Confirmed: T’au, Khaine, & Terrain Coming In March!

tau huge wal horiz

Games Workshop just gave us a look at the upcoming releases for Age of Sigmar and T’au in March. Come take a look at everything that will be on the way soon!

Games Workshop just announced that we’ll be seeing the release of the Daughters of Khaine, some new terrain for Age of Sigmar, and the T’au codex.

Let’s take a look at what they had to say:


March is shaping up to be a pretty exciting month for fans of the far future and the Mortal Realms.

Here’s a quick round-up of the big things we’re looking forward to in the month ahead.

Daughters of Khaine

Daughters of Khaine

Followers of Warhammer Age of Sigmar have been eager for a long time to see more aelves on the battlefields of the Mortal Realms. This March, they are arriving in force. The Daughters of Khaine represent an exciting development in the story of the Mortal Realms. Not only do we see an iconic faction, boasting some absolutely astounding models, released as a full army for the first time, we also get see the return of one of Warhammer’s most iconic characters – Morathi.

…you can look forward to some new battlefield scenery, with some new sets designed to make creating your own battlefield easier than ever.

Sigmar Terrain

The T’au Empire

Tau Preview

The forces of the Greater Good embark on their great Fifth Sphere Expansion* this March.

The new Codex: T’au Empire is big news for any fans of the Greater Good for a host of reasons. We’re particularly excited by the prospect of having army-wide sept rules for the very first time – with the option to build your collection around a force from one of the empire’s five most famous worlds, or even have them represent the forces of the renegade Farsight Enclaves.

White Dwarf


Which so much great stuff planned for March, this month’s White Dwarf is packed. Not only is there in-depth coverage of all the above releases, there is also a host of extra content to sink your teeth into.

Necromunda fans, in particular, will not want to miss this issue, as it includes gang rules for including the insidious Genestealer Cults in your games. A great excuse to use some of Warhammer 40,000’s most insidious models in your underhive skirmishes. (As if the underhive weren’t dangerous enough with just human gangs to worry about!)


Elsewhere, the Daughters of Khaine take on the Legions of Nagash, as the latest two battletomes go head-to-head in an epic Battle Report. Who are you rooting for? The army of fanatical blood-frenzied zealots who follow the god of murder and war, or the bad guys?


Add in all the usual features, including the latest instalment in the Tale of Four Warlords and a new-look Hall of Fame in which the minds behind your models discuss in-depth what makes a truly great Citadel miniature, and it’s shaping up to be an unmissable issue, as usual.

March is looking like it’s going to be a busy month for both Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 fans. We’re seeing the release of the Daughters of Khaine with pre-orders starting this week, the T’au will be getting their codex, and the new White Dwarf looks like it’s going to be loaded with some great info on the games we love.

But that’s not all, let’s not forget about the announcement for all the new stuff that’s on the way this spring from the Las Vegas Open preview last month.

Warhammer 40k

xenos codexThe Drukhari, T’au Empire and Necrons are some of the most fascinating factions in Warhammer 40,000, and their new codexes realise them in rich detail, not just in background but in how they play. From exciting new mechanics to subtle tweaks, you’ll find these codexes each fun to battle with or against.

Codices! According to Games Workshop, all codex books should be “done in less than a year”. As previewed above next three codex releases will be Drukhari, T’au Empire, and Necrons. Drukhari Codex will include rules for Cults, Covens, and Cabals.


The new T’au book will focus more on the septs and not their allies like the Kroot and Vespid etc. They will be releases second of the three Codex books show above.

necron cryptek

Crypteks are an iconic element of Necron lore; where other factions use warp-craft or magic to accomplish their goals, Crypteks help the Necrons accomplish their lofty aims of galactic reconquest through pure SCIENCE. This particular Cryptek is the first ever to be cast in plastic and features what looks like some new wargear.

Cryptek Preview

Necrons are getting a shiny new Cryptek model, as well as mobility boosts, and the new Cryptek spotted above will be plastic, too!  The Dynasties will be included and work like other codex abilities currently that must have all the same keywords in all detachments to function.  One of their features will be a +1 to AP mechanic to help punch armor more consistently. Overall expect to see BIG changes to the faction from their index incarnation.

Last, but certainly not least, a smaller possible Dreadknight sized Knight Armiger was previewed.

admech titanSmaller than their cousins and crewed by aspiring nobles, low-born commoners with a knack for war, or even the bastard children of Barons and High Kings, Armigers hunt and fight at the flanks of their larger kin. Knight Armigers will open up new tactical possibilities for Imperial Knights players, like a medieval lord hunting with his hounds, benefiting from a wider range of army build

Armiger Warglaives Preview

11 codex jan

Overall it looks like this will be the year of the Xenos and Imperial Knights, as out of the remaining eleven 40k factions, they will have rules supplements first in 2018 and the rest “will be done this year”.

From the order of things previewed one could conclude that these next three codex books. along with the Imperial Knights, could take us right to the end of spring, release-wise, with Orks rumored to be on the way this summer already. March alone is already shaping up to be a busy month.

What do you think of the March lineup? Are you ready to get the T’au codex in your hands? Or are you going to spend your hobby dollars on a new Daughters of Khaine army?

xenos codex

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