RUMORS: More New Chaos Daemons 9th Ed. 40k Rules

rumors-chaos-daemons-40k-rules-codexNew rules rumors for Chaos Daemons in 9th Edition Warhammer 40k have been spotted, as the new book looks to be pretty interesting for sure.

It’s no secret Chaos Daemons really haven’t received any support in 9th Edition Warhammer 40k, but we know the new codex and a Daemon Prince model are “on deck”.

Please keep in mind that all of this is pure speculation. It is worth noting that GW recently “fired” some of its playtester pool who were supposedly responsible for leaking rules, although the policy about sharing information is okay supposedly once it is leaked.

That of course seems like a bit of a double standard, but unfortunately pretty standard now for all things Games Workshop.

Here are the latest Chaos Daemons rules rumors and leaks with a look at the official preview by GW first!

Chaos Daemons Codex Art & Details Revealed By GW!

Chaos Daemons

There’s another ever-present threat lurking just behind the material veil. Gibbering, bloodthirsty legions of daemons claw at the walls of existence, taking advantage of any tear in realspace to manifest plagues and curses, tempt mortal souls, and slaughter untold millions. All it takes to invite devastation is one ill-considered ritual drawn from a blasphemous grimoire… speaking of which, Codex: Chaos Daemons is on the way.

As we said, there weren’t too many rumors floating around about when this would actually come out. Maybe that’s because it was basically next in line! Also, we’re not sure if there will be many new minis coming with the book, but we expect at least one new character model.

However, they don’t give an exact date as of yet.

daemons codex

The warp-wrought children of the Chaos Gods are bursting out of the immaterium with a 152-page tome packed with eldritch esoterica, forbidden daemonology, and in-depth rules for games of Warhammer 40,000. There are more ways than ever to bend the mortal plane to your will, thanks to 56 datasheets split between the four Chaos Gods – and Be’lakor, with his very own Army of Renown – alongside 25 Warlord Traits, 24 Relics, 36 Stratagems, and a profane slate of psychic powers for all.

The book is going to be quite large and from the looks of it plenty for every chaos god!

RUMORS: More New Chaos Daemons 9th Ed. 40k Rules

Looks like more and more new Chaos Daemons units and overall rules are being leaked across various platforms online like Reddit. Here’s a round-up of the latest we have found out there.

So, basically, the place where all the Tyranid stuff got leaked had more to show off today. We now have stats for Great Unclean Ones. We don’t have ALL his stats-notably, it doesn’t mention BS, WS, or Strength, but we do have a lot.

-Daemonic Saves are confirmed to exist, GUO’s have 4+ on shooting and 5+ on Melee. Basically, Daemonic Saves replace Invulns, and they have 2 characteristics, 1 for melee, 1 for shooting, and they cannot be ignored or changed with AP. We also know that Lords of Change have 3+ for Shooting, 5+ for Melee.

Leaks also say that these saves are dependant on which Chaos god the Daemon serves, meaning that these statistics would also be the saves for other Nurgle and Tzeentchian daemons. Additionally, the guy who leaked DS’s said that none of them are lower then 5.

great unclean one model

Great Unclean One Rules Rumors

  • He still has Disgustingly Resilient. (Which is supposedly -1 damage)
  • T8, W22.
  • Flail is 7 inches, D3+3 Attacks, , Strength of User, AP-3, 2 damage
  • Vomit is 12 inches, Auto hits, D6 worth of Attacks, S5, AP-2, 1 damage
  • Bileblade is User Strength, -3 AP, Damage 2, Can reroll for wounds.
  • Bilesword has 2 profiles, Normal and Sweep. Normal is +1 Strength, D6 Damage, AP -3, 6’s auto wound.  Sweep is User Strength, AP-3, 1 Damage, has twice the number of attacks as the user’s profile.
  • The leak also mentions Nurgling Attacks.
  • He gives Nurgle CORE units rerolls.
  • Gear-wise, if he has a bell, he has a Necron-style resurrection action where he can bring Plague Bearers back.
  • If you take Bileblade, he has “improved casting”, assumingly for himself (for some reason, this part isn’t very clear. It just says it gives “improved casting”, with no specifications.)

Various Chaos God Abilities:

  • the tradeoff is mainly related to the Warpstorm table. You generate points by rolling dice. You get points from there, and can spend them for effects. Mixing gods reduces how many dice you get to roll.
  • Apparently adding Be’lakor to the list removes this handicap
  • Most Khorne units are a 4/4 or 4/5 save and Khorne is the “most improved.”
  • Some Tzeentch units have a 3+ for ranged but not all. Tzeentch is always at a worse save in melee.
  • Icons give you the ICON keyword which is relevant for the WS table. The instrument seems to be a morale reroll.
  • Less reliable from the discord:  Pinks, PB’s, and BL’s are all 10 ppm.

Be’lakor Rules

New Be'lakor size

  • Rumored to be +40 points 20 wounds -1 to hit and wound at range and melee
  • -1 damage at range
  • No rerolls to hit
  • S8 T7 4+, 4++

New Chaos Daemons 9th Edition 40k Rumors Video Rules

Here’s the video that started off all the Chaos Daemon rules rumors from mid-summer that claim to be from playtesters.


If these rules do not turn out to be true what this video does 100% show, if anything, is some very passionate wishlisting from a Chaos Daemon player whose faction has been anything but competitive in 9th Edition.

Chaos Daemons Rules Leaks Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

A great place to start cause everyone loves Slaanesh, except maybe GW sometimes. They seem to have access to the rules that you would expect, and now the Daemonettes may be character blenders as well.

Chaos Daemons Rules Leaks Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

Perhaps bigger changes are on the way for Nurgle as they may be regaining a touch of rust-like ability again. The rumored buff for Plaguebearers and Disgusting Resilience is very spicy indeed!

Chaos Daemons Rules Leaks Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

Seems that Tzeentch will get some adjustments including turning off auras, and having some very big buffs to casting for the larger models.

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Chaos Daemons Rules Leaks Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

More adjustments and buffs are coming for the rage monsters that are Khorne starting with their base troops, and supposedly splashing around some +1T to all the datasheets as well.

Chaos Daemons Rules Leaks Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

Whew, that first one is wild, and if true will fundamentally change the save for Daemons since their introduction. Plus porting over the wholely Age of Sigmar style rule seen on Nighthaunt models will be interesting to watch how it interacts in Warhammer 40k.

Chaos Daemons Rules Leaks Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

More bangers if true, these rules seem to tap into both how daemons previously played, and how they feel to play in most players’ minds. It also seems to bring them more in line with current Warhammer rules and restriction “norms”.

So again take all these rules for the rumors they are until we get more information to cross-reference as if the pattern holds true, we will see more leaks now that the first ones have started…

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from all preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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