RUMORS & Reveals: New Space Marines for 10th Edition 40k

gw-rumors space marines horDon’t miss these rumors and reveals for all the new Space Marines model releases for 10th edition Warhammer 40k!

With the arrival of Warhammer 40k 10th Edition, the sons of the Emperor are equipped with new rules, revitalized tactics, and bolstered ranks, ready to bring the Emperor’s wrath to their foes with renewed vigor and unyielding resolve.

Here are the quick links to the latest for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles below!

GW Slips Up & Mentions More New (Chapter) Terminator Models: (October 2nd 2023)

Table of Contents & Article Summary

This is the statement that got us wondering comes from Warhammer Community.

GW New Terminators

In the interview, they are talking about how they designed the new Space Marines and Terminators. First, they want to future-proof them (which is always good in our eyes), and they are a good foundation for… Well, there are a few things they could be a foundation for, but if you ask us, it feels like new Deathwing models.

Obviously, these are rumors, but with GW putting something out like this, it feels like they are starting the hype train early for the upcoming Dark Angels release.

RUMORS: Dark Angels Getting a Range Refresh This Spring

Fortunately, there are already a ton of rumors out there to potentially support this:

  • New Boxset (New Belial leading it)
  • New Deathwing
  • New Knight Kits
  • New Asomdai

It really doesn’t sound too crazy, considering we’ve seen a new Primarch for them, and GW has already confirmed the Dark Angels 10th Edition 40k codex for spring 2024. Especially with this little tidbit from GW, at least a new Deathwing model kit seems very possible at this point.

10th edition year 1 roadmapAs you can see from the roadmap above, Dark Angels will be the first chapter to receive their codex/supplement; at that point, it will be about six months (depending on when the book is released in spring) since the new Space Marine models have come out.

Another big indicator this may actually be happening is that GW refreshed the Black Templars last time their codex came out in 2021, and some of the Dark Angels models are older than the Templars ones were.

This might also be the norm moving forward, with GW refreshing the significant chapters with new models, etc. However, it sounds from the rumors that the Ravenwing will get nothing this time, as the releases look to be mainly focused on characters and Deathwing.

RUMORS: New Dark Angels 40k Miniatures On The Way in 2024

BelialStarting with the new box set, the rumors say it will be focused on Terminators, with possibly 15 in the box and a new Belial model headlining the box. GW has really been loving Terminators as of late (and now even more hints at them), so we could easily see them wanting to make new Terminator sculpts for every faction that can take them (looking at you, Blood Angels.)

Then, we’ve already seen two of the biggest characters reworked, and Belial could easily be next up. Plus, the Belial model is quite old and could use a rework!

Space Marines RevealsThe Terminators have gone up in size some, and it would be awesome to have new Deathwing that fit the new size and have the aesthetic of the Dark Angels!

Deathwing KnightsThe Deathwing goodness doesn’t stop there either, as the Knights will likely get a refresh as well to bring them up to size with the other Terminators and give you more melee options.

asmodaiAfter that, there are rumors about new Librarians coming to the line, but we’re not so sure about this section of the rumors at this point. The next biggest rumor that seems plausible is that Asmodai will also get a new model.

This is another quite old but venerable character for the line. Will he also cross the Rubicon Primaris and be scaled up for the new edition?

We may know in just a few short months!

RUMORS: More New 10th Edition 40k Space Marines Codex Rules Leaks: (September 21th, 2023)

These new 10th editions 40k Space Marines Codex Rules leak rumors are from Auspex Tactics (via Discord.)

Auspex sm codex leakAuspex is giving out a healthy serving of caution, and good on him for that. Even if this is the most reliable source ever, rumors are rumors, (and even if they are legit and perhaps from a testing period,) GW might make changes before release.

Ironstorm Detachment Rules Rumors

auspex sm leak iron hands

Armored Wrath seems solid as re-rolls are ALWAYS good, even if different than more standard options. Favoring smaller units does seem to be on flavor with the general shift seen across the 10th edition.

auspex sm leak iron hands 2

On theme with Iron Hands, the leak also features a decent Lethal Hits trait for Techmarines, improving Iron Hands Vehicles, as they should! His breakdown seems pretty accurate, as we all know how good Lethal Hits can be against high toughness units.

auspex sm leakstratagemsFor the detachments stratagems, 1 CP guaranteeing Deadly Demise is a solid option, even if not used frequently, Ancient Fury giving a wide arrange of small buffs is solid, and the third one seems good but is obviously pretty specific and restrictive.

