What The Heck is “a Copy of Forge World Online”?

thunderhawk wal horForge World Online sounds pretty cool, check out what some eagle-eyed hobbyists have found hidden in plain sight from Games Workshop!

In early September GW previewed the new Forge World Compendium that will contain 40k datasheet rules for 191 units. Now it looks like there is something called Forge World online, and they may be related…

Imperial Armour Compendium

Imperial Armour CompendiumThis compendium is jam-packed full of updated datasheets and new rules designed to bring all of the amazing kits designed by Forge World right up to speed with the new edition. As well as loads of updated units and weapons profiles, you’ll also find a brand-new Regimental Doctrine for the mighty Death Korps of Krieg

From Tau Supremacy Armor and Mantas to Giant Squiggoths… This giant book has 191 datasheets, and specifically calls out Titans and the Death Korps of Krieg.

These rules were first announced way back in January of 2020, are written by the main GW studio as opposed to the Forge World one.

The Warhammer 40,000 Studio – those industrious people behind rulebooks, codexes and expansions like the Psychic Awakening books – are hard at work on a new series of tomes that will cover the range of Warhammer 40,000 miniatures Forge World produce. These books will include updated datasheets and army rules that give these glorious models abilities and benefits that are comparable to the rest of the forces in the game.

Of course, back then we had no idea there would actually be a 9th Edition update, but hey… new rules! Also, note at that time they stated “tomes” as in multiple books were in the works.


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New Discovery on Reddit

Recently a user on Reddit found some Forge World locked content on the Warhammer App, take a look:

warhammer app forgworld contentAs you can see the Volkite Blaster and Volkite Calivers are both locked behind the message:

If you own a copy of Forge World Online, you can access this content. Find out more on our official website.

What does it mean? Well, it’s always possible this hasn’t been announced yet and might be some sort of additional subscription. However, with some recent codexes getting codes included in them for a digital copy inside the app, I think it’s more likely to be referring to the yet-to-be-released Forge World Compendium. The different terminology may just have been an oversight of the team working on the app, or perhaps it truly is a completely new bundle-esque thing coming.

Some people in the comment on that Reddit thread mentioned that the original announcement (from January 2020) said “Tomes” as in plural, however the most recent announcement in September point to a single compendium, and could be a change in the decision by GW since the January announcement.

Either way, with another preview due October 17th we’re sure to find out more about this new supplement before too long, and if in fact there will be a digital component to it as well.

Do you have any Forge World Models you like to incorporate in your armies? Do you think the Compendium will have app functionality bundled with it? Do you think that is what the screencap points to?

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