Top 5 New Miniatures Companies of the Decade!

best-of-decade-miniatures-top-hobby-companiesDid your favorites make it?  Check out the top new miniature making companies from the past decade. Their model products were the best of the best!

While model-making is a huge part of the tabletop world, we’ll also be looking at some companies that offer outstanding alternate bits for our models too. Without them, we’d have to shell out even more money and search even harder to find what we’re looking for.

With all that said, check our out picks for the best new miniatures producers of the decade! Did your favorites make it?

POP! Goes the Monkey

POP goes the monkey walIn terms of alternate bits, POP! Goes the Monkey has stepped up to the plate offering an absurd amount of custom Chapter logos, backpacks, vehicle insignias, weapons, and more. But one of the biggest helping hands they gave to the hobby was right when Chaos Havoc Marines were put on the shelves.

rip cannon chaincannon pop goes the monkey chaos bits 3dThe kit only came with one chaincannon (which was the hotness) and POP! Goes the Monkey quickly offered affordable bits themed to all Legions! Check them out.

Artel “W” Miniatures

artel w bundleArtel “W” Miniatures is a model-making company that is producing minis that you won’t find anywhere else. These guys aren’t just a company you go to as a fallback option when you can’t find a rare GW model. These guys are bringing stunningly unique minis to the hobby community that everyone should browse through.

dreadlordGet a closer look at what these guys have to offer.

Gadgets Plus

gadgets plusGadgets Plus offers some incredible 3D-printed pieces specializing more specifically on Knight bits.

gadgets plus knight bitsWhether you’re a Space Wolf, Custodes, or even Thousand Sons fan, these are just a few of the themed bits that they offer that are perfect for those factions! Check out their bits!

Wargame Exclusive

imperial death lord not mephiston wargame exclusiveWargame Exclusive is another impeccable model-making company.

EMPEROR SISTER ABBESS wargame exclusive

They mainly specialize in similar minis to that of GW so you may be able to find a very similar (and cooler) version of something that’s a unit in your games of 40k.  Check out what minis they offer that may go in line with your faction seamlessly!

Creature Caster


creature caster malifica 1Creature Caster has continuously pushed the envelope for amazing resin miniatures. Every single mini in their line could be a centerpiece in a collection on their own. All of their models are fairly easy to assemble and are made of high-quality resin. Nothing like Finecast.

Plague Angel Creature CasterPlus, if you’re a Daemon/Chaos player in games like 40k and AoS, these models are totally usable stand-ins for something like a Great Unclean One, Keeper of Secrets, etc. Don’t miss the whole selection of centerpieces these guys have!

And there you have it! These certainly aren’t ALL of the incredible model-making and Bit-producing companies out there. However, these are some you just can’t go wrong with. Which brand is your favorite? How many alternate minis do you rock in your army?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!