Space Marines Codex Vanguard Detachment Rules Rumors

auspex sm leak raven guard

For the Raven Guard-themed detachment, we see a supposed return to something very similar to the 9th edition rule. making your units hard to hit is absolutely fantastic, end of story.

auspex sm leak raven guard 2

Units and leaders potentially get Infiltrators, which could be disgusting, and we’d be surprised if there are no other restrictions. Even with some restrictions to unit types, it will still undoubtedly be strong if true.

auspex sm leak raven guard stratagems

For the stratagems, there are two in the set of leaks. Strike from the Shadows buffing hits and AP, plus forcing a battle shock test, is great! However, it does seem to favor larger units compared to the mobility trait, generally favoring smaller ones. Guerrilla Tactics allows for a standard re-deploy option, which is usually fairly good (and common) in 10th edition.

If you want to check out Auspex’s analysis of these rumors leaks you can watch his original video below!

GW Reveals New 10th Edition 40k Space Marines Codex Detachments!

The new Space Marines 10th Edition detachments, enhancements, and stratagems rules come from Warhammer Community.

Now, there are no more “specific” codex chapters, meaning any previous codex chapter can use any of the rules. While some are meant to mimic classic chapters, you don’t have to use the rules for that chapter.

The remaining Detachments can be used by Space Marines of any Chapter, but play into traits commonly associated with the six First Founding Chapters who most closely follow the Codex Astartes. So if you want to mount a heavy static defence in the mode of the Imperial Fists, you are not obliged to paint your troops yellow. Even Carcharodons have to dig in sometimes!

Including the Gladius Task Force, players will get six more detachments on top of that.

The next Codex: Space Marines is almost ready for release, and with it comes a vast array of new rules for your Angels of Death. In particular, six new Detachments join the Gladius Task Force, adding opportunities for characterful thematic forces specialising in vanguard troops, lightning assaults, and close-range firepower.

Space Marines Codex Detachments

But first, a major update – the Oath of Moment army rule is changing. You still select one unit each turn to be your target, but now you only reroll Hit rolls against them, instead of Hits and Wounds. This will mean Space Marine players need to choose their target more carefully, though there are new and updated skills across the faction that bring more opportunities to re-roll Wound rolls.

Let’s start with the significant change before we get into the other rules. You only re-roll hits now, not wounds as well. Oath of Moment was giving them a ton of re-rolls, so it’s probably not a bad idea.

1st Company Task Force Detachment Rules

black templars 1st company task force

Space Marines Codex Detachments 2

This Detachment gives you a great opportunity to get the most out of the shiny new Terminators and Sternguard Veterans coming out alongside the Codex, as well as units of Bladeguard Veterans and Vanguard Veterans. Their unique rule – Extremis-level Threat – lets them single out a target for certain destruction once per game, and lasts across both your and your opponent’s turn.

This might be why they changed the Oath of the Moment rule, but it is only once per battle, so use this wisely! This is meant to be the generic marines, whereas the Ultramarines are more of the Gladius Task Force.

Space Marines Codex Detachments 3

Three of the four Enhancements – like Iron Resolve, which gives characters the Feel No Pain 5+ ability –  allow a model to extend his own boost to an entire squad once per game. 

While having a 5+ FNP for the bearer is fantastic, giving your whole Terminator unit a 5+ FNP is insane! Again, this is only once per battle, so use it wisely!

Space Marines Codex Detachments 4

Their experience keeps them cool under pressure, and enemy charges find their attacks blunted by their Legendary Fortitude.

This can be huge for Terminators, as they will be even harder to kill, especially if you pair this with the 5+ FNP.

Space Marines Detachments: Firestorm Assault Force

firestorm assault force

Space Marines Codex Detachments 5

Their Detachment rule, Close-range Eradication, grants the Assault keyword to all weapons, letting units Advance without losing their ability to shoot. Once they get close enough, that extra pip of Strength puts many weapons over critical thresholds for damage.

Your Eradicators will love how their Strength 10 melta rifles do a much better job of boring holes in Toughness 10 tanks, while Infernus Marines do an even better job of barbecuing Tyranids and Orks with Strength 6 pyreblasters.

You are right if you guessed this was supposed to be the Salamanders. This lets you keep moving, firing, and adding strength to the attacks. Strength 10 meltas are no joke, and Strength 6 flamers are about as strong as you’ll find.

Space Marines Codex Detachments 6

While you’re that close, you might also like to crack a few heads with boosted melee weapons on your fightiest character, and the War-tempered Artifice Enhancement provides. Who doesn’t love power swords that hit as hard as a power fist?

Well, if you want a combat monster character, this will be the Enhancement to take!

Space Marines Stratagems: Armour of Contempt

gladius task force detachment

Space Marines Codex Detachments 7

Returning to the fold with the same Enhancements, Stratagems, and Combat Doctrines Detachment ability you know and love, the Gladius Task Force remains an adaptable, take-all-comers army which supports any kind of unit. The Armour of Contempt Stratagem is now found across all seven Space Marine Detachments – it’s the Space Marines signature.

