Everything We Know About Star Wars Shatterpoint LATEST

shatterpoint-star warsHere’s the latest on the new Star Wars Shatterpoint skirmish game, from miniatures to rules, a demo of the game, new releases, and more!

Hello there! The Star Wars universe is getting a new miniatures game as Atomic Mass Games has announced Shatterpoint for 2023!

The new game will be a skirmish-style game where you can build up your own custom squads to take objectives and missions, along with totally new Star Wars miniatures as well.

Everything We Know About Star Wars Shatterpoint LATEST

Table of Contents & Article Summary


Click on the quick links below to order your own Star Wars Shatterpoint game and stay up to date with the latest for the game!

Shatterpoint Is Insanely Discounted Now: Get it Cheap While You Can (September, 14th 2023)

star-wars-shatterpoint-cheapGet into the game cheap as the new Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set is an insane 40% off on Amazon for a limited time.

Now is the time to save even more cash on Star Wars Shatterpoint! We’ve tried the game out, and it’s really fun with some cool miniatures, so we think it’s definitely worth getting at least the starter.

This Shatterpoint sale comes from the AMG store on Amazon, so we’re not sure how long it will last. If you like the price, you better score it before it’s gone, and you have to pay more!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set Sale (Cheap):

Click Here To Get Yours From Amazon!

shatterpoint 40%

    Click Here to Score The Shatterpoint Core Set!

    The current price will save you 40% (saving you over $50), which means you can get the core set for under $100, and for a starter, that’s pretty crazy.

    AMG Updated Shatterpoint Rules Just in Time For Launch: (June 2nd, 2023)

    From a lot of the comments online, there were quite a few questions surrounding terrain and hunker, so it’s nice to see AMG get ahead of the rules instead of letting the game launch with many unanswered questions!

    They are also adding a change log to the FAQ area, meaning you’ll have a quick reference sheet for what is changing. Hopefully, with some early changes (and the rules being free), the game will run smoothly at launch! Let’s check out the latest updates.

    You can find all the changes to the Star Wars Shatterpoint rules here.

    Updated Shatterpoint RulesJust to note, we’ll mainly focus on the changes here, and if you want to see all the core rules, you can here! Luckily, they cleared up some pretty big questions here, and we’ll have the rules that were changed in the rulebook below.

    Updated Shatterpoint Rules 2

    There were only a few significant typos, so that’s always a good thing, but be sure to note these before playing games!

    Updated Shatterpoint Rules 3

    Next up, they added a change log which is always lovely, so you don’t have to look around and guess what’s changing!

    Updated Shatterpoint Rules 4Updated Shatterpoint Rules 9The whole push-pull part of the game is a little confusing, so it’s nice they gave some more pictures and clarifications.

    Updated Shatterpoint Rules 6There were also a lot of questions about strained, and now it’s much more straightforward, if you do one of the actions above, you suffer damage and then get rid of the token.

    Updated Shatterpoint Rules 7Hunker Tokens and Cover probably had the most questions (from what we’ve seen), and hopefully, it’s not too confusing.

    Basically, you have to have a Hunker Token, you have to be by terrain that is not lower than the enemy, and you can actually see the target. Lastly, this is only for ranged attacks; you lose all your hunker tokens at the unit’s next activation.

    Updated Shatterpoint Rules 8Last but not least, ingress points were causing some confusion, but something like a ladder can be climbed.

    Download All the Rules Here!

    What are your thoughts on Shatterpoint, do you like the rules so far? 

    Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter Star Wars Shatterpoint Rules: (May 16th, 2022)

    Jango Fett Star Wars Shatterpoint Rules 2

    In combat, Jango Fett is all about either disabling or neutralizing his chosen foe, and he has many means to achieve this end. Jango was a Foundling of the Mandalorians™ and inherited their distinct Beskar armor, including a tremendously useful Jet Pack that allows him to perform a jump and seek the higher ground, ideally used while maneuvering into position. Similarly, Jango Fett can perform a jump after making a focus action thanks to My Client is Getting Impatient, giving him another way to be in the right place at the right time. Rather than changing his own position, Jango Fett also has the option to Pull a target out of cover and pin them in place with his Capture Wire. 

    Spending Force to jet around or capture foes might seem spendy, but I’m Just Looking to Get Paid provides considerable efficiency to strategic use of Jango’s abilities. So long as he Wounds a significant target, this ability refreshes two Force and provides some minor healing. And if enemies think Jango is only dangerous on his own turn, his Not So Fast reaction lets him punish an enemy that begins their activation too close to him. This allows Jango to unleash his favored rocket launcher straight into a nearby adversary, potentially doing considerable damage before they can do anything else.

    He’s perfect for flying up the battlefield and taking out enemy characters, as he can not only pull them closer to him but also do damage when they try and get away! Then, he gets extra moves and can heal for free and refresh tokens!

    So overall, just some really cool abilities.

    Jango Fett Star Wars Shatterpoint Rules 3

    Jango Fett’s Stance, Resourceful Gunslinger, offers a very well-rounded attack package. This gunslinger prefers fighting in mid to close range and is as dangerous to engage as to leave firing from a distance. From farther away, he’s more accurate, but close on him in melee and his shots can potentially do even more damage. The Stance’s Combat Tree provides both substantial punishment and additional maneuvering or the opportunity to use an Active ability, as well as an early option to strain his quarry. This Stance also provides decent defense dice and the protection of his Beskar Armor.

