The Top 40k Inquisitor Combos We’ll See in the Meta Now

female-inquisitor-sistersHere are the best combos we spotted from the new 40k Inquisitor rules. They might be coming to all those Imperial lists near you, just like Assassins!

In case you missed it, The Inquisition in November’s White Dwarf just had its rules revealed on the web. Now that we’ve been able to digest all of the options coming to the faction, we’ve found these generic combos that we have a feeling will be strong in the 8th edition meta.

Before jumping in, it’s important to note that taking a single Inquisitor in any list doesn’t break Battle-forged, Doctrines, or Chapter Tactics as long as everything shares the Imperium keyword.

The CP Snatcher


For argument’s sake, we’ll be using a barebones unnamed Inquisitor to build from the ground up. Starting off with what will probably be the most widely used will be the CP snatcher.

This guy will be a CP generator all on his own and will be a huge benefit to any list that can’t run Imperial Guard for Kurov’s Aquilla (because it’ll break doctrines).

Starting off, you’ll want a:

  • Base Inquisitor
  • Spend 1 CP to give them a Warlord Trait with Inquisitorial Mandate Stratagem. If they’re unnamed, they also get a free Relic.
  • Ordo Xenos: esoteric lore Warlord Trait: Anytime your enemy uses a Stratagem, on a 5+, you gain a CP.
  • Blackshroud Relic: Blackshroud gives the bearer -1 to wound. This is just to give him some protection as he should never see combat. But if your opponent has Snipers, they’ll have to waste more shooting on trying to kill him.
  • Take the Mental Interrogation Psychic Power. This has a WC of 6. You roll 3D6 and if you beat an enemy character’s Ld, you gain a CP.
  • Seize for Interrogation Stratagem: If you’re feeling froggy and you keep this guy near the action, the second an enemy character dies within 3″, you can pop 1CP and net D3 CP back. This is only usable once per game.

As far as Wargear goes, you can give him whatever suits your list and how many points you have leftover. Just remember that he’s still a T3 body with only a handful of wounds. This single character can have three different ways to net you CP (with stratagem support) so he will definitely have a target on his back.

The Orkin Man

orkin man

The Orkin Man is an Inquisitor build solely around killing Xenos. For under 100 pts, you can have a surprisingly efficient mini Smash Captain that can hold his own against Xenos.

Starting off, you’ll want a :

  • Base Inquisitor (Ordo Xenos Quarry)
  • Spend 1CP to give him a Warlord Trait and Relic like we talked about above.
  • Puritan Warlord Trait: for +1 to Invuln Saves. (This will bring him to a 4++ invuln).
  • Bio-Corrosive Poisons Relic (Ordo Xenos only): This relic always wounds on a 2+ unless it’s a Vehicle or Titanic model.
  • Psychic Power: Terrify is probably the best option here as it shuts off any kind of overwatch you might take when you charge in.

For Wargear, a Force Sword and some kind of pistol is probably your best bet. These both will keep your inquisitor cheap while still giving you four attacks that wound on a 2+ at -3 AP and D3 damage. He should be able to almost always slice up a smaller HQ unit to any Xenos list like a Haemonculus, any Ork HQ on-foot without an invuln, any GSC character, etc. Plus, with a 4++ invuln, he’ll be able to surprise your opponent at how much punishment he can really take.

Remember, Inquisitors are all cheap and won’t necessarily be game-changing. However, for the points, you can still do plenty with them. With these two top combinations covered, which looks the strongest to you? Do you like the idea of having a CP battery even better than Imperial Guard now? Or will you charge your Inquisitor into battle like a mini Smash Captain?

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