Rumors & Reveals: Necron New Release Roadmap

necrons-gamews-workshop-new-releasesHexmark Destroyer? Check out this extensive list of rumors and confirmed new Necron release kits that should get previews soon!

It goes without saying that all of the Necron stuff inside the Indomitus box will eventually be getting their own release. But there is still a lot on the way for Necrons that is outside of the 9th Edition starter. We’ve gathered up all the units and their details that we know are confirmed and put them in one place for you.

Check out what’s on the way to these robot bois.

Necron Releases On the Way Beyond Indomitus

photato upgradedTL;DR, we’ll be talking about pretty much all of this stuff that’s I’m this pic (outside of Indomitus). So going unit by unit, let’s dive in.

 Cantoptek Doomstalker

Canoptek Doomstalker white


canoptek doomstalker datasheetFirst, we’ve got the Canoptek Doomstalker which looks like a big brother version of the Canoptek Reanimator (inside Indomitus). If you look at the first big points to make about the datasheet, the model is a heavy support and GW redesigned the way degrading works, now giving an entire new statline to follow as it gets injured.

t’s surprisingly fast with a 10″ Move while also having 12 Wounds and a 5++ invuln. The weakest point about the model is that it’s only hitting on a 4+(thankfully that never changes as it degrades). With that said, it’s got two main profiles to use for shooting, however, the anti-tank high power version of the doomsday blaster can only be used if you stood still. Being that it’s a 48″ range cannon, there shouldn’t be many issues. The twin gauss flayer is just for some added dakka but obviously not the real reason why you’d take the unit

Overall, with a random D6 shot output and only hitting on a 4+, you’ll most definitely want to bring more than one of these to get the most value out of your points. Definitely a sweet model though.

Lokhust Heavy Destroyer

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers white


lokhust heavy destroyer datasheetThe Lokhust Heavy Destroyer is another Heavy Support option on the way. Unlike the Doomstalker, there can be up to three models in the Lokhust Destroyer squad. It’s got a weaker statline from the Doomstalker only being T5 with 4 Wounds but it hits on a solid 3+ and never degrades. Plus, it’s got a wrecking ball of a shot with its gauss destructor if you want to go tank hunting.

You only get one shot but at S10 -4AP and 3D3 damage, it hits almost like a Castellan volcano lance. If you want to go for screen-killing, you can also throw on the enmitic exterminator for 3d3 S7 -1 AP shots. Just taking a complete shot in the dark on this one…but we feel like the gauss destructor is going to be wildly more popular. If you do take a squad of 2-3, it also says that any number can take whichever weapon (they can be mixed).

Hexmark Destroyer

hexmark destoryerIn some recent online previews, we also saw the Hexmark Destroyer revealed. We don’t know his rules yet but we know he’s coming loaded with plenty of guns (and arms to hold those guns) so it’ll be interesting to see his profile in the coming days.

Hexmark DestroyerThe Hexmark Destroyer is a Deathmark who has fallen to the Destroyer curse and wants nothing other than to kill absolutely everything around it. While other Destroyers fly around with massive cannons or scuttle forward with phase blades, the Hexmark Destroyer takes the Deathmarks’ propensity for surprise attacks to epic levels.

The Silent King

Szarekh the silent king full model on boardThe Silent King is definitely on the way. There haven’t been any official rules teasers on this guy yet, but there have been some rumors talking about his stats. Just keep in mind that they aren’t confirmed.

The Void Dragon

void dragonThis techno-monstrosity is a shard from the most formidable of the already cosmically powerful C’tan, the Void Dragon. We’ll be learning more about what it can do with all of that green lightning in the near future, so stay tuned. 

We know the age-old C’tan is finally getting a model but like the Silent King, his rules are also a mystery.

Redesigned Monolith

MonolithThe Necron Monolith is old but gold! Getting redesigned with some much-needed cosmetic enhancements, it’s also got some Blackstone bits on it.

Monolith spawning necronAs we move into October and look forward to the Necron Codex we would be shocked if we didn’t see some new datasheet upgrades to this unit as well.

Monolith loadout options

Necron Terrain Piece: Dominion of Convergence

dominion of convergence 2The Dominion of Convergence is the Necron’s version of a terrain piece that’s on the way. It’ll also play off the support of a Cryptek so you should probably pick up some of them to have in your list if you’re still just running one currently.

Each Convergence of Dominion consists of three Starstele (they’re the big obelisk-type things), which are seriously durable and armed with impressively deadly transdimensional abductors! Even better, they bolster units from your dynasty that are nearby and, with the help of a friendly Cryptek, can perform Translocation Protocols to redeploy across the battlefield.

The first thing to bear in mind with this ‘building’ is that it comprises three constituent Starsteles (part pylon, part waystone, all awesome), which can be set up to cover quite a large area of the battlefield.

necron convergence of dominionWhen you deploy these three models, they all have to be within 12″ of each other. After that, they’re all treated as a separate unit.

On top of getting three models for one drop, they give your Necrons some bonus Leadership which has been the Achilles heel to fat Warrior blobs.

If you’ve got a Convergence of Dominion nearby, your Necrons needn’t worry much about Combat Attrition, as they’ll be adding 2 to their Leadership characteristic within 6″ of any Starsteles

dominion of convergence weaponEach one of these is also coming with a pretty nasty short-range gun that is oddly…only S4 but doing -3AP 3 Damage.

dominion of convergence translocation protocolsWhat’s more, if you’re looking to expand the borders of your power base, you can even take a Starstele with you! Simply task a Cryptek with the job of moving one of the nodes and, through the mysteries of hypertechnology, you can move a Starstele right where you need it for maximum impact.

Overall, this terrain is easily the most mobile terrain we’ve ever seen for the game. Although, as we said before you’ll want to be running multiple Crypteks to get the most out of shooting these things around the board.

necron codexWith all of that covered, Necrons still have quite a lot on the way in 9th Edition so exciting times are ahead! We should keep looking toward the details of the October Necron Codex to get a better idea of what all these new unit’s rules will be getting.

Do you like the new look of Necrons? How do you have yours painted? What do you think the new “star” unit will be to the faction?

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