Sisters instead?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

About the Author: Rob Baer

 rob avatar face

Rob Baer

Job Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.

Rob also co-founded and currently hosts the Long War Podcast, which has over 350 episodes and focuses on tabletop miniatures gaming, specializing in Warhammer 40k. and spent six years writing for Bell of Lost Souls. 

Every year, along with his co-hosts, he helps host the Long War 40k Doubles Tournament at Adepticon and the Long War 40k Doubles at the Las Vegas Open, each of which attracts thousands of players from around the world.


Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including multiple first-place finishes in Warhammer 40k Grand Tournaments over the years and even winning 1st place at the 2011 Adepticon 40k Team Tournament. He was even featured for his painting in issue #304 of Games Workshop’s White Dwarf Magazine.

With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. As a member of GAMA (Game Manufacturers Association), he advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1980s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.