For only one CP, reducing AP is always lovely.

We thought the Tyranids codex had a lot of rules, but the Space Marines book will contain rules for a whopping seven detachments, each with four enhancements and six stratagems. So, chances are each new 10th Edition 40k codex book will follow a similar pattern and have a bit more rules than before.

RUMORS: Huge 10th Edition 40k Space Marines Codex Rules Leaks (September 18th, 2023)

The new 10th Edition 40k Space Marines Codex Rules leaks rumors are from Auspex Tactics (via Discord.)

Update: these screen caps were in the reveal video and may just make these rumors a tad more believable.

anvil siege force

anvil siege force

Space Marines Codex LeaksThis aligns quite well with what GW has said in their post, and they also follow along with the chapters they are supposed to represent.

Space Marines Codex Leaks 2This is the opposite of the Salamanders’ rule; all your weapons get heavy. Then, your heavy weapons get even better as they also gain +1 to wound when stationary!

Space Marines Codex Leaks 3The Battle Drill Strat is great, as you get +1 to hit if you stay still land and get critical hits on a 5+, meaning you should get an insane number of hits.  Then, a lot of factions have access to the return fire stratagem and should be pretty strong.

Scouts Datasheet Differences

Space Marines Codex Leaks 4

None of this is too unexpected, as the new kit only has one sniper, and it didn’t look like a ton of melee options.

Stormlance Detachment Rules

Space Marines Codex Leaks 6Being able to advance and charge plus fall back and charge is pretty insane across your entire army. While they won’t have the +1 damage, this is still quite a rule.

Space Marines Codex Leaks 7The Swift Evasion can more or less force your opponent to fail a charge because even if they get within 5″, they still have a long way to go. Ride Fast is sort of like a jink save, as getting -1 to hit and wound is huge.

Lastly, arriving in turn one for reserves is cool and can give you a huge tactical advantage.


All of the New 10th Edition 40k Space Marines Revealed By GW: (August, 30th 2023)

Space Marines Reveals

…and more we shall get! These five multi-pose, multi-part Terminators are in scale with the push-fit squad found in Leviathan, but come with a whole bunch of extra options. The classic Terminator arsenal is all present and correct – storm bolters, plus a power fist or chainfist for every model, a heavy flamer or assault cannon, and a shoulder-mounted cyclone missile launcher, on top of a great big bundle of aesthetic options.

Space Marines Reveals 2


Space Marines Reveals 4To start, we’re getting new multi-part Terminators with more weapon options! The main thing people complained about was the lack of options. Well, it looks like this mult-part kit will give you far more options than the ETB kit!

Not only that, there will be a new multi-part Terminator Captain kit with plenty of options. They also mentioned he would give re-rolls for charging in the codex.


Space Marines Reveals 4Rounding out the new models, and Terminators, there will also be a multi-build Terminator Chaplain.

New Jump Pack Intercessors

The Jump Pack Intercessors are selected from the most aggressive members of their Chapters, and pair dizzying close combat skills with the raw mass of a fully armoured Space Marine flying headfirst into enemy ranks. Their incredible models are some of the most dynamic Space Marines miniatures ever created, and give each Intercessor a real sense of weight and power on the charge.



These have been a really long time coming, and it looks like all the rumors were true! You can finally get your Primaris with jump packs and stuck in the fray way sooner! In the preview, they even mentioned they will have a 12″ movement, so quite fast.

Space Marines Reveals The Captain looks quite impressive, and from the looks of it, will have quite a few weapon options, and more options are always better! His rule will give you plus one strength on the charge, and this, combined with all the attacks, should be pretty strong.

New Multi-Part Sternguard Veterans

As you’d expect, there’s a wide range of guns on offer. Every model can be armed with a Sternguard bolt rifle with a variety of attachments, or a combi-weapon. One lucky Veteran can be loaded with a heavy bolter or pyrecannon, and the Sergeant can augment his armoury with a chainsword, power fist, or power sword. 

This unit comes with some older marks of armor for helmets, and even has a brand new weapon, the Pyrecannon!

They say the new box set will have loads of options to kit out both the captain and the squad.

You can give the whole squad bolters, combi-weapons, or plenty of unique special weapons.

The Command Squad is Back

This tasty update to the Command Squads of yesteryear features a Space Marine Captain and his trusty honour guard. In-game, this functions as a unit of four formidable comrades – a Company Ancient, a Company Champion, and two Company Veterans – led by a Captain. 

If you want a bunch of heroes in one squad, well, here you go!


The Captain model inside is also a brand new mini, so more options for all the Space Marines players out there.

Scouts are Here to Stay!

