RUMORS: Warhammer New Release Roadmap For 2020

new releases warhammer 40k games workshop communityCheck out the latest that is on the way from GW! Here is the rumored (and confirmed) Warhammer new release roadmap for 2020 and beyond…

With 2019 behind us and 2020 just beginning, we still have a ton of new releases on the way. With kits and products dropping weekly, we’re still seeing GW keep up the pace by previewing all-new content steadily.

With that said, we’ll be going over what’s on the Warhammer new releases roadmap thus far in 2020.

Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider

war of the spider (3)According to this port manifest, there is a new Psychic Awakening book on the way, and while it’s exact contents and factions are still unknown we can make some guesses here.

BoLS posted this image from the inside of Greater Good, which may hint at least one faction involved with this new supplement:

greater-good-eldar-warp-spiderThe last time we saw “relic” Eldar armor, we got a whole new run of models from Games Workshop. Way back in 2011, the Doom of Mymeara Imperial Armor book introduced us to the Shadow Spectres Aspect Temple and their Phoenix Lord Irillyth.

Now with that said, GW has also explicitly said that every faction in 40k would have some kind of role to play in Psychic Awakening. It would only make sense that we keep seeing more books drop until every faction is covered.

No official comment yet from GW on War of the Spider, but now that we know about it, we can expect to hear more news and hints about rules soon! Look for this to arrive in April if it follows March’s Saga of the Beast.

Sisters of Battle Battle Sanctum


It looks like the Battle Sanctum was indeed a terrain piece lying in wait. The key giveaways are that once it’s set up, it can’t move and you can throw Infantry dudes and dudettes inside to man the walls.

Sister Repentia

As for the kits of the Sisters, we haven’t seen their full unit range drop just yet. The Repentia, massive two-handed eviscerator-wielding ladies are glass cannons. They may lack any real armor, but once you get them into melee, it can be brutal.

Zephyrim/ Seraphim Combo Box

sisters of battle seraphim


For the flying Sisters in power armor, the Zephyrim/Seraphim kits have yet to come out as well. Right now, the only way you can get these models is through the Sisters Army Set.

Diologus & Imagifier


battle sisters diologus



battle sisters imagifierThese two girls got a nifty model update and we’re waiting to see exactly what they’ll cost.


battle sisters multipart canonessThe Canoness already got an update before the individual kit has even been released. Now, wargear only goes from plasma pistol and power sword OR bolt pistol and chainsword.

Sisters of Battle Rhino


sisters of battle rhino 1Here is an assembled Rhino with what looks to be pre-production resin casts, that was on display at the recent 40k Open day Along with its plastic upgrade sprue.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 rhino (2)The new Sisters Rhino kit may be packaged with this sprue instead of the normal Astartes upgrade sprue.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 vehicle sprue (2)

Sisters of Battle Immolator


Immolator with Flame weapon option

The Immolator’s Sister, the Exorcist is on GW’s site for $80. And taking the same chassis with new plastic bits and switching up the damage profile a bit, we think $80 is another pricetag GW is going to slap on this kit.

Ghazghkull Thraka’s New Model

New and improved Makari! Woot! And then there is his “sidekick”…




We still have yet to see the whole model revealed. But it’s no question that this is Ghaz.

Cult Mechanicus Archaeopter Stratoraptor & Transvector

“It’s not just the Ecclesiarchy that will be receiving reinforcements – the Tech Adepts of Mars are preparing to unleash their latest creation on the enemies of the Omnissiah. Look to the skies, for the Archaeopter is on its way!”


This archaic-looking aircraft can be assembled in one of three patterns – a gunship, bomber or transport variant – and will provide your Adeptus Mechanicus forces with a suite of new tactical options.


archaeopter stratoraptor transvector adeptus mechanicus 40kThese two new Flyer options are still sticking in somewhat of a “grey area” as we don’t have any clear dates of when they’ll be released. However, that’s not the only thing Admech are getting.

