The Warhammer 40k Meta Going Into 2023

warhammer-40k-rules-update-balance-dataslate-walGames Workshop released the last year’s worth of tournament data and some thoughts about the Warhammer 40k meta going into 2023!

We’ve talked a lot about how GW has actually been doing a pretty good job with the meta this year as the dataslates have helped carry weaker armies while they wait for a new book, and obviously, Chapter Approved is still a big thing.

It’s nice to see the game in a reasonably balanced state, but there will always be some outliers. Let’s take a closer look at all the data for the Warhammer 40k Meta going into 2023.

Here’s the most up-to-date review of the new Chapter Approved 2022 Rules.

The Warhammer 40k Meta Going Into 2023

This comes from Warhammer Community.

Warhammer 40k Meta 2023

As we said, there are always outliers, but generally, the meta is in a decent spot. Let’s start with the armies at the bottom. We thought Adeptus Mechanicus would have done much better since the last changes. However, they have only had a little time to play since the previous dataslate, so who knows, maybe they will eventually get decent again.

Then, Space Marines have been seriously lacking for a while now, so it’s no surprise to see them near the bottom, especially considering all they received in the last dataslate was just a secondary. We believe this has to do with them potentially receiving a new codex book before the end of 9th, and GW didn’t want to make many changes right before their new book.

However, that’s all going off of rumors, so we could easily be wrong. Other than those, the rest of the underperforming armies are at 45% or above, which isn’t too bad.

Looking at the armies doing well, Votann is starting to do pretty well already, so maybe the immediate NERF was a good thing, but this could also be due to people not knowing exactly how to play against the faction yet. We still want to see more data before making an honest opinion.

The Tzeentch win rate is insane right now. This could also be due to a couple of things. First, they could just be broken (flamers), or there might only be a few people playing them who did well, which is messing up the data, but their book is pretty new and not heavily NERFed yet, so it makes sense they are doing well.

The Meta Through 2022

Warhammer 40k Meta 2023 2There aren’t too many big surprises here. Harlequins were busted when they got the new book and have had to have like five rounds of NERFs. Tyranids were stomping when Crusher Stampede first came out, and it took a while for that to change. Adeptus Custodes have also had a good year, and Votann is also doing pretty well, but again they are so new, it’s hard to say.

Hopefully, the new codex helps the Astra Militarum, as they have had a really rough year. Again, Space Marines have not done well all year, so they need something (like a new book) to help them out. For Admech, they may once again be in flux…

Games Workshop also talked a lot about the state of the meta, which you can watch below in their 23-minute video

Here’s the most up-to-date review of the new Chapter Approved 2022 Rules. Click on the gallery above to see the new Battleforged and Seconadries rules plus Missions!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited about the new Games Workshop Meta going into 2023? Do you think the game is more balanced now?

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