40k Kill Team Octarius Starter Set: Unboxing & Review

kill-team-octarius-worth-value-pricingThe 40k Kill Team Octarius Starter Set has arrived at the studio- check out Rob’s unboxing and review for the new release!

Updated November 16th, 2024, by Rob Baer with the latest pre-order and pricing information, along with the confirmed release date announcement for the 2024 Kill Team Starter Set from Games Workshop.

If you are looking for comparisons to the other Kill Team starter sets over the years, be sure to read our articles on 2024’s Hivestorm, 2021’s Octarius, and 2019’s Kill Team starter with Tau and Space Wolves.

We’re back unboxing the new big releases for the Orks and Death Korps of Krieg! Rob sees what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

40k Kill Team Octarius Starter Set: Unboxing and Build

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Kill Team Octarius layout

This is the box we’ll be looking at today. Rob starts by looking at the value in the set, but if you want to see all the values, you can check that out here. Some of them are guesses until the minis come out by themselves.

In the Octarius Kill Team box you get more minis in this (but no characters), waaaaay better terrain, the new books, and all the accessories you need to play. So just looking at that, right away the difference in price from Pariah Nexus is understandable, but let’s break down everything inside and see.


  • 10DKoK Troops $50-60 (potentially broken into two sets for later release, with two regular troops sprues at $45, maybe with the full command staff for $55)
  • 10 Orks $50-60 (based on similar sized new units)


This is where it gets a little weird because you basically get half of the Ork Mekboy Shop (rubble piles and barricades) plus what looks to be about a Battlezone’s worth of dedicated unreleased Ork terrain.

Honestly, we expect the terrain here will end up being worth way more if/when GW releases them as their respective kits when the Ork release(s) finally hit later this year.


But wait there is more! Both the Core Rulebook as well as the Templates and accessories will all have separate products at launch. So hobbyists that just want those to play their existing armies can buy the rulebook and compendium, and applicable accessories while hobbyists getting this box would in theory just need the Compendium to be up and running with any new and current Kill Teams!

  • Kill Team Rulebook $50 
  • Tac Ops Cards $18 (may be different than the separate product- 54 in the box versus 51 in Tac Ops Pack?)
  • Kill Zone Essentials $35

Total MSRP $378 on the low side

Total Value (ESTIMATED) $178 

That puts this as having about an extra $178 minimum extra in value which is considerably more value than the Pariah Nexus box. Honestly, that valuation realistically depends on the retail price of the new DKoK and Orks, which could conceivably release with up to a $60 price tag in the near future.

What’s in the Box

40k Kill Team Octarius 2You get a ton of sprues inside and this box is honestly really chunky! There are some nice posters inside which will fit into standard picture frames.

40k Kill Team Octarius 3You also get the rule book, the companion book, dice, tokens, the cards, transfer sheets, and a hard card battle board.

40k Kill Team Octarius 4The companion book has all the individual units and even the stuff for all the other factions until they get their own books.

Instructions & Sprues

40k Kill Team Octarius 5The DKoK guys have so many posing options and so many weapons choices. It really gives you a ton of variety almost like a Necromunda release. You can build them all similarly if you want but they do give you a ton of options that seem to be very well thought out.

40k Kill Team Octarius 6The Orks are similar where you can build them a ton of ways, they have a ton of weapon options and heads. So just be careful when building them because you have so many options. The only weird thing is that they seem to be hollow in the middle, we’ll see how that works.

40k Kill Team Octarius 7You do get a decent amount of terrain that is actually super useful, but Rob probably isn’t going to build the terrain today.

40k Kill Team Octarius 8The amount of bits you get in this is just insane. Each piece has great detail and there is just so much variety. It even looks like you could magnetize most of this.

40k Kill Team Octarius 9Just like with the Orks you get so many bits and they all look great for the DKoK. Plus with the accessory sprue, there’s a chance they could do this as two releases, one with all the bits and one for the regular squad.

Built Minis

40k Kill Team Octarius 10


40k Kill Team Octarius 11These go together very easily and just look awesome! They really took the aesthetic of the resin guys and just made a few small changes, which we love.

40k Kill Team Octarius 12


40k Kill Team Octarius 13All the versions just look amazing and when you get into the special weapons and such, they look even cooler. Rob is just really impressed by the designs on them.

40k Kill Team Octarius 14The Orks may even be cooler than the DKoK! They just look so sweet and the detail is just everywhere. Even the proportions of everything seem perfect.

40k Kill Team Octarius 15


40k Kill Team Octarius 16Every mini has its own feel and really just feels so Orky.

40k Kill Team Octarius 17Not sure how much a silencer will help that gun, but it does look awesome.

Size Comparisons

40k Kill Team Octarius sizeThe scale for the DKoK is perfect for the old guys, just a little in some areas.

40k Kill Team Octarius 18


40k Kill Team Octarius 19The Orks are also a great scale. Where the regular Orks are smaller than a Primaris but the Nob is basically the same size.

4 New Sets of 40k Kill Team Octarius FAQsKill-team-FAQ Octarius

Games Workshop released an FAQ for all four books including the Kommandos, Veteran Guardsmen, Compendium, and Core Rules. If you want to see everything for yourself, you can download all four (well six with the designer’s commentary as well) of them, you can here.

We’ll cover some of the big changes here for you, but since there is so much, we won’t take a look at everything. If you’ve been enjoying the game, it’s always good to know what’s changing! Let’s take a closer look.

Download the FAQ Here

Kill Team Octarius FAQThis is pretty much what to expect in the Compendium FAQ. With some minor changes to different units, clearing up of wording, and making the teams a little easier to read. Tons of factions are grabbing little changes like this. So be sure to check it out for what’s changing.

Kill Team Octarius FAQ 2The Core rules Errata is very small with only a few corrections, the Designer’s Commentary however has a lot in it. A lot of it is structured around cover and line of sight, which is kind of confusing. The movement is still a little strange, but this also helps clear that up.

Kill Team Octarius FAQ 3This is the whole Ork FAQ right here. Nothing too crazy but adding Leader to the Nob is obviously a very good change.

3dartguy ruler cropGet The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

Kill Team Octarius FAQ 4Again, the Guard one is pretty small but with some good changes, especially the changes to both BS profiles. So nothing too crazy, but god to know what’s changing with the game and the Designer’s Commentary really helps with some of the more confusing points.

Getting Started with Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Your Ultimate Rules Guide

Did you order the box yet? Do you like what is inside?