Necron 9th Edition 40k New Release Roadmap

necron walpaperCheck out all the 9th Edition 40k Necron new release models, rumored and confirmed, that are waiting to be released as we head into fall.

From multiple official previews to a few sources making rounds across the web, we’ve seen a ton of models that are on their way to the Necron lineup. While we’ve gotten a good look at a bunch of models, there are still a few lurking in the shadows that we don’t know anything about.

Here are all the units we know are coming so far:

necron codexWith the Necron codex announced, there may even be more models hidden inside as well…

Necron 9th Edition 40k New Release Roadmap

Indomitus box armiesStarting with the Necron half of the Indomitus box, it’s only rational to expect some individual multipart kits to drop in the near future. Of the units inside the 9th Edition box set there are:

Overlord whiteOverlord

Royal Warden whiteRoyal Warden

Plasmancer whitePlasmancer

Cryptothralls whiteCryptothralls

Skorpekh Lord whiteSkorpekh Lord

Skorpekh Destroyers whiteSkorpekh Destroyers

Plasmacyte whitePlasmacyte

Canoptek Reanimator whiteCanoptek Reanimator

Canoptek Scarab Swarms whiteScarab Swarms

Necron Warriors whiteNecron Warriors

We’ve seen the datasheets on all of these units in the past, but this is just the start of all the Necron hotness that’s in store. The big question is will we see multipart kits in the future for any of these? Chances are the Walker will see its own kit, but the Necron Warriors are technically complete with both weapon options and head swaps already.

Besides the Walker and Plasmancer/Crytpothralls the rest of these models will be available in some configuration in the 3 starter sets that are on the way for 9th Edition 40k!

Future Necron 9th Edition New Model Releases

photato upgraded


Lokhust Heavy Destroyers whiteLokhust Heavy Destroyer

Canoptek Doomstalker whiteCanoptek Doomstalker

Szarekh the silent king full model on boardThe Silent King

void dragonThe Void Dragon


mystery necronMystery model behind Monolith in previews

All of these models were mixed in with some of the existing Necron units as well as the ones from the Indomitus set. All of these models look incredible and since we’ve seen these revealed since before 9th Edition officially launched, we’re thinking we won’t have to wait too long to get our hands on these.

Lastly, the Convergence of Dominion Terrain Piece

dominion of convergence 1Each Convergence of Dominion consists of three Starstele (they’re the big obelisk-type things), which are seriously durable and armed with impressively deadly transdimensional abductors! Even better, they bolster units from your dynasty that are nearby and, with the help of a friendly Cryptek, can perform Translocation Protocols to redeploy across the battlefield.

necron convergence of dominionWhen you deploy these three models, they all have to be within 12″ of each other. After that, they’re all treated as a separate unit.

Morale Buffs & Mobile Zaps

dominion of convergence 2If you’ve got a Convergence of Dominion nearby, your Necrons needn’t worry much about Combat Attrition, as they’ll be adding 2 to their Leadership characteristic within 6″ of any Starsteles

dominion of convergence weaponEach one of these is also coming with a pretty nasty short-range gun that is oddly…only S4 but doing -3AP 3 Damage.

dominion of convergence translocation protocolsWhat’s more, if you’re looking to expand the borders of your power base, you can even take a Starstele with you! Simply task a Cryptek with the job of moving one of the nodes and, through the mysteries of hypertechnology, you can move a Starstele right where you need it for maximum impact.

Whew! That was a lot to cover. Maybe even more than you expected the Necrons to ever get! But as we know that the Necron codex has been announced along with the Space Marine codex, it would be shocking not to find all of the rules for these models inside the book.

What do you think about the new Necron release lineup that’s on the way? What kit are you most excited for?


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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.