If you love the new support and rules that the Eldar got, these rumors renew hope for factions like Necrons, Tau, and even some Astartes as well.
With Phoenix Rising right around the corner, the community is scratching their heads at what could be next. That being said, more rumors emerged specifically revolving around factions skipped over in the Vigilus books 1 and 2.
More Psychic Awakening Rumors: Factions Skipped Over From Vigilus
An Industry Insider had this to say about 40k recently:
Factions omitted from the Vigilus campaign will be getting new support first in Psychic Awakening.
Looking back at Vigilus, we didn’t really see any support for obviously not just the Eldar, but also Tyranids, Tau, Necrons, Thousand Sons, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, or Sisters of Battle. Taking this and looking at their current codexes, it’s no debate that their rules are beginning to show their age. This could be the turning point for those factions that might propel them forward once again. At least until their 2.0 codex books roll around…
Remember, that each faction is supposed to have a “stake” in Psychic Awakening. And if every army gets the same treatment as the Aeldari, hopefully, we’ll see clearly outdated models get brought up to speed along with new rules.
Looking at the books we may be seeing next, Tau, Necrons, Thousand Sons, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, etc. support may be lying in wait.
Turns out there is some meat to these rumors based on what GW has already accidentally published on their Psychic Awakening site…
40k’s Next 3 Psychic Awakening Rulebooks?
Sablednah managed to dig deep into the Warhammer Community site and pulled out some pretty exciting finds using data mapping.
This is what the Psychic Awakening map looks like currently.
Using the HTML code, the map would zoom in on certain sectors of the galaxy. Looking at which faction’s homeworlds were closeby, here’s what we could be seeing soon.
Event #2 (After Phoenix Rising)- Terra
Sablednah found that the Sisters of Battle icon was next in line for faction images.
Map icon #2 found right after the Aeldari symbol.
This area of the map was zoomed in on using the code on the page for event #2.
It only makes sense that Terra and Mars would be the focus of some kind of conflict. But it might be on their homeworlds vs. them sending forces to another part of the galaxy. That being said, Terra is one of the most fortified places in Imperium. In theory, nobody from the outside with a massive army should just make planetfall. The more likely possibility is would be some kind of GSC incursion.
If not GSC, it’s also possible that a new tear in reality could appear, bringing Daemons into the world unexpectedly…
It would make sense that the Sisters of Battle would be next as it could pair up nicely with their new release in the coming month(s)
Factions we could be seeing in Book 2
- Sisters of Battle (highly likely)
- Adeptus Custodes
- Ad Mech
- Daemons
- Grey Knights? They are based in the Sol Segmentum after all…
Event #3- Baal & The Ultima Segmentum
Reaching beyond event two, when he plugged a “3” in on the side, it zoomed over near Baal.
Here, we could also make the case for Daemons having some kind of hand in this event as well. After the Devastation of Baal with Tyranid skulls being stacked in an ode to Ka’Bhanda, new Daemon rules could emerge with the Blood Angels.
However, the Necron Mephret Dynasty is right next door to Baal. Meaning that there could be some Necron involvement as well. Finally, if Tyranids almost cleaned out Baal entirely in one go, who’s to say they couldn’t still be lurking around…
Baal is on the outer reaches of planets for the Adeptus Astartes and could easily attract another Hive Fleet. Orks are also on the table as one could easily appear in a big space rok for a krumpin’.
While Chaos could be involved, Renegade Marines probably will be one of the last factions to get touched as they just got their Codex 2.0 treatment. With that said, they will definitely be getting some kind of support within the Psychic Awakening expansion, but our money is on way later down the line.
This could be the most likely spot for Tau to engage the Imperium once again as well. As Baal is, like we said, on the outer rim of worlds and positioned closer to the east, Tau might try to get froggy.
We could see new rules for
- Blood Angels (Maybe a new Mehpy model)?
- Daemons
- Necrons
- Tyranids
- Orks
- possibly Chaos but it may be one of the later books
- Tau
Event #4- Astartes Planets
This area of the map was zoomed in on when a “4” was plugged on the site.
Finally, Prospero, The Rock, and Fenris are all neighbors currently next to each other with a few spattering of Guard planets nearby like Catachan, Ryza, and Armageddon. We already know that Space Wolves and Thousand Sons have especially bad blood with each other. The Dark Angels are also standing right in the middle of the two. We could be seeing books for:
- Space Wolves
- Dark Angels
- Thousand Sons
- Imperial Guard
- If the Admech doesn’t have involvement with Terra on what we talked about above, they could even show up here.
The “Wild Card” Factions
Although certain parts of the map that are being zoomed in on show factions native to the area, it’s always possible that a fleet of Death Guard ships could crash a party, Abaddon could launch another crusade, a new Tyranid tendril could appear, a Warp hole could open for Daemons…Really, the possibilities are endless.
Of all the factions that were skipped over in Vigilus, which faction needs support the most? What factions do you think will be in the next book? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!