Scout Squads have been part of Space Marine lore for roughly as long as there have been Space Marines. With their lighter armour, tactical visors, and nifty mohawks, these stealthy youngbloods have been hitting the dirt upon distant objectives for decades. 

The new Scouts are taller and leaner, but they keep the carapace armour and other classical accoutrements of the Space Marine neophyte. It’s all there – you’ve got a choice of boltguns, Astartes shotguns, or pistols and combat knives for each of the rank’n’file, with plenty of accessories and heads sporting a fresh trim.

While the firstborn scouts were recently moved to Legends, and the models were put on the Last Chance to Buy List, the Neophyte is back with all new sculpts!

From the sounds of it, they will be very stealthy, have a smoke screen stratagem, and can even leave and come back on the board.  They were born in the darkness, the enemies of the Emperor merely adopted it…


The squad also has three different main load-outs and a bunch of heavy weapons, and you can take them in units of 5-10.

New Space Marines Codex on the Way

They come right out and say “chapters” are more or less gone in terms of rules. You can just take the detachment for the appropriate flavor of the main codex chapters. This means you can paint all the new miniatures up any way you want and use the rules to go along with them.

They also mentioned the new Space Marines code will be coming in the next few weeks, which is good news!

New Space Marine Board Game & Titus Miniature: (May 29th, 2023)

Warhammer Community gave us a look at the new Space Marine board game and Titus Miniature!

Space Marine Board Game

Titus steps from the realm of pixels into the world of plastic, and this superbly detailed miniature is posed mid-charge, bolter and chainsword in hand. The first place you’ll be able to get your hands on this bold veteran of the Adeptus Astartes is in Space Marine: The Board Game, which pits the heroic Ultramarine against a near-endless swarm of voracious Termagants and Ripper Swarms.

The new Titus model looks pretty great, and if you love the games, playing on the tabletop would be super fun especially since you get to fend off hordes of Termagants and Ripper Swarms.

Space Marine Board Game 3

Space Marine: The Board Game contains 23 push-fit miniatures – that’s Lieutenant Titus, 20 Termagants, and two Ripper Swarms. You’ll also get a double-sided game board, a 40-page rulebook including backstory, two training missions, and two unique missions – plus all the accessories you need to play the game.

A 40-page rulebook is quite big for a board game, but getting 23 minis is nice. While you only get one Marine model, it is Titus, and he should be more than enough to bring down the hordes of Nids!

Space Marine Board Game 2

This game will initially be sold exclusively in Target stores in the United States of America, though a similar set will be coming to other territories at a later date. Lieutenant Titus himself will also be released separately in the future, so every Space Marine fan can add this iconic hero to their collection.

It’s a little interesting this will only be sold in the US at Target stores, but we’ll have to wait and see where else it releases.  Hopefully the new board game and Titus miniature will be readily available for anyone that wants to buy it world wide.


25 New Space Marines Miniatures Inside Leviathan 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Starter Set (April 30th, 2023)

Straight from WHC, we’ve got a full breakdown of all 25 new Space Marines that are coming in the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Leviathan Starter Set!

Leviathan Space marine army

Space Marines Captain in Terminator Armour

captain in terminator armour

The leader of this strike force is a captain resplendent in ornate Terminator armour. His scenic base features the severed head of a Screamer-Killer half-buried in the dirt – so at least we know he’s got the chops to deal with that live Screamer-Killer in the Tyranid force. The captain pictured on the box is none other than Severus Agemman, but don’t worry if you’re not a son of Macragge – the miniature itself is Chapter-agnostic, so you can have him represent a captain from any Chapter you like.

terminator captain leviathan

With Terminators leading the charge as the first 10th edition models previewed, it only makes sense that a new Terminator Captain was following behind!

terminator captain leviathan

Librarian in Terminator Armour

Librarian in Terminator Armour details

In the absence of the flowing robes that usually mark members of the Librarium, our psychic champion has opted for plenty of runic ornamentations on his Terminator armour. He’s also sporting the classic horned skull icon, worn by Librarians since the days of Rogue Trader.

Lib and termiesAlongside the Captian and Terminators is a new Librarian to help combat the Tyranid’s Psychic Powers!

Lieutenant with Combi-flamer

Lieutenant with Combi-flamer

This lone wolf has more than a few Tyranid trophies hanging off his armour, which we’re sure aren’t Codex-compliant. The alien chitin carapace down his right shoulder and arm should come in pretty handy against the acidic ichor coating his blade and, if you include the one stuck into his scenic base, this Phobos Lieutenant has upgraded to three knives.

sm lt with knives

Arguably one of the most bad-ass, un-named, Space Marine models ever, this Lt. does not mess around and is a fantastic miniature through and through.

