The Merwyrm Emerges Again from the Depths of the Old World!

Warhammer Old World Almanack The Merwyrm 1

Experience the terror of the Old World Merwyrm, with the Forgeworld re-release of a creature that wreaks havoc with its crushing claws.

The High Elves are known for their grace, skill, and tactical brilliance. Their warriors train for centuries, their magic bends the winds to their will, and their armies march with precision that would make even the most disciplined generals jealous.

But sometimes, even the most elegant commanders understand that brute force is the best answer. Enter the Merwyrm—a thrashing, clawed terror that trades refinement for sheer, primal destruction.

This long-awaited Merwyrm model is back from Forge World for the first time in over a decade, and Old World High Elf commanders are getting the chance to bring this scaled menace into battle once again.

What is a Merwyrm?

a picture of a painted warhammer fantasy merwyrmThink of a dragon that spent a little too much time in the ocean depths, adapting to a world of crushing pressure and endless darkness. The Merwyrm in the Old World is a distant aquatic cousin to those noble-winged beasts, but where dragons soar, these creatures surge through the waves, waiting for their masters to summon them into battle.

Summoning a Merwyrm isn’t as simple as whistling and waiting. High Elf commanders need to field a regiment of Lothern Sea Guard before they can deploy this living weapon. The result? A force that controls both land and sea, striking fear into enemies who thought they were safe behind their fortifications.

It’s not just the sheer size, sharp claws, or powerful tail that makes this monster terrifying—it’s the unnatural cold that radiates from its scaled hide and the dark abyssal shroud that surrounds it. These traits make it one of the more difficult monsters to deal with on the battlefield.

How Does The Merwyrm Play on the Old World Battlefield?

The Old World Merwyrm is a powerhouse, but it’s not invincible. With four attacks at Strength 6 and Weapon Skill 6, it can tear through enemy ranks, but it still relies on the right positioning and support to reach its full potential.

a picture of the merwyrm rules

Abyssal Cloak

The Merwyrm doesn’t just shrug off arrows—it makes archers question their own eyes. This supernatural defense forces ranged attackers to suffer a -2 to hit penalty when firing at long range, making it significantly harder to bring down before it reaches the front lines.

Enfeebling Cold

It’s not enough that the Merwyrm tears through enemy ranks—just standing near it saps the strength from those foolish enough to face it head-on. Any model in base contact with the Merwyrm suffers a -1 penalty to Strength, weakening even the mightiest warriors as they desperately try to cut through its armored hide.

  • Against Infantry: That combination of high Strength and multiple attacks makes it a serious threat to standard troops. The Enfeebling Cold effect is particularly brutal against enemy units that rely on their Strength to push through elite High Elf defenses.
  • Against Monsters and Heroes: The Merwyrm’s durability keeps it in the fight longer than most monsters, and its ability to weaken opponents means even the most fearsome champions will struggle to take it down in a duel.
  • In Combined Arms Warfare: Paired with a solid front line of Lothern Sea Guard, the Merwyrm can act as the perfect shock unit, breaking through enemy formations and scattering them before they can regroup.

The Old World Merwyrm Returns

high elfHigh Elf players have been waiting a long time for this monster to make a comeback, and now that it’s finally here, there’s no excuse not to add one to the collection. Whether it’s leading an amphibious assault or guarding the flanks of a disciplined High Elf force, the Old World Merwyrm is a true force of nature that brings an entirely new level of power to the battlefield.

With the High Elves making their grand return to the Old World, there’s never been a better time to bring the storm with a Forge World Merwyrm at your side.

Check out some of the other Warhammer Old World Previews below! 

Take a Closer Look at Old World Roadmap Here!

Are you excited about the Merwyrm returning to the tabletop and Forge world?