RUMORS: Tyranids NERFs & 40k Point Increases

With the army performing quite well, there have been tons of rumors of Tyranids NERFs and point increases on the way.

We’ve actually seen the Nids coming out on top of a bunch of tournaments lately, and GW already hit them with a quick NERF, however, it doesn’t seem like that will be it. As with any rumors, take these with as much salt as you need, but there have been a ton of sources confirming these. The point increases themselves might be a little different, but it basically is guaranteed at this point for further increases.

Let’s check out the most recent FAQ that hit them, then get into the new rumored changes.

Warhammer 40k Tyranids FAQ

Tyranid FAQOne of the biggest NERFs is changing Encircle the Prey to be in the movement phase now. A bit of a strange move but we guess they thought it was performing too well? Next, they changed it so Hive Tyrants can no longer take two Venom Cannons or Stranglethorn Cannons. This was somewhat expected.

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Then, there are some keyword changes that were pretty much just wrong and lastly, they actually gave Zoanthropes Synapse, which obviously they were supposed to have the whole time.

Tyranid FAQ 2Now it looks like their spore pods can come onto the battlefield in turn one. This one is a little strange, but it looks pretty intentional.

Then, two more NERFS; the first is Maleceptors getting hit with Enraged Reserves. After that, performing an action is counted against how many powers you can manifest, meaning it cuts down on the powers you can cast while performing the action.

RUMORS: Tyranids NERFs & 40k Point Increases Incoming

Tyranids codexThese new rumors come from Reddit, let’s check them out!

  • Maleceptor – +50pts (220pts)
  • Pyrovores – +10pts (40ppm)
  • Harpy – +10pts (170pts)
  • Warriors – +5ppm (30ppm)
  • Raveners – +5ppm (35ppm)
  • Hive Tyrant – +20pts (180pts)
  • Flyrant – +20pts (210pts)
  • Heavy Venom Cannons +5pts each (different prices for different units)
  • So Harpy goes up to 190pts with HVCs.

Honestly, the Harpy still will most likely be quite usable at 190 points. The Maleceptor seems like it’s getting hitting a little harder than maybe it should, still, at +50 points that’s quite the giant NERF. Pyrovores are going up 33% in price, while 10 points don’t seem crazy when you look at the percentage it really is.

Then the Warriors don’t make a ton of sense. Mainly because the two main load-outs are totally different in power, maybe it would make a bigger difference if they changed the weapon costs, not the overall cost. Other than that, nothing too crazy, but a lot of the overperforming units are getting hit with some increases.

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