Apothecary Biologis

apothecary biologis

The new Apothecary Biologis is a scientist rather than a doctor, and takes to the field without his narthecium. Instead, he’s suited up in thick Gravis armour for front-line service, where he uses the advanced vivispectrum attached to his backpack and wrist to analyse fallen foes in order to learn their weaknesses. 

apothecary biologus

In the stream, they said that this isn’t going to be healing much, but rather buffing nearby models after examing fallen foes! Definitely an interesting take on scientists.

Sternguard Veterans

sternguard veterans

The Sternguard Veterans are true masters in the use of the holy boltgun, and come to battle with an array of deadly bolter variants. They primarily wear Tacticus armour, but it has been adorned with relics and combined with parts from older armour marks to demonstrate their station in the Chapter.

Dread and vets

As a new Veteran kit, these usually bring quite a punch to the tabletop, but they are also sweet hobby projects with unique aspects you don’t see on normal troops!

Infernus Squad

infernus squad

After the pyreblaster proved to be so popular among Black Templars Crusader squads, it’s no surprise to see it rolled out across other Space Marine Chapters. These Infernus squads are exactly the right remedy for a nasty case of the Tyranids, and with 10 of them in the box, they’re easily enough to roast those xenos into oblivion.

infernus rules

This new flamer-only unit is sure to have a strong landing, and thanks to this sneaky rules preview, we can get a better idea of their performance too!  Looks like they will force a battleshock test on one enemy unit if they even get hit by it.

Spare Marines Terminators

New Terminators 4

Leading the assault are the much-improved new Space Marine Terminators. These juggernauts of death have been rescaled and resculpted to look as imposing as the lore demands. If Tyranids could feel fear… they would fear these guys.

As one of the most iconic, popular, and well-loved models, new Terminators will go a long way! This will significantly impact the look and feel of Warhammer 40k on tabletop since tons of people will be using them!

New Terminators 5

Here we can see the scale of the updated Terminator next to a Primaris marine and the older terminator. A bulkier, more intimidating model is a perfect fit for these durable threats.

As we know, the new Terminators are an awesome update on a classic, and not too much of their iconic design has changed, save updated proportions and a pretty hefty increase in size.* The new teleport homer is also rather fancy, as befits one of the stars of the cinematic trailer.

Ballistus Dreadnought

ballistus dreadnought

The Ballistus Dreadnought is built from the powerful Redemptor chassis, but it shares a loadout with Dreadnoughts from an earlier era. The combination of a twin-linked lascannon and missile launcher is a Space Marine classic, brought into the modern age just in time to blow holes in the larger Tyranid monsters. 

ballistus dread rules

Just like the Infernus, Dreadnoughts are awesome, and with these rules, we know they will hit very hard with their tremendous ranged firepower! Just remember that after he takes eight wounds, he will be hitting at -1 due to being “Damaged.”

This guy is a throwback to the classic “Mortis” Pattern Dreadnoughts of yesteryear as well

ballistus mortis pattern dreadnought

If you are itching for more, check out their full reveal trailer below!


Space Marines Brutalis Dreadnought & Desolation Squad Warhammer 40k Rules! (March 3rd, 2023)

Space Marines Desolation Squad Rules 3This is quite a beast with a 10″ move, 7 Strength, 7 Toughness, and 13 wounds. Then, it has -1 damage on all attacks and can have an insane amount of weaponry. Just the standard loadout is wild with five guns and two fists.

If you leave the normal loadout, it gets 15 shots and the fists dish out some serious damage still.

However, if you want to go the more melee route, you give up the twin bolt rifles, but you can get 10+ attacks in melee or have a -4AP attack that has wound re-rolls. Either way, this is super powerful! Here’s a closer look at the talons.

Space Marines Brutalis Dreadnought Rules These confirmed rules come from this Warhammer Community post.

Those who endure such exertions still find their minds drifting away from their former selves, though in the eyes of the Chapter it is a small price to pay for their martial might. They fight with a pair of terrifying talons, which can rip tanks and infantry asunder.

The Strike profile of the Brutalis talon is utterly monstrous, packing enough Damage to tear the legs off a Chaos Knight. It’ll happily turn lesser infantry into canid chow, but a Sweep is more efficient – doubling the number of attacks is far more important against measly one-wound mortals.

This makes it very versatile in combat, with the ability to either smash through high-wound targets (and get wound re-rolls) or you can sweep and double your attacks and still have -3AP.

Space Marines Desolation Squad Rules

Space Marines Desolation Squad Rules 4The models have received some flak (get it) online, but they are Primaris with giant rockets! Nothing too crazy in the profile, but the weapons are quite interesting.

It also looks like the rumors about the Signum are true, and can more or less guarantee at least one hit. Let’s take a closer look.

Desolation Squad New rules These confirmed rules come from this Warhammer Community post.

With a minimum of 4 shots and AP1, this should be decent for taking out squads of weaker troops. Especially considering you would have a minimum of 20 shots from a squad of 5, they can really do some damage.

