RUMORS: New Space Marines Units in 10th Edition Starter Box Set

10th-Edition-40k-warhammer-rumors-1Don’t miss all these rumored new Space Marines models and units that may be in the Warhammer 10th edition box set!

We recently heard new and reworked Space Marines terminators are on the way, but this rumor expands on that with three more new units!

While we’ve heard a ton of rumors about the box, don’t forget that these are all rumors! So, take them with as much salt as you need because nothing is confirmed until GW actually says it.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the rumors!

RUMORS: New Space Marines Units Coming in the 10th Edition Box Set

These rumors come from Valrak, and he says they are from a trusted source.

New Space Marines Units

So essentially, potentially new Veterans, a ranged dreadnought, and a flamer-type unit.

Let’s start with the Terminators. We’ve heard these new models will be chunkier, so they stand up to Primaris scale better, and this is the thrid rumor, or so we’ve heard they will be in the 10th edition box.

Lastly, we got a rumored statline for them from Bolter and Chainsword.

4W – S4 – T5 – 3A – 2+/4++ Sv. 

We’ll have to see, but with this many leaks, there is a good chance these are for real.

New Space Marines Units 2Next, we have some sort of flamer weapon like what we saw for the Aggressors and the Black Templars. However, from the sounds of these rumors, you can get a complete unit of Primaris flamers, and they will probably look like the Templars model from above.

The Veterans may be more of a ranged unit. There wasn’t too much info on them, but supposedly they will be Primaris Veterans with their own kit who look awesome.


Apparently, the Brutalis will have a ranged counterpart all for shooting. From the rumors, Valrak’s hearing they will have lascannons and rockets. Supposedly it will be a callback to the older dreadnought with the stubby rocket launcher but built on the new Primaris/Redemptor body.

Last but not least, there will be no jump assault marines in the box… From the video, he says they are done and will come out at some point, just not yet. Who knows when they will drop, but it could still be a ways off.

Now, let’s check out some other rumors we’ve heard about the tenth-edition box.

RUMORS: New 40k 10th Edition Starter Box, Terminators, & Tyranids!

These rumors come from this Valrak video, which he says is all from a trusted source. A lot of this seems to line up with the previous ones too!

tyranids-codex-rules-rumors-book1We’ll start with Tyranids and the starter box. First, a lot of people are looking at June as the launch of 10th edition, and that means a giant new starter box!

In the box will be Space Marines and Tyranids. We’ve extensively discussed all the possible new Space Marines units but haven’t heard as much about the Tyranids. However, from the sounds of it, they will be getting as much love as the Necrons did when they were in Indomitus (the 9th edition starter set), meaning huge model reworks, new codex, and even new units!

They really need an overhaul as some of their units are quite old. So far, they have heard that Biovores, Lictors, possibly Genestealers, and Pyrovores. We’ve seen some rumor engines supporting this, but we’ll have to wait for something new to release to be sure.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about all these new 10th-edition rumors for Terminators and new Space Marines units?

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