The Most Divisive 40k Yet: Why 10th Edition is Actually Good & Bad

10th-Edition-40k-warhammer-rumors title new headerThe new edition of Warhammer 40k is the most divisive yet, as 10th Edition has already had its share of ups and downs; here’s why that is actually good…

When new rules drop for anything wargame related, there will always be some heated debate about it. However, 10th Edition Warhammer 40k has really got people either super happy about a simplified rules set or very mad about it!


At this stage, it seems like toxic Redditors and Facebook groups are turning people off from the game based on information that is already out of date, and Games Workshop will obviously be changing. Either way, no matter what side you’re on, there doesn’t seem to be too much middle ground, but that’s par for the course for the internet…  

The Most Divisive Yet: Everyone is talking about 10th Edition Warhammer 40k

Coming from Reddit, this is something we’ve been seeing from a lot of people online.

polarizing everyone 40k Edition

Look at it from this perspective, you’re a new or returning player checking out 10th, and all you see are negative comments about what this unit can do or what that one can’t do; why would you play again?

We talked about how toxic comments are ruining hobbyists’ motivation with constant negative takes on the rules, OP combos, piling on existing issues, etc. It seems a lot of people agree as this is upvoted over 2.6k times, and some of us want to paint up a new army for 10th and enjoy the game and hobby!

However, the top comment is probably the best advice for people who are fed up. 

polarizing everyone 40k Edition 2This actually has more upvotes than the original post, so if you really don’t want your hobby motivation smashed, maybe just let things settle down for a while and get off those toxic groups!

However, plenty of people are also piling on the negative side of Warhammer 40k 10th Edition as well.

The Doom Posts

This post also comes from Reddit.

polarizing everyone 40k Edition 3This type of thinking is pretty common on Reddit, Facebook Groups, and YouTube right now. With people divisive about Warhammer 40k 10th Edition points, rules, combos, etc. This post has 831 comments, with some agreeing and others disagreeing, but everyone is quite polarized!

Obviously, there will be some typos from GW; they put out hundreds and hundreds of data cards seemingly without the necessary amount of playtesting. We’re pretty sure GW will fix these and add some clarification with a FAQ at some point.

We saw some of this with 9th Edition, but with so many huge changes to the game for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, it’s really made the community more divisive.

polarizing everyone 40k Edition 4

This comment represents a common thought in the community, but don’t get too mad, as the game still is set up to be quite fun and hopefully will get more people into the game.

There is another option; GW made similar weapons and rules different for different armies on purpose! While we can’t say what they will and won’t do, we assume they wouldn’t let these typos sit around incorrectly for a long time.

Some things in the cards have already been moved to Legends as well, so GW did not spend a long time on them. Plus, there are obviously OP combos, but keep in mind that things like the Redemptor’s -1 Damage reduction already got addressed.

super happy guardsman wal horOverall it’s great when opinion is so hotly divided on any subject, in or out of the hobby space.  However, the key to your personal happiness may be to ignore the haters and embrace the hobby you love with open arms.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    Do you think people are overreacting a little too much to the rules changes? Which side of the argument are you on?

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