Desolation Squad New rules 2

You can also go the other way and get five shots from the squad to dish out an insane number of wounds at long range. But it doesn’t stop here, as each weapon also has an underslung option.

Desolation Squad New rules 3

First, the Vengor Launcher at Heavy D6, S6, and D2, is very versatile and can take out two wound models decently. Then, the Castellan Launcher also doesn’t need LoS, and every weapon has one. So, if you pick the heavy option, you will still have the ability to shoot a bunch of shots at smaller targets.

Lieutenant Rules

Space Marines Desolation Squad Rules 2

So, some new options here, including the Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted bolt rifle, and a Power Fist. Other than that, the profile seems to be the same, so just some extra weaponry to go along with the new kit.


Space Marines Desolation Squad RulesThe points aren’t anything too crazy (and 170 points is pretty good for the Brutalis), but as you can see, you will have to pay for meltas and the Vengor Launchers.

Then, at 35 points, the Desolation Squad really isn’t too bad either, especially considering they can just shoot from forever away and will be hard to target back…

Primaris Assualt Space Marines Jump Jet Packs Spotted: (December, 22nd 2022)

Here’s an image from around the 31-second mark of the new Space Marine 2 video.

As you can see, this pack is a little different from all existing Primaris jump tech. We’ll have some comparison pictures below, but as we said. Games Workshop would never illustrate something that they aren’t going to make, especially considering just how popular Space Marine 2 looks like it’s going to be.

So, if this is actually a new jump pack, this more or less confirms GW is going to make it at some point in miniature!

Primaris Jet PacksPlus, these are images of the one we saw in December of 2021 at the end of the first teaser video.

Primaris Jump Pack


Primaris Jump Pack 2

Now, let’s check out some of the comparisons from Valrak.

Primaris Jet PacksAs you can see, this is slightly smaller than the one on the left (Inceptors) and a different configuration from the one on the right (Suppressors). You can see it has fewer flaps, so it won’t fly quite as well but it will have a stronger lift than the other one.

Valrak also points out that if the game’s developers already had this model to base the game off, it is all but confirmed at this point…

Primaris Jet Packs

From the front, they also look much different from anything Primaris have, and it looks like they will be getting a new unit. The release date of this unit has been pretty debated, so we’ll have to wait and see on that side of it!  READ MORE HERE

RUMORS: No New Space Marines Codex, Only Supplements: (December 7th, 2022)

These new rumors about codex Space Marines (or lack thereof) come from Auspex Tactics.

Space Marines Codex RumorsFirst, seeing a big Space Marines release after World Eaters would make sense. Especially considering we haven’t even grabbed the WE codex yet, it could still be a ways off.

40k roadmap

Keep in mind that “winter” ends on March 20th, 2023.

Next, according to these rumors, it looks like the Space Marines codex will not get updated, but all the supplements will. We already looked at the new units rumored to be on the way for Space Marines in general, so nothing too crazy there.

Lastly, both Azrael and Dante could really use new miniatures.  Them fighting against Vashtorr in the Arks of Omen would make sense, too, if it goes down like that…

Space Marines Codex Rumors 2Next up, the only real thing GW has confirmed is Arks of Omen, so it would not be out of left field to see Space Marines next. We haven’t seen a full reveal for Arks of Omen, so we’ll wait until we see more to talk about that.

The big rumor here is that we will probably not see the Space Marines books until March-ish.

Space Marines Codex Rumors 3We agree; if they don’t change the book fully right before 10th edition Warhammer 40k, it would be a good thing! As people wouldn’t have to spend the money then buy a new book soon after.

However, if they added a few new rules and just let you download them, we’re also all for that too. It seems like the codex book, in general for rules, is quickly becoming redundant nowadays.

Space Marines Codex Rumors 4Some of the supplements really need an update, so we’d actually see them go this route. If they just improved the separate Chapters, it would be a cheaper alternative to buying the new book.

It’s also interesting to note that the two Space Marines Battleforces this year are geared to Raven Guard and Imperial Fists.

Space Marines Codex Rumors 5Last but not least, they both could really use a new mini. It also seems totally reasonable, and we would not complain about Azrael or Dante finally getting a rework.

Listen to all the rumors for yourself in the video below.


Space Marines Brutalis Dreadnought & Primaris Desolators Rumors:  December 6th, 2022

These new Space Marines Brutalis Dreadnought and Primaris Desolators rumors come from Auspex Tactics.

Brutalis Dreadnought 2First up is the Brutalis Dreadnought (which had already been mentioned by name back in early 2021). These rumors also point to pretty much the same things as the ones above, with it being a little faster and more focused on close-range fighting.

