Warhammer Preview: Rumors on What’s Next for GW?

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Games Workshop will be making some big announcements tonight, here are our thoughts on what’s next for the Warhammer hobby!

GW had a busy year with new Codexes in 40k, a new edition to AoS (Now called AoS 2.0), and a whole slew of skirmish games. What’s next?

If you missed last year’s projected releases, you can check them all out below. If Games Workshop continues to follow their pattern of new releases, what could be next? let’s take a look.

Last Year’s (2017) Fall Release Preview

codexes header Warhammer Preview: Warhammer Preview: Rumors on What's Next for GW?

As we previously reported the new codex books coming in November are

  • Tyranids
  • Astra Militarum
  • Craftworld Eldar Codex

We also heard what the next three codexes will be following the release of Death Guard and Adeptus Mechanicus in September. Before the end of November, xenos fans will be pleased to see some of the galaxy’s alien races get their codexes for the new edition with Codex: Craftworlds and Codex: Tyranids, while Codex: Astra Militarum lets fans of the Imperium’s vast human armies create thematic armies from their favourite Regiment.

  • IG and Nids and Eldar coming in November
  • No Ynnari rules in said craftworld codex
  • Regimental rules in the new guard book, and Sly Marbo might be coming back solid maybeeeee
  • Season of war firestorm, AoS narrative campaign in a box, 4 players, expandable as you add boxes so 2 boxes 8 players (confirmed in Sept White Dwarf)
  • After codexes expand the universe through new backstories, via books similar to the Warzone series
  • Should be updating the digital codex as changes are made and with new FAQ changes. (they are just behind)

Shadespire Board Game

shadespire wal hor

  • Warhammer Underworld Shadespire (pre-orders end of Sept for delivering in Oct Confirmed in WD)
  • Malign Portent new AoS thing, supposed to support the narrative and matched play
  • Age of Sigmar gets really dark

Age of Sigmar: Malign Portents

  • New Herald of Nagash model looks cool.  Holding up a big sword

Malign Portents nagash herald

  • Should be releasing more Female Stormcast models
  • New Ironjawz rules coming

Painting App

Citadel Paint header

  • Citadel paint app shows you how to get a specific color. Paint by color, miniature, and bases. Step by step instructions from base to wash. Also will be free Also can color match a real world color using a picture
  • Eventually all models in paint app
  • 2 Ttau septs, 2 Dark Eldar schemes and multiple space marine schemes in the paint app and planning to add Forge World models after having multiple schemes for gw proper factions


Necromunda Wal Hor

  • Necromunda in November
  • Rulebook & Dice come with set along with cards and counter
  • Narrow corridor fighting. Tiles doors walls barricades. 10 hangers for two houses
  • A supplement called gang war for fighting In other hive areas expansion is planned
  • Templates are back for the game (unclear if same as previous years)

Looks like September 16th is the magical day for Death Guard fans. But there is lots more on the way this fall. Keep it locked here for the latest!

Warhammer Preview: Rumors on What’s Next for GW?

Genestealer Cultists

Looking into the discussion that we’ve seen earlier this year, along with the preview model from last year, we may have more Codexes coming our way.

Sisters of Battle have already been confirmed with multiple models and bits previewed so far. Their rules should be available in the next Chapter Approved for playtesting. Genestealer Cult have been popping up in display cases from different events and we’re even now beginning to see some of the previewed models in Tooth and Claw.

Ynnari could be getting a Codex as well. If the rumors are true, they’ll be the last faction to get a codex. It’s all just a rumor for now but with brand new models released, there could be more support for the Eldar faction in the future.

Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire was previewed last year. Next, we have Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault.

It looks like it will be in a completely different setting from the Mirrored City so can we still use our old Warbands? It would only make sense to see new Warbands to pop up around the release of Nightvault but who knows what they’ll look like!

The Return of a Comic Legend:

Hello Boys! Rumors are we’ll see the return of fan comic legend, sponsored by none other than Games Workshop themselves!  Who do you think it will be?

Age of Sigmar: A New Old Faction

beasts of chaos 2 Warhammer Preview: Rumors on What's Next for GW?

An old faction in AoS is getting a revamp with all new models and updated rules. They’re even bringing their own endless spells to the party.

beasts of Chaos Warhammer Preview: What Could be Next for GW?

What else could be in store for Age of Sigmar? Will we start to see older factions be brought up to speed?

Orktober & Grotvember

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If you’re even somewhat involved in the hobby community, you can’t hop on the internet without hearing another Ork rumor.

RUMORS: Prime Ork Spotted in Latest Speed Freek Preview?

Orks are already getting new models like the Shockjump Dragsta, Boomdakka Snazzwagon, and the Kustom Boomblasta but there may be more on the way.

According to the latest rumor, we’ve still got even more models yet to be seen.

Their names are rumored to be:

  • Rockettrukk Squigbuggy
  • Wartrike
  • Megatrakk Scrapjet

As for Grots, there have not been any previews. But “Grotvember” is still two months away so who knows!

The Return of a Primarch

fulgrim RUMOR: More Daemon Primarchs On The Way For 40k!

Angron and Fulgrim’s names have been brought up when people start talking about December’s releases. Take everything with a pinch of salt but some Rumor Engine bits have been really suggestive on top of the latest Primarch rumor.

Going by the rumor engine bits, these look like they could be snapshots of different parts of Fulgrims’ body.

rumor engine 7-24-18 Rumor Engine: There's a Gem in the Crown

rumor engine 8-21-18 This Week's Rumor Engine: We Tyraneed Your Opinion

rumor engine 7-31-18 The Serpent's Coil: Latest Rumor Engine Spotted

Why hasn’t there been any mention of a Loyalist Primarch? well, that’s because Space Marines are supposedly getting more support very soon with a second book to update the first ruleset at the beginning of 8th edition. So Imperium will be getting an updated book while Chaos gets a new Daemon Primarch (perhaps).

These are just some of the things we’re guessing to see on the schedule for Games Workshop next. What do you think will be previewed? What are you looking forward to the most? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

codex orks

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