What Space Marines Need To Be Good Again


If you’ve played Space Marines in particular for any amount of time in 8th edition, then you know what the struggle is like.

It’s like taking your quadruple amputee dog to the park and hoping he’ll be able to hang with all the normal pets. With two rumored Space Marine supplements on the horizon, here are some things that could be fixed moving deeper into 8th edition.

Editor’s Note: While some marine lists are starting to do well in the meta as of late, there may still be a gap in the ability of Marine and MEQ type units to compete overall in 8th Edition.

40k 8th: Let’s Make Space Marines Great Again


We’re here again today to weigh in about Space Marines being one of the coolest looking, yet worst armies to play in 8th edition. So how do we make them better?

6 Ways GW Can Make Grey Knights Great Again

Gothmog has some choice words on Grey Knights nowadays, as well as some thoughts on what needs to be changed for the meta besides just points.

5 New Psychic Powers Warhammer 40k Should Get, But Won’t.

Ahriman The Exile

We’ve been thinking of ways that GW could shift the meta with a simple release and in a new way. Check out these five psychic powers.

Top 5 Primaris Vehicles We Actually Need GW


Did your picks make our list of the top 5 Primaris Space Marine vehicles players actually need? Here’s what we’d like to see from GW!

If Normal Marines ARE Staying, GW Has to Fix its Primaris Problem

Space Marine walpaper

Gothmog is back again to tell us about a “way out” of the Primaris transition we seem to be sliding into from Games Workshop. Will they go this route?

3 40k Rules Changes Terminators Need To Be Good Again



Terminators may have gotten the short end of the stick in 8th edition, but we’ve got a few easy changes that could make them relevant again!

While a bunch of factions could use a generous tweak in 8th edition, we’ve focused this more on the Imperial side of things. With this being said, what changes do you think the Imperium needs the most? What faction do you play? What is their biggest weakness?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.