One arm seems to have a multi-melta, and it has Reaver Claws. Double the attacks can really give you a dreadnought to tear through infantry (maybe a flat 3 Damage, but more attacks), and the Power Level is the same as a normal Redemptor.

It feels like they are trying to give every chapter a Furioso variant, and we’re here for it.

Primaris Desolators

Brutalis Dreadnought 3

According to this, they will just be normal Primaris Space Marines with missile launchers. We’ve had this rumor engine floating around for a long time, and there are some pretty specific rules here.

Supposedly they will be 35 points a model, and they are sort of just like upgraded missiles. The leaks also said you have to pick which variant you want at the start of the game. So you either have to go anti-infantry or anti-tank. Each weapon also has two types it can fire. Either way, it would be cool to finally have this rumor engine solved It looks like they could dish out a serious number of shots.

Lastly, there was nothing confirmed on the jump troops, and they think they will most likely drop with a Blood Angels release.

You can check out the video below for more information on all these rumors and more!


Roboute Guilliman Rules in Space Marines 2.0 Codex: December 4th, 2022

These come from Auspex Tactics by way of Reddit.

Let’s start with where these rumors come from. These are reportedly from the same person who leaked the Aeldari Advent Calendar from last year. That had about 90% accuracy, so if this is actually from them, we would say they are going to be pretty correct!

Guilliman Rules RumorsA 20-point increase isn’t that bad, and for the statline, it looks like a single extra attack, an extra Strength, and an extra LD. Then, resurrecting on a 2+ from a 4+ is actually the insane part here. 2D3 Wounds can theoretically get you back with only two wounds, but often, you should come back with four wounds which is just good.

Guilliman Rules Rumors 3

While we’re not sure about all the special rules, getting 14 attacks (at a minimum) with the sword at Strength 8 and ignoring FNP and damage caps means he can sweep through any units. Then, if you go with the Hand of Dominion, you’ll get Strength 14 and a ton of damage.

Guilliman Rules Rumors 4Losing the +3CP benefit is a pretty big deal; on top of that, it looks like he’s just giving flat modifiers. Instead of re-rolling everything near him, he focuses on strengthening one unit.

He now has the re-roll 1’s to hit and wound instead of re-rolling all misses, but still super strong. We’ll have to see for defensive rules, but he might not be as quite defensive as before- especially if there is nothing about Mortal wounds or such. Let’s compare all this to his old profile.

Guilliman Rules Rumors 2

Just fun to compare them to the current rules. If you want more to think about, click play on the video below.


RUMORS: New Space Marines 2.0 Release

Let’s take a look back at the last 2.0 Space Marines Release:


Shadowspear (with a ton of new marines) was revealed back in 2019 at LVO. If you look at the timeline (every three years) for how often they like to release new editions, this is almost perfect with the timing for where they are now compared to then (with a slight COVID delay).

So, it would make sense now (and from the rumors we have heard) that at LVO this year, we could see a new preview for Space Marines 2.0 with a big box of new marines, and then soon after, we could start to see the supplements to upgrade all the chapters.

This also makes sense, as most recent rumors have pointed to their release after World Eaters, and we know they are in line for a book very soon.

Below is the release schedule for all the 2.0 supplements for 8th edition. As you can see, they all came out within less than a year from the release of 9th Edition 40k.

As a matter of fact, the 9th Edition Space Marine codex was released just 11 months after the 2.0 version of 8th Edition!

  • Space Marines (2nd Edition) August 2019
  • Ultramarines (Space Marines) August 2019
  • White Scars (Space Marines) August 2019
  • Iron Hands (Space Marines) September 2019
  • Ravenguard (Space Marines) September 2019
  • Imperial Fists (Space Marines) October 2019
  • Salamanders (Space Marines) October 2019

Suppose we see a new “Shadowspear-style” big box previewed at LVO. In that case, you can probably expect supplements very soon after and possibly even a split of First Born and Primaris into different armies (as other rumors have suggested).

However, take this set of rumors with a big grain of salt, like really big. We have also heard that each chapter this time may only get an Army of Renown army list and be extremely streamlined. We’re not so sure about that yet, but we’ve heard it.

In some ways, it makes sense as then they could easily throw a new book out right at 10th, and you could play with those armies of renown until each chapter gets their full supplement book later on in 10th.

So, if you start to see Space Marines 2.0, expect 10th edition of Warhammer 40k soon.

Is the New Dataslate Telling?

warhammer-40k-rules-update-balance-dataslate-walComing from Warhammer Community, they had this to say about Imperial Guard:

We’ve deliberately not made any further changes to the Astra Militarum, as their new codex will soon supersede them. Guard generals will no doubt be pleased to see a number of the Dataslate amendments incorporated into their upcoming book. 

So, while Space Marines received something in terms of rules, it was simply a single secondary, which isn’t enough to boost them.

