3 40k Rules Changes Terminators Need To Be Good Again

By Wesley Floyd | June 21st, 2019 | Categories: Editorials, Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News


Terminators may have gotten the short end of the stick in 8th edition, but we’ve got a few easy changes that could make them relevant again!

Depending on who you ask, Terminators need some love in 8th edition. The models are too cool to not have a squad or two if you’re a Space Marine player. The problem may be that they aren’t even on the same wavelength as some top meta units.

Here are a few changes that GW could easily make to bring Terminators up to speed. 

1. Drop The Emperor-Loving Points

GW can either reduce the base cost of Terminators or just make their wargear free. Either way, the cheapest we can get them is for a whopping 35 pts apiece. A Primaris Intercessor is 17 pts and has +1″ of movement. The only thing that a Terminator has over the Intercessor is a better armor save and the ability to deepstrike (which is awful in 8th). At the end of the day, tt doesn’t seem to constitute a nearly-double point hike.

2. Give Them a Higher Toughness & More Wounds

terminator wal

Terminators are wearing double the armor that a regular Space Marine wars. They stand taller and can take A LOT more of a beating in the lore. But on the table, they’re just a slow T4 nerd that gets kited. If the points didn’t change, they could always make them T5 like the Death Guard Termies and give them an extra wound. That way, Autocannons won’t have a field day against these guys after they fail their charge coming out of deepstrike.

3. Give Them a Turn One Deepstrike Ability

grey knights

Most 40k units have some kind of schtick that makes them unique to a faction. If players paid points for the teleport homer, that could unlock the ability to bring them in on turn one. Rather than giving them a useless model that lets them teleport back to their deployment. The Terminator’s “schtick” could turn them into an aggressive linebreaker unit instead of keeping them the Imperial punching bag that they are right now.

While Terminators aren’t too shabby if you bring them in a massive squad of ten, it’s still hard to make them return their points. With 8th edition being around for a hot minute and Chapter Approved months out, we’re still looking ahead to the rumored Space Marines Codex V2 to make them better.

Let us know what you think about Terminators in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.