Serberys: Sulphurhounds & Raiders

Now the Adeptus Mechanicus are getting even more new goodies! Here are the latest reveals spotted at the 2020 LVO:

skitari gun horse lvo 2020


skitari rifle horse lvo 2020Say hello to the Serberys Sulphurhounds and their skirmishing brethren, the Serberys Raiders. Need something slain fast? These units are the way to go.

It would appear that these new units both come from the same kit, but act different enough that they didn’t just want the weapons to be wargear options. Perhaps, they have different special rules depending on which variant you decide on; Combat or shooting?


Pteraxii lvo 2020


Pteraxii 2 lvo 2020These cyber-bird-men-things don’t just look stunning – they’re ideal support units in the Adeptus Mechanicus roster, capable of dropping in and picking off key targets while the rest of your troops advance.

Based on their appearance, it’s probably fair to say these may behave like faster, maybe infiltrating ground troops. Perhaps they may have movement abilities and hopefully the ability to target characters through troops!

Psychic Awakening: Engine War

Engine of warThis supplement will see the war for the Imperium’s soul kick into high gear, as Imperial Knights, Chaos Knights, the Adeptus Mechanicus and Daemons of Chaos battle amidst revelations of hidden sub-cults, twisted schemes and even more surprises…

Not much to say about it yet, but now that we know about it, we can expect to hear more news and hints about rules soon! Look for this to arrive in April if it follows March’s Saga of the Beast.

Ad Mech Rumors: Hephaestons- New Heavy Infantry Unit

Skitarii_RangersThese rumors were first spotted on Bolter and Chainsword with multiple users chiming in. In short, there was a new heavy infantry unit mentioned for the Ad Mech that had some early sketch ideas seen as far back with the Skitarii Duneriders.

On the topic of Ad Mech support in 8th, a user named Marshall Rohr said:

I got the sense that both it [the Skorpius Dunerider] and the Astartes’ Executioner were bumped up from their slots as part of support waves in 2020 so that GW could pretend they actually had some tie-in products for the Apocalypse release. The Executioner was really a square peg among this year’s Vanguard releases and the Skorpius could very well have been planned for release alongside the Archaeopter and the Hephaestons, plus whatever else.

Replying to Marshall on Hephaestons, Lord Nord said:

Heavy Skitarii, according to the designers’ sketchbook which was shown alongside the Skorpius model. They were stated to take up twice as many slots in the transport as regular Skitarii.

skitarii dunerider sketch 1


skitarii weapons sketch

Now that the Hephaestons were mentioned with the Skorpius Dunerider, a user named Burni posted up some early sketch designs of the Hephaeston weapons that were compiled with early Dunerider concept art

Age of Sigmar: Lumineth Realmlords

Vanari Auralan Wardens

Vanari Auralan WardensThese hearken back to the High Elf Spearmen that made up many a classic Warhammer army, and they’re packed with rich detail never previously thought possible.

First up for “Pointy Aelves” they give us a look at the new spearmen! These may be the standard battleline of the faction, but there is no lack of detail and symbology on each of these guys.

Vanari Dawnriders

Vanari DawnridersThe Vanari Dawnriders are filled with grace and movement that make them instantly eye-catching on the battlefield.

The Light of Eltharion

EltharionThe Light of Eltharion sees one of the most legendary heroes of this ancient race return with a truly stunning new miniature. Look closer – that armour is hollow. 

The comment about the hollow armor adds an interesting twist to Eltharions return. It suggests that maybe this is just a manifestation or even a conjuration by Teclis! While we don’t know much about the new lore or model, we do know that Eltharion was exceptional at killing Orks and encouraged his people to improve their defenses in the past.


Teclis lvo 2020For years, this mage has graced tabletops, books, video games and, of course, your imagination in all manner of guises. Now, in 2020, Teclis returns with a model truly worthy of a god.

