RUMORS – New AoS Minis & Eldar Getting a Triumvirate?

female inquisitor sistersNew rumors have been spotted for 40k and Age of Sigmar! Come see what may be in store for AoS and new releases for the Fall of Cadia!

Remember the salt with these 100% grade A rumors folks.


This missif was first spotted on Reddit by user Sanguinius

Latest AoS and 40k Rumours

So, I have found out some more rumours from my source in relation to the above. For ease of reference, I have collated what I have learned (including past reports) below:tzeentch


  • The new ‘sneak peek’ model of a crossbow is for AoS, and is for a Stormcast Eternal model….hence the crescent motif. I have no idea what the model is.
  • I have seen the new Tzeentch book, and the rules look awesome. There is a unit that ‘looks to the future’ as well as a unit ‘that looks to the past’ for rerolls. Very fluffy, and very, very cool. This book is amazing, it’s an auto buy for me….and I don’t even like Tzeentch.
  • The new LoC model makes (as per rumours) a Kairos Fateweaver model as part of the kit. His paint scheme lends itself to being more of a warmer palette (i.e. magenta and pink) vice the blues and pale greens seen in the new LoC model. His staff has a huge flaming Tzeentch symbol inset with a large eye. It looks magnificent.
  • There is a choice of 3 heads (one looks half skeletal aka the Carnifex kit) for the LoC. That box will sell ridiculous amounts!
  • A vanilla LoC in pitched battles will cost 300 pts. Kairos has rules to ensure that his casts will double the highest die rolled. i.e. a roll of a 5 and a 2 will discard the 2 and result in 5+5 = 10. A roll of one 6 for casting will therefore result in 12!

A new unit that ‘Looks to the future’ and ‘Looks to the past’ is going to give Tzeentch a nice little modifier, though we’re not sure what that model will be. Compound those dice modifiers with a LoC model, 300 points, doubling the highest dice rolled for casting and it’s going to make the Tzeentch a force to be reckoned with.

dark eldar cover


  • Vect is involved with the new ‘Eldar Triumvirate’
  • Iyanna Arienal is HIGHLY LIKELY to be the Eldar model with the Gyrinx offsider, aka an Iyanden Spiritseer.
  • Roboute still is on track to ‘waking up first’...noting below, I would posit that Lion’el will be awoken soon after.
  • A later book (aka sooner rather than later) will be called ‘The Hunt’, focusing on the Dark Angels chasing Cypher on a spiral towards Terra. I have been told that Cypher WILL reach Terra with the Lion Sword. PERSONAL SPECULATION: I think Cypher will ‘kill’ the Emperor in order to instigate his Perpetual Powers and bring in a new age.

Additional: I have heard loose rumours that ‘a loyalist Primarch will turn, and a Chaos Primarch will turn Loyalist.’ I have heard nothing more in this regard….but please be Alpha Legion….please be Alpha Legion.

Sanguinius out!

We’re getting another hint at the Eldar Triumvirate and new models for Eldar. Iyanna Arienal and Vect may be making their debut here shortly . Will the mystery character from previous rumor posts be revealed in the near future? Who is this mysterious ‘Warrior in Crimson’?

Though we cannot verify these are 100% true, we can look back at how accurate Sanguinius was with in a previous rumors post. He’s proven to be a pretty reliable source.

What are your thoughts? What models do you want to see brought to the table top? We’d like to hear what you have to say, please leave it in the comments below.

gathering storm fall of cadia

Fall of Cadia Rumor Roundup