RUMORS: No New Space Marines Codex After All…

gw-rumors space marines horIt looks like there might not be a new Space Marines Codex coming out soon, according to the latest rumors for Warhammer 40k…

We’ve seen a ton of rumors lately about the new Space Marines codex and if it will be here before the new edition. This time, the rumors actually seem to go against some of the more recent rumors and say we will only get the supplements.

Again though, these are rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need. Especially considering they are a little different from what we’ve been hearing. Either way, let’s check out the newest rumors for Space Marines!

RUMORS: No New Space Marines Codex, Only Supplements

These new rumors about codex Space Marines (or lack thereof) come from Auspex Tactics.

Space Marines Codex RumorsFirst, seeing a big Space Marines release after World Eaters would make sense. Especially considering we haven’t even grabbed the WE codex yet, it could still be a ways off.

40k roadmap

Keep in mind that “winter” ends on March 20th, 2023.

Next, according to these rumors, it looks like the Space Marines codex will not get updated, but all the supplements will. We already looked at the new units rumored to be on the way for Space Marines in general, so nothing too crazy there.

Lastly, both Azrael and Dante could really use new miniatures.  Them fighting against Vashtorr in the Arks of Omen would make sense, too, if it goes down like that…

Space Marines Codex Rumors 2Next up, the only real thing GW has confirmed is Arks of Omen, so it would not be out of left field to see Space Marines next. We haven’t seen a full reveal for Arks of Omen, so we’ll wait until we see more to talk about that.

The big rumor here is that we will probably not see the Space Marines books until March-ish.

Space Marines Codex Rumors 3We agree; if they don’t change the book fully right before 10th edition Warhammer 40k, it would be a good thing! As people wouldn’t have to spend the money then buy a new book soon after.

However, if they added a few new rules and just let you download them, we’re also all for that too. It seems like the codex book, in general for rules, is quickly becoming redundant nowadays.

Space Marines Codex Rumors 4Some of the supplements really need an update, so we’d actually see them go this route. If they just improved the separate Chapters, it would be a cheaper alternative to buying the new book.

It’s also interesting to note that the two Space Marines Battleforces this year are geared to Raven Guard and Imperial Fists.

Space Marines Codex Rumors 5Last but not least, they both could really use a new mini. It also seems totally reasonable, and we would not complain about Azrael or Dante finally getting a rework.

Listen to all the rumors for yourself in the video below.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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