This leads us to believe that maybe they didn’t go heavy for them because, in a few months, we could have a new codex book! Which would basically make the dataslate invalid.

This is more conjecture, but GW generally likes to keep Space Marines in the middle ground for balance. This didn’t do anything for that, so maybe it’s because we’re seeing a new codex soon that will help with the issue.

RUMORS: New Primaris Space Marines Rules & Minis

We’ve also heard a ton of other rumors lately as well for the upcoming Space Marines 2.0 release headed into 10th Edition.

The rumors come from Valrak, and we’ll summarize them here for you.

space marine captainFirst up, it looks like they will be doing all new supplements for many of the “Codex Space Marines chapters.” This means things like Imperial Fists, Ultramarines, etc..… will all be getting their own new codex supplement books (which could just be armies of renown). This also means we could see a huge swath of new chapter-specific models. Just think about how they did with the Salamanders, Fists, Raven Guard, etc., around the end of 8th Edition.

This doesn’t mean that is guaranteed, but you know GW doesn’t like to release a new codex book without at least one new model.

rumor engine 10-26-21

Next up, Primaris will get a new long-range fire support unit with something similar to missile launchers. We originally thought this weapon from a Rumor Engine would go on a tank, but now it looks possible for this very rumor. While it looks sort of big and bulky, it definitely looks like a missile launcher, and Primaris are quite big and known for having huge weapons.

Supposedly a new Heavy Primaris Dreadnought will be on the way with serious close-combat weapons and Multi Meltas. While we haven’t seen any rumor engines about this, it would make sense to continue buffing the line of Primaris Dreads. With the recent release of the Gravis Captain (above) and now the new Primaris Ancient, we don’t expect the Space Marine releases to stop any time soon

RUMORS: New Space Marines Codex 2.0 Coming Soon?

The rumors for Auspex are from back in February, but almost every other rumor from the video has come true, giving more validity to the possibility of the new codex.

Space Marines Codex 2.0First up and again, it looks like Space Marines will grab a whole host of supplements. This also makes sense in the fact that they have been sort of codex creeping as 9th has grown.

This would be their first rework of a 9th edition codex, so it will be quite interesting to see how GW goes with this one. As we showed above, GW doesn’t like to put out anything without new minis, so we have the rumors above, but they could always just make new lieutenants!

Then, when you think about that giant weapon from above, it could very well be something that barrages the enemy for sure, or perhaps it’s something for the Squats, and all of this is just wish listing at this point…

RUMORS: Codex Space Marines 2.0 & Primaris Changes


The latest word from various industry insiders is that Space Marine codex 2.0 is coming early next year in 2023. 

  • There will also be Chapter supplements released in the groupings they were playtested
  • The points will be more along the lines of 8th edition and repeatedly described as very high costing.
  • Primaris and Firstborn datasheets will become unified and can be played mix and matched – wild if true.
  • New movement privileges for non-infantry models.

Lots to digest here for sure, as firstborn and Primaris in the same units could be pretty wild if that actually pans out. It also sounds like all the chapter supplements may be released in waves as well this fall too, which sorta makes sense with all the new model rumors out there.

10th Edition Warhammer 40k Starter Set & Release Rumors

gw-rumors space marines horNew rumors for 10th Edition 40k were spotted on Reddit that seem to both confirm and deny previous rumors for Space Marines, World Eaters and more…

Burner account

Space Marines 2.0 codex in 2023
– adds jump assault infantry in a shadowspear style release with World Eaters
– “primaris” terminators held back for 10th edition

10th Ed starters feature Blood Angels and Tyranids:
– new “primaris” terminators; jump death company; captain; sanguinary priest
– broodlord, new genestealers, macrofex, hypergants, zoanthrope HQ

Blood Angels faction release:
– Sanguinor (Primarch / avatar of sanguinius), lots of cherubs
– Dante (model has been ready since 2019)
– Death Company chaplain
– Furioso Redemptor
– Sanguinary guard
– Upgrade sprue

– Macrofex
– Old One Eye (macrofex size)
– Hypergant swarms (105mm base)
– New genestealers
– New hormaguants

The big takeaway is that a major Space Marines release may have been pushed back to early 2023 from previous rumors of fall of 2022.

Perhaps the smaller chapter supplements could release first in the fall to drum up hype, and then the main 2.0 book could drop along with the rumored new model releases we have seen some images for already.

deathstorm shield of baal box

A new starter pitting Blood Angels vs. Tyranids again, like the 2014 shield of Baal Deathstorm set (25 miniatures for $125), would be pretty cool to see. We’re sure Tyranids players would also gobble up new Genestealer models.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What are your thoughts on a Space Marines 2.0 codex release? Would you like to see it before or after a new edition? 

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