GW Liquidates Tons of 40k Models & Forge World to Legends

This is one of the biggest liquidations from Games Workshop, as they move tons of Warhammer 40k models and Forge World to Legends.

At the start of a new edition, GW generally moves some units to Legends, and for the past couple of times, Forge World models have been hit the hardest. This time is no different, as pretty much everything on this list is from Forge World.

They mention there will be comprehensive rules for your Legends miniatures in 10th Edition, but it’s always sad to see some of your favorite models disappear (essentially) from the game.


Not only are some of these going to Legends, but all of them are also hitting the Last Chance to Buy List, meaning if you want anything you see here, now is the time to buy it before they are gone.

However, that being said, they just brought back some of the models that were Last Chance to Buy just over a year ago already too. Just something to think about.

GW Liquidates Tons of 40k Models to Legends

The list of Warhammer 40k models moving to Legends comes from Warhammer Community.

40k Models to Legends

The upcoming Leviathan box is packed with new Space Marines and Tyranids, including fantastic updates to some iconic units – Terminators, Sternguard Veterans, and a Ballistus Dreadnought. The arrival of these three in particular means certain older miniatures are entering Last Chance to Buy on the Games Workshop webstore – the Space Marine Dreadnought, the current Sternguard Veterans, and the current Space Marine Terminators.

Those who own these classic models needn’t worry – they can still find a place on the battlefields of the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, representing kits that are still supported (like the new Sternguard Unit). Specialist flavours of Dreadnought – such as the Librarian Dreadnought, the Wulfen Dreadnought, or the Venerable Dreadnought kit – aren’t going anywhere either.

It makes sense for the Terminators (as they are getting a new kit), and the Sternguard Veterans are also getting totally new models (but scaled up). However, the Dreadnought leaving means we might not see any non-Primaris dreads, other than specialist ones, in the new edition.

Either way, if you like any of these older models, get them before they are gone.

Legends in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k

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The good news for long-time collectors is that you will still be able to use many of your older miniatures in games of the new Warhammer 40,000. The new edition will support these units with comprehensive Legends rules, which will be available to download free online around the game’s release.

These are 100% official rules, with points, and we actively encourage you to use them in your games at home, in stores, clubs, and campaigns. Your classic units and characters are still awesome, and they deserve to see the battlefield every now and again.

Legends rules will not however be actively balanced* going forwards, so our recommendation is that these rules would not be suitable for competitive events.

As with most editions, they will give the older models rules to start in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, but they don’t really upkeep the rules, so most tournaments do not allow the models. However, for home games, you can still play with them.


Imperial Models

The rest of the models that will be hitting Legends come from Forge World, and there are a lot of them…

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Talking of Legends, there’s also a bit of a shake-up happening to the Warhammer 40,000 range from Forge World. Quite a few classic resin kits will be entering Last Chance to Buy, and for those units that don’t have a contemporary analogue, they will also get Legends rules.

Inquisitors are getting the axe along with a bunch of lesser-known and supplement-specific Space Marine heroes. After that, Venerable Dreadnoughts and Contemptors are going away as well.

 Chaos Models Moving to Legends

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All the Forge World Greater Daemons are going away, but unfortunately, so are the Hell Talon and Hell Blade. These mad up the majority of the Forge World Chaos model line to it’s sad to see.

Leaving the Range: Xenos Units

40k Models to Legends 4This is pretty spread out, with Drukhari, Necrons, Orks, and Tyranids all losing some. Orks have the most significant number of models going away from the looks of it.

However, a few models might still be safe, such as the Tantalus.

Already Gone Models

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Certain Forge World products have already left the range – but people who own them will still get to use them with updated Legends rules.

There will still be Forge World units for Warhammer 40,000, but the focus for them will be on the really big stuff – like Titans, and other kits that we can’t reasonably produce at that scale (yet!).


If you want these, you’ll have to look at the secondary market. It also seems like Forge World will become the place to get larger, more elaborate miniatures for factions. However, it may only be a matter of time until everything becomes plastic, as the Cerastus Knights are next up to be offered in multi-part plastic goodness. 

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about all these models moving to Legends for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition? 

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