What’s Next From GW? October’s New Release Roadmap

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We’ve had an exciting year from GW so far, but what could be next as we move further into October? Check out these releases.

Going off of previews we’ve seen from a while back, here are some of the releases that we could be seeing hit the shelves sometime in October. The good news is that there’s something for both 40k and AoS to get you pumped!

In case you didn’t know, GW has about a one-to-two month turnaround time for when products get previewed for when they hit the shelves. As we move into October, we’re looking at a ripe time for these things to pop up!

Primaris Impulsor & Incursor/Infiltrator Squads

primaris impulsor

First previewed alongside a handful of other Primaris units including the Invictor Tactical Warsuit, Phobos Lieutenant, and Eliminators, the Impulsor is bringing up the rear. Being the fast, cheap transport Space Marine players have been asking for almost two years, this thing looks great on the table. It’s under 100 pts and can deploy its troops inside after it makes a move. Plus, it’s got a whole host of different wargear options to bring.

Keep in mind that it can only transport Primaris.

Incursor Primaris

As for the Incursors, they’ll be a buildable option in the Infiltrator kit. The only way to play Infiltrators right now is from the Shadowspear Box Set. However, once their standalone kit hits the shelves, you’ll be able to build mine-dropping Incursors or anti-deepstriking Infiltrators for your list.

Salamanders & Imperial Fist Supplements

salamanders primaris 1

Salamanders and Imperial Fists were previewed together showcasing two new named Primaris models.

imperial fist primaris 1

With these two characters officially previewed, it pretty much spells out the kind of support the rest of the Chapters will be getting. We’ve already seen a mix of rumors and previews on Salamanders rules including Warlord Traits, Psychic Powers, etc.  

Psychic Awakening- Phoenix Rising

psychic awakening eldar

Psychic Awakening was mentioned to have something in store for every single 40k faction. Right now we are at the very first stage of the expansion with vague clues at what’s going on.


psychic awakening aeldari 5



psychic awakening dark eldar 2

However, what we do know for sure is that the Aeldari are the main focus for Phoenix Rising. On top of new models, some artwork appeared that looked to have two named characters,

psychic awakening eldar

In it, we can see some Howling Banshees battling a force of Incubi – Asuryani and Drukhari locked in mortal combat, just as they have been so many times since the Fall of their galaxy-spanning empire. Yet who are the mighty champions duelling at the centre of the illustration?

It’s no secret that GW is trying to keep down! They’ve just showed what looks to be Drazhar, the only fallen Phoenix Lord and Jain Zar with her iconic poofy hair and fan blade locked in combat.

Ossiarch Bonereapers

bone kings ossiarch bonereapers age of sigmar

Ossiarch Bonereapers are the next gruesome Death army coming into the scene with a Tithe of Bones. These are Nagash’s elite army of fierce bone and dark magic that collect a literal tithe of dead bodies to add to their ranks. If a settlement doesn’t make the tithe, the army takes it by force.

Ossiarch Bonereapers army

We’ve already seen an incredible display of new models. GW showcased units ranging from rank-and-file battleline to grotesque boney horrors that can spawn units in-game.

ossiarch bonereaper gothizzar harvester


ossiarch bone reapers

While we’ve already had a deep look into the army, we might not have seen everything just yet. Plus, we still need to see more rules!

And there you have it! There are plenty of exciting releases ahead for AoS fans, Xenos and Space Marine players! With a new faction coming to Sigmar’s universe and the Eldar getting some much-needed model updates, what will you be gunning for first? What’s the next Xenos model you’d like to see GW update? Will Impulsors be a competitive transport for Primaris? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!