GW Previews Broken Realms Sylvaneth Warsong Revenant

If you hear a giant flute playing in the distance, it might just be the new Sylvaneth Warsong Revenant coming to Broken Realms soon!

Warhammer Community unveiled the Slyvaneth mini which is our first look at what to expect with the new Kragnos Book. The only unfortunate thing about this mini, it contains a rumor engine we thought could be for Xenos!

sylvaneth Warsong Revenant 3They don’t say the exact size of this, but it looks to be quite big and can literally make the land around it come to life with its song. Looks like all you Bard players finally have the perfect mini for Sylvaneth! Let’s take a closer look.

GW Previews New Sylvaneth Warsong Revenant

Floating on thermals of sheer magic. Warsong Revenants play a Spirit Song which has the power to cause the land itself to come alive. Their music is a balm to the Sylvaneth and the promise of vengeance to their enemies. The Warsong Revenants can even summon a malicious swarm of spites to attack nearby enemies. 

Looks like if you want to bring the forest to life to attack your enemies, this is the mini for you! While they don’t give much on the rules, we assume this will be a fairly powerful mage. Hopefully, with some interesting buffs and abilities.

sylvaneth Warsong RevenantWe can’t tell you everything about the Warsong Revenant just yet, but it’s a fair bet that you’ll want some Sylvaneth to be within earshot of their magical melody.

GW has been giving everything of late a giant flying type mini with little insane back pieces. When you compare this to the new Daemon minis, they look to have taken the idea and turned it woodsy. Not that we’re complaining, just interesting to see where they’re taking the aesthetic.

sylvaneth Warsong Revenant 2This definitely has some sweet detail, and we’re interested to see how the little army of spites actually works. It would be sweet if they made some swarm bases for them and you could sing them to life each turn! More likely it will just do damage to a nearby enemy, but the idea of Sylvaneth Scarabs sounds sweet!

Recognize that rumor engine? Who had money on it as being from an AoS mini?

Do you like the look of the new mini? Are you excited for them to grab some new minis?

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