Last up is the top dog himself, the Aelven God Teclis. While they didn’t give many hints on rules, we do know about his ascension. Hopefully, he will be able to stand his ground versus Nagash and Archaon. Whether that will be via magic or fighting prowess, we don’t really know yet. He has in the past been known for magic, so that will definitely play a part in his warscroll.

Seraphon Battletome

seraphon battletome

The new battletome fully explores the origins and nature of the Seraphon in the Mortal Realms. You’ll have the chance to find out how the original refugees from the world-that-was became the celestially charged Starborne, and how the Seraphon are changing into the Coalesced – whatever that means. 

We can all probably agree that it was about time for Seraphon to have their time in the spotlight. And while Aelves (Lumineth Realm-lords) were also announced at the LVO, both factions are more than likely going to be hitting shelves almost back-to-back with each other.

Seraphon Terrain piece?

seraphon terrain peiceWhatever this thing is, we can’t say for certain. But seeing that it doesn’t move and there are units crowding around it, it’ll probably be their faction terrain piece.

Blackstone Fortress: Zoat Model

blackstone fortress zoat 2Now, a single Zoat model is on the way to Blackstone Fortress. Just don’t assume that these will be coming back to the Tyranids in 40k…It looks like it’s sticking to Blackstone Fortress, which is beginning to turn into a menagerie of beasts full of nostalgia.

Back in the distant past of Warhammer 40,000 they were a race of strange creatures who served as heralds for the Tyranid Hive Fleets before disappearing, seemingly forever. (We all assumed they’d just been eaten…)

Sons of Behemat

sons of behematCould that have been GW throwing the rumor-mongers a bone and nudging the community that there is something else coming for Age of Sigmar?

Gargant Giants Releases for AoS SPOTTED!

GargantsColossalCrushers01As of right now, the Gargants are all piled into the Gloomspite Gitz Battletome and only come with two different options. You’ve got the Aleguzzler Gargants and the Bonegrinder Gargant. But a recent snapshot of what looks to be some kind of shipping document might suggest that we’re getting more. Specifically, The Sons of Behemat.

If you didn’t know, here’s a little lore for ya. Behemat is this legendary godbeast that dwells from the realm of Ghur. A realm based on savagery and massive powerful beasts. But he apparently had a few sons who were Gargants. And although they were brutes, they also claimed territory and built “cities” of their own that spanned across a ton of land.

sons of behemat shipping documentTitled Warscroll cards Sons of Behemat, as of right now, it looks like we’re just getting a few new data entries possibly for the new Gargant kits. However, it wouldn’t make much sense to skip out on the opportunity to bring new Gargant kits to the table especially if they went through the task of writing new rules.

Sons of Behemat Battletome??!

sons of behemat (2)

Yep, it looks like in addition to warscroll cards, the Sons of Behemat will be getting a Battletome as well as we can see from this port manifest that was spotted recently.

sons of behemat manifest

Plus some of these rumor engines could be possible Gargant kits we have yet to see as well. Keep in mind those won’t show up on the port manifests unless they are imported from China (like some terrain kits are).

Aeronautica Imperialis: Skies of Fire Expansion

aeronautica imperalis tau planes 1Certainly a step in the right direction for GW expanding their AI player base, you don’t have to pick between Imperial Guard or Orks anymore. Tau are joining the fight with some really sweet looking minis. Specifically the Barracuda and Tigershark. For the Imperial Guard, they’ll be hitting the table with Navy Vultures and Avenger Strike Fighters

aeronautica imperalis taros 1There is a new Box Set on the way coming with these models and everything you need to play called The Skies of Fire. And for the Tau fans, they gave us a tease at what kind of wargear they’ll be bringing to play.

 If you think the weaponry of the T’au Empire is deadly on the ground, just wait until you see the aircraft of the Air Caste! Here’s a hint – almost all of them pack railguns and missile pods with unlimited ammo!

aeronautica imperalis taros book 1Along with all that, a new campaign book is on the way called Taros Air War. This is going to be touching on all the battles that took place to retake Taros from the Tau. There’s really not too much we know besides that.

