New Titans On The Way For Adeptus Titanicus in 2019

By Wesley Floyd | March 12th, 2019 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Warhammer 40k Rumors


New Titans are on the way this year for Adeptus Titanicus, as we go back over the final teasers and presentation from the Heresy Weekender!

The Horus Heresy Weekender was held a while back where Sanguinius and a whole host of other 30k models were previewed. Keeping up with the Horus Heresy setting, Adeptus Titanicus was touched on with new bits for Titans getting previewed and more.

Hobby Hero Garro was at the event and broke down some nuggets of information that Warhammer Community didn’t report on the internet.

Before we jump into the latest word from Garro on Titanicus, let’s go over what was previewed online at the event.

Doom of Molech Book

doom of molech

The Doom of Molech campaign book allows you to fight these battles for yourself, with lore and campaigns that bring the conflicts explored in Black Library’s Vengeful Spirit to life in sumptuous detail. Meanwhile, rules for a variety of Titan Legions offer you even more tactical choice. There’s even the option to field an entire army of nothing but Knights for maximum gallantry – particularly fitting, as Molech was where the most infamous of Traitor Knight Houses, Devine, would reveal the depths of their perfidy and turn upon their allies.


The Doom of Molech is one of the biggest turn of events Titans ever saw during the Heresy. Set in a time when Knight Households started to join Horus’s Rebellion, you’ll be able to re-visit pivotal events in the story and stomp out the Traitors.

If you love Knights, don’t miss the new Maniple rules that allow them to take hits for larger titans that were in February’s White Dwarf!

New Terrain & Tiles

titanicus tile

Warzone Delta & Gamma

Two new tiles are getting added into Titanicus for even more unique games. You can mix and match the tiles you’ve already got to keep the landscape fresh. Just throw some of your Sector Imperialis buildings on as you see fit!

Speaking of Sector Imperialis…

titanicus spires 1

If you’ve already got your buildings in order, you’ll be able to grab some Imperialis spires and throw them onto the rooftops. You know, just to add to the whole “Grimdark” feel of the universe.

Plus, this will definitely add depth to your buildings.

titanicus spires 2

Legio Furians Transfer Sheet

legio fureans


legio fureans 2

They previewed the transfer sheet for the Fureans household. Forge World has been releasing these transfer sheets our sparingly and Fureans looks to be next in line!

New Weapon Upgrades

quake cannon


macro gatling cannon


gatling blasters

The Warlord is getting refitted with a lot more firepower. With two shoulder-mounted Gatling Blasters and a Macro Gatling Cannon, you’ll be able to pepper anything that steps out from behind cover in a blinding volley of shots.

mega bolter


warp missile

The Reaver is also getting two new carapace-mounted weapon options. The Mega Bolter will let you roll with the dakka, or you can bring the one-shot Warp Missile and have the ability to cripple just about anything that gets caught out of position.

Also coming soon are all the Warlord and Reaver upgrade sprues that hobbyists have been clamoring for. There must be big margins in these for Games Workshop to be rolling them out in such force.  Either way, the ability to upgrade you Titans will never be easier very shortly!

In the long run, there are some exciting new kits on the way. With all the plastic Warlord and Reaver weapons soon to be available separately…

Titanicus Grand Master Box Returning & More

titanicus grand master

Initially limited to 10,000 copies worldwide, this box was available to everyone for a short time. Bottom line, it was a very good deal. However, the price tag of $300 scared most people away. If you found a friend to split this with you, it was definitely easier to get into the game.

Adeptus Titanicus Review

Want to know more? Check out our unboxing review of it from last summer:

knight strat

Stratagem cards for your Knights are also on the way. You’ll be able to have all the stratagems you want to use laid out before you to make your games go quicker! Currently, there are no stratagems for Knights, so we assume they will be forthcoming in the new expansion book.

Garro’s Breakdown on the Future of Titanicus

Coming from Garro’s Facebook, he posted an info dump for everything he gathered at the Horus Heresy Weekender.

titanicus wal hor

  • 40k scale Adeptus Titanicus weapon sculpts are on the table to be produced. But only if the GW team sees enough feedback from the community that they would want such a thing.

warbringer neemsis

  • The Warbringer Nemesis Titan is planned to make its way to Adeptus Titanicus. However, no production has been started just yet.
  • Plans of six completely new Titan chassis are in the works. They plan on all bein slightly different sizes from ones already in the game.

  • More Cerastus-type Knight models could be in the works that would partner with the already-existing Lancers.
  • The Adeptus Titanicus team has been brainstorming ideas on how to introduce Titan-sized Volkite weaponry into the game. They also could be creating completely new weapons for the Titans.
  • There aren’t any plans to add other units to the game like Rhinos, Predators, Space Marines, etc. because it will eventually evolve the game into “Epic”.

It’s no question that Titanicus turned out to be more popular than anyone ever expected. From the time of its release, the Forge World/ Games Workshop team have been babysitting it making sure they are always giving the fan base something to look forward to. After the previews at the Horus Heresy Weekender are piled on with the information Garro gave us, we can definitely say that 2019 will be a big year for the game.

What do you think about the future releases coming to Adeptus Titanicus? What enticed you to get into the game? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.