RUMORS: The Next 40k Kill Team Releases & Factions

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopIf you’ve been wondering what factions are next for 40k Kill Team, we have some hot rumors for what may be on the way next!

More new rumors are here from an industry insider, and they are pretty awesome if true. Like with all rumors, take them with as much salt as you need, but these seem pretty tight. The time frame is the only thing we’re a little unsure of, especially with the recent slowdowns. But we do have a good idea for when the Octarius Kill Team box contents will be available separately.

Kill team feature r (1)

We’ll first take a look at the rumors we’ve heard, then break them down more in-depth!

RUMORS: The Next 40k Kill Team Releases & Factions

  • When the Orks/DKoK will be released separately
  • What armies will be in the next box
  • What new units will be in a Kill Team box

These are the big three rumors to cover. Luckily, most of these have big implications of 40k as well, so even if you’re not into Kill Team, they will make a difference.

Orks/DKoK Model Release

kill team octarius whats in the boxWe’ve been hearing rumors for a while now that GW won’t leave this as the only DKoK release. It seems strange for them to just make one kit and then leave it at that, but we’ve covered what other units could be on the way here. So, when could they release the units inside Octarius separately?

According to the industry insider, it looks to only be 2-3 months. This would actually put them at a very similar release date to how long it took GW to release the Heavy Intercessors and Flayed Ones from the last Kill Team box. A little longer for sure, but these weren’t nearly as exclusive as that box, so at least that’s something.

Kill team roadmapThis also makes sense with the release schedule they put out. This way, after they tease the second set of Kill Team releases, they have something new to put out and keep people interested in the interim while they are waiting for the new box. Hopefully, if they stay on track this means we could grab the kits by themselves before the end of the year.

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Plus, with the way the DKoK sprue is, we may see two boxes, one for regular troops and one with the upgrade sprue for “veterans”.

What Armies Will be in the Next Boxes?

Imperial preacher sisters of battleWell, if you can’t tell by the picture, it looks like the Sisters of Battle and Tau are up for some new Kill Team releases- possibly a combo box of their own! If you are a crusader for the Greater Good, then it looks like you’ll be in the next wave for Kill Team. We’re not sure if they will be new models, but there is a chance for Tau, we don’t have high hopes for the Sisters.

New Models on the Way

Harlequins 2According to the same rumors, the Harlequins will be receiving a new unit when their box comes out. This may not be until that third cycle on the roadmap above, so that could mean it’s about 5 months before we see them. Still, getting anything new for any player of the Eldar variety is always something near impossible. Plus there have been rumors of new Eldar that are on the way, possibly even one hidden in plain sight as well.

February isn’t terribly far away when you consider how long it’s been since they received any new minis.

Do you like new models being paywalled through larger Kill Team sets? What box would you want to see next? 

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