These Are GW’s Exclusive Miniatures From Just 2018!

soulbound space marine wal hor

Do you remember all these exclusive miniatures? Whether you’re a 40k or AoS fan, don’t miss this lineup of all the minis from just the past year!

Games Workshop will release exclusive minis from time to time. Generally, they are only available for a short while. Some lucky hobbysits in the community are able to get their hands on them. While they may be “exclusives” for a short time, you can usually still find them floating around the web like eBay and other community trading sites.

GW Exclusive Minis Roundup: 2018 To Now

chaos noise marine 2018

This Slaaneshi Noise Marine harkens back to the original 1980’s style power armor the first versions had. From cheetah print to an oversized mohawk this dude is perfect for the role of a Sergeant/Bassmaster in your Noise Marine forces.  While it was available in all stores, it is currently out of print and apparently only available for a limited time.

Warhammer Store Anniversary

guardian of souls


primaris captain

Two exclusive models were unveiled for Warhammer store’s 2018 anniversary. A Guardian of Souls for AoS and Primaris Captain for 40k with alternate weapons! Looking at the Primaris, he’s got some weapons that are very rare in terms of Primaris wargear. He’s got a plasma pistol AND powerfist.

Lieutenant Calsius

Lieutenant Calsius

Another named Ultramarines Lieutenant arrived with Warhammer Conquest was a magazine that helped new hobbyists dive into the game with some helpful tips and tricks.

Taking a different pose from the other 900 Lieutenants we’ve seen, it looks like he’s walking forward and drawing his sword to execute whatever Traitor crosses his path.

Space Marine Heroes Series I & II

SM heroes lineup

Series I

Series one started out as a line exclusive only to Japan. However, with time, these guys made their debut around the world in a blind-buy collectible batch.

SM heroes 2

Series II

As for series two, the Blood Angels are still exclusive to Japan but some lucky shoppers are still finding ways to get their hands on them.

Adepticon 2019: Primaris Lieutenant Amalius

Amalius was only available at Adepticon 2019 while supplies lasted. He was a $35 character that turned out to be Easy-to Build.

Sister of Battle: Amalia Novena

plastic sisters of battle painted

Amalia was first previewed at last years’ Adepticon and we really didn’t know anything besides the model’s pose. It turns out that she was the store exclusive mini on June 29th’s Warhammer Day celebration. The best part is that she’s fully plastic and isn’t Easy-to-Build!

Knight-Incantor From Getting Started with AoS

Knight-Incantor was previewed with “Getting started in Age of Sigmar”. A book release designed to be a one-stop shop to get a brand new person into the game, all while handing them an exclusive mini!

Stormcast Eternal: Leena Stormspire

leena 1

Leena Stormspire is a named character that you could get as a part of a GW store grand opening. More dynamic than the regular sword and board Stormcast, she’s stepping on an Orruk’s head and shouting orders.

Another Stormcast: Berek the Indomitable

berek stormcast exclusive

Berek the indomitable is a Stormcast that’s all about damage. With a big two-handed hammer as his weapon, he doesn’t need to try and block anything if his enemy is a bloody pummeled mass.

berek 2

Like Leena, he’s posed standing over the top of a Greenskin he’s just slaughtered. It looks like he literally batted the torso off on an Orruk and ran over to go stand on it for the classic “Captain Morgan hero pose”. Really though, we can’t blame him.

Primaris Model Spotted: Sergeant Jovan

sergeant jovanThis guy will be the next store exclusive for 40k. And while he may be a Primaris, at least he’s not a Lieutenant. He’s got one of the more dynamic posing/bases that we’ve seen in terms of Primaris characters so far. Since he’s a named Sergeant, we’re not sure if he’s going to be exclusively for Ultramarines with his own set of rules. But at the end of the day, he’ll make a fantastic (insert T4 HQ here) for any Chapter.

Stormcast Eternal Model Spotted: Larissa Shadowstalker

stormcat store exclusive larissa shadowstalker

Larissa Shadowstalker is a Knight-Questor armed with a stormstrike glaive. She’s on foot and doesn’t have a shield so in terms of in-game rules, she probably won’t be the tankiest Leader option. However, she looks like she’ll be able to deal out a nice wave of damage in melee.

Looking back at all of the exclusive minis we’ve seen from the past year, there have actually been a lot of sweet characters to choose from. Of all of these, which is your favorite? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!