The New Chaos Prayers, Legions, & Secondary Objectives Rules

New-Chaos-Rules-Codex-Space-Marines-GW-Warhammer-40kDon’t miss the new Chaos Space Marines Prayers, Army-Wide Rules, and Secondary Objectives that are looking pretty spicy…

Let’s start off by looking at the new releases for the Chaos Space Marines and then dive into how to play all the new codex rules for Warhammer 40k.

Codex: Chaos Space Marines Retail Price: $55

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Codex Chaos Space Marines

 The new Codex: Chaos Space Marines is bursting with evil, covering all the rules you need to let the galaxy burn. Included are eight subfactions, plus datasheets for 44 units, as well as Relics, Stratagems, Crusade rules, prayers, psychic powers, Marks of Chaos, and other vile articles of blasphemy.

2 wound Chaos marines are finally coming… finally… Along with other changes! It will be exciting to see what the Chaos Space Marines will be able to do as the newest updated faction! Will they shake up the meta?

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below:

Here’s the most up-to-date look at the new Chaos Space Marines rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition 40k rules from their codex!

Chaos Space Marines Prayers

CSM prayers


PrayersThese were the previous rumors for you to compare and contrast:

  • All god-specific prayers are entirely new
  • cast 1 prayer (stratagem to cast another prayer)
  • no longer has an illusionary supplication
  • MoP
  • Has a staff that causes perils in combat with a psyker
  • Cast 2 deny 1
  • When casting, can cause d3 mortals to a friendly non-daemonkin unit to gain +2 to cast
  • Enemy psykers suffer one additional wound if they peril within 12″
  • Sorcerer in terminator armor
  • can have a chaos familiar

Chaos Space Marines Army-Wide Rules

CSM army wide rules

  • Similar to SM Doctrine, except exploding 6s (unmodified hits) instead of +1AP. Still, 3 levels that affect different weapons (the weapons listed below are not confirmed by my sources, but the ones in the Legion Traits are confirmed by my sources as well as the names, so what I am about to list may be subject to change)
  • Destruction ”Doctrine”: Heavy/grenade
  • Massacre ”Doctrine”: Rapid fire/assault
  • Slaughter ”Doctrine”: pistol/melee

Chaos Space Marines Legion Traits & Rules

CSM army wide rules 2

  • Ignore CA
  • +1 to hit when charge or shoot closest unit
  • Wanton Massacre: rapid fire/assault/pistol = exploding 5s (hit) (Super doctrine)


  • Strat that lets you change a unit’s legion for a turn.
  • 1 unit can be considered destruction/massacre/slaughter at the same time, core units only

CSM army wide rules 3

  • -1 to hit 12″ away, if wounds are 10+ then it’s 18″
  • Can charge and perform actions if they fell back
  • Wanton massacre (super doctrine): Rapid-fire, assault, pistol if within half range +1 ap

CSM army wide rules 4

  • Ignore any/all negative modifiers to WS/BS
  • Any attack on a 6 to wound +1ap
  • Wanton Slaughter (super doctrine): Melee hits on a 6 give an additional hit, combine this with the slaughter bonus and you’d get 2 additional hits on a 6
  • Side note, this matches up with a 4chan leak that said TH chosen could hit on 2s with EC (legion trait+icon of excess)
  • Noise Marines are troops
  • Don’t need to pay for Slaanesh marks

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CSM army wide rules 5

  • Charges/HI = reroll hits
  • 5+++ vs MW
  • Wanton Slaughter: When using a pistol/assault/melee = 6s to wound cause 1MW (capped @ 3MW per unit) (Super doctrine)

Chaos Space Marines Secondary Objectives

CSM secondary



Secondary Objective




Secondary Objective 2






Secondary Objective 3We didn’t see too many rumors for secondaries, but now we have plenty of info to go off!

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Some of those are super spicy for sure, and some are not. Either way, Chaos Space Marines are finally getting the new rules they have been waiting for since summer of 2020. Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rules in our review above!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

What do you think of these new Chaos Space Marines 40k codex Prayers, Army-Wide Rules, and Secondary Objectives rules

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