Necromunda: 4 Books For 2020

In the latest wave coming to Necromunda, the Goliath gang is getting another pass over from GW. With these new models looking to get revealed for three more gangs, 2020 is looking great for the Underhive!

necromunda roadmap 2020

According to GW: we’ll be keeping you up to date with all of the latest Necromunda news in a monthly series of articles called The Underhive Informer where we’ll be giving you sneak peeks of the upcoming books and models. The future of Necromunda has never been brighter.*

Plus now we know of some chonky Ogryns that are coming for Necromunda too:

Horus Heresy Campaign Book Nine- Crusade

horus heresy night lirds dark angelsAnother campaign book is also coming pitting Dark Angels and Night Lords against one another in the Thramas sector. It’ll be titled “Crusade” and we can also expect new models (probably Legion-specific) to hit the arsenal as well.

That’s not all! Along with the book, 2020 will see some amazing new models released that tie in with the Thramas conflict – all of which we’ll take a look at in due time. Meanwhile, the Siege of Terra series from Black Library will continue apace as Horus and the traitors press on with their attack on the Imperial Palace. 

Kill Team: Killzones Supplement

tau kill team 4Kill Team is getting an interesting wave of support called “Kill Team Killzones” This is more than likely going to be a supplement for different maps/missions. However, this release is largely left in the dark right now.


Fixing 40k Forge World Units

imperial armor books

In the midst of all the LVO previews, WHC had this to say:

Since the release of the Forge World indexes a couple of years ago, Warhammer 40,000 has changed a lot. While the indexes were a great reference resource, we want to give you something even better – which is why the Warhammer 40,000 studio embarked on a project to bring you a series of all-new books with updated rules for these units and armies. 

legion glaive space marines forge world.jpgBut that wasn’t all that they announced. A little while later, Warhammer Community dropped another posed honing in on the announcement.

The Warhammer 40,000 Studio – those industrious people behind rulebooks, codexes and expansions like the Psychic Awakening books – are hard at work on a new series of tomes that will cover the range of Warhammer 40,000 miniatures Forge World produce. These books will include updated datasheets and army rules that give these glorious models abilities and benefits that are comparable to the rest of the forces in the game.

As far as we can tell, only the RULES will be changing. That means we may see the current points cost sit at where they currently are and have rules added or taken away to create for more playability/fairness.

To their credit as well, GW has also said that the rules making for Forge World units was going back to the main studio as well that handles 40k at large.

Even More Warhammer 9th Edition Rumors Emerge

primaris psyker hor wal guard angry frustratedIf you missed the rumors from BoLS once again, there is even more that’s being tacked on to the rumor details.

  • About four faction supplement books are left before the new edition arrives. (probably once Psychic Awakening concludes)
  • Endless Psychic Powers are coming. Similar to Endless Spells in AoS. (This would make sense to see with the new “awakening” of Psykers across real-space).
  • The Endless Psychic Powers will be coming in a small box set similar to Malign Sorcery in AoS when Endless Spells were first introduced.
  • Flyers might be getting a total rework on how they operate.

With all of this taken into account, it seems that there’s a substantial amount of reasonable talk emerging about a new edition. There has been new word after new word and it’s beginning to gather a little bit of weight. There aren’t any outlying changes that seem too difficult to believe either. With that said, the general conclusion about all this looks to be that 40k will be picking up even more AoS-style elements.

One of the more interesting possibilities to think about might be the Psychic Phase being moved before the movement phase!

That’s pretty much everything that has been rumored or revealed so far for the 2020 Warhammer New Releases roadmap.

As time moves on, we’re sure we will see these products break the horizon. Previews are bound to give us a deeper look at what we may want to spend our money on. But in the meantime, which reveal has you the most interested? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!