    While he only has one stance,  you can just do a ton of extra damage with the option of a bunch of moves as well. He also has some good expertise trees, so overall, he’s shaping up nicely!

    Gar Saxon & Mandalorian Super Commandos Rules Fly Into Star Wars Shatterpoint: (May 3rd, 2023)

    Gar Saxon rules 2

    His Tactic ability, Pride of the Mandalore, allows another allied Mandalorian character to jump at the start of his activation. Well planned use of this ability is essential to getting the most out of Gar Saxon’s activation each turn. A staunch believer in Mandalore’s warrior tradition, Gar Saxon knows that Mandalorians are Stronger Together. This ability is a staple of Mandalorian Units, allowing a unit to immediately make a focus action after it makes a move action where a character’s movement ends with it within Range 2 of another allied Mandalorian Character. Actions that are granted immediately do not count against the number of actions that a Unit can take during its activation.

    Like all the characters we’ve seen so far, he will buff up other units, and his strength really comes into play when you have other Mandalorians in the army. However, he’s still got some cool stuff for himself as well, considering he has a jet pack, sharpshooter 2, and ignores cover.

    Gar Saxon rules 3

    Gar Saxon is not only a threat from range and taking advantage of the Jump offered by Jet Pack to Engage enemies who are already fighting allied Mandalorians is a sound tactic on account of the bonus attack dice offered by Pack Hunter and his Melee Attack Stat of 7. Saxon’s Stance is Concentrated Assault. Boasting impressive Expertise Charts for both attack and defense and a Combat Tree with strong damage and control Options, Gar Saxon is a well-rounded fighter that can find a home in many squads with his point cost of 4.

    His stance is pretty awesome, as he can jump all over the place and take additional shots. With his jet pack, you should either be able to keep him at range and firing or run into combats where someone is already fighting as he gets seven combat dice!

    Mandalorian Super Commandos Rules

    Gar Saxon rules 4

    Mandalorian Super Commandos are a melee-focused Supporting Unit with a plethora of tools for closing distance and maximizing their combat effectiveness. These Mandalorians have the Innate ability Victory or Death!, providing characters in the Unit with Impact [1] and, by extension, a reason to move in tandem with their allies. Jet Pack and Mandalorians are Stronger Together are staples for Mandalorian Units and help this Unit make the most of their melee prowess.

    It makes sense they are a melee-focused unit as they have jet packs, Impact, can make free moves, and have a lot of attack dice. Not to mention, they also can just deal two damage by moving into engagement range when a character is already engaged, so probably better to keep at least one of their activation cards for later.

    Gar Saxon rules 5

    Looking at their combat Stance, Disruptive Tactics, staying in Melee range can be a dangerous proposition for all but the sturdiest Units. Their Combat Tree offers Options with consistent damage, conditions, and even an escape plan when the attack doesn’t go as well as planned. Their point cost of 4 makes this Supporting Unit an excellent choice for any squad that needs a pair of mobile melee specialists.

    For a squad unit, they have the most flexibility we’ve seen in a stance. Again, they need to stay mobile, and the stance really lets them do it. Plus, for a cost of 4, they seem pretty worth it.

    Kalani, Super Tactical Droid & B1 Battle Droids Rules Roll Into Shatterpoint (April 25th, 2023)

    B1 Battle Droids Rules 2

    Kalani, Super Tactical Droid comes to the battlefield with an abundance of powerful support abilities that maximize the effectiveness of nearby allied Battle Droid characters. At the start of his activation, Kalani’s Roger, Roger ability offers a free dash to all allied Battle Droid Supporting characters within range 4. Then, for a single Force, he can use Tactical Network on a nearby allied Battle Droid to move them, bolster their defenses, or even allow them to attack! Kalani’s tactics are harsh and uncompromising, but undeniably effective. His Innate ability, Target, Concentrate all Firepower, provides an extra attack die to allied Battle Droid characters that are sticking together and Complete Analysis allows him to be reserved using fewer resources than other characters to make sure his activation happens at the best possible time.

    Like Bo-Katan and the Mandalorians we saw, Kalani is going to be decent on its own but far better when combined with some droids! Tactical Network is super strong, as it can give all kinds of buffs, Target helps with your attacks, and Roger, Roger all come together to really make your droids strong.

    Then, Complete Analysis lets you save when putting cards into reserve, so if you want to play the droids, you will definitely want Kalani around!

    B1 Battle Droids Rules 3

    His Stance, Cold Logic, provides a lot of ranged punch. His Expertise Chart for ranged attacks is extremely consistent, capping out at 2 expertise results to add a critical and 2 strikes. His Combat Tree is extremely versatile, dishing out damage, Shoves, conditions, a reposition, and even an Active ability trigger to follow up with Tactical Network after the attack. All this power doesn’t come for free, though, evident in Kalani’s point cost of 5. Kalani fits best with Primary Units that provide 8 or more squad points.

    While his stances don’t have a ton of options, they are super versatile; he deals all kinds of damage at range but is a little expensive (Bo-Katan is 4 points).

    B1 Battle Droids Rules

    B1 Battle Droids Rules 4

    The core of the Separatist army is made up of B1 Battle Droids. Incapable of making complex decisions on their own, all of this Unit’s abilities are Innate – so will always be in play until the Unit is Defeated. Combat A.I. Protocols provides the Unit with some pre-programmed battle tactics and allows them to dole out conditions against the targets of their attacks as long as all characters in the B1 Battle Droid Unit are within range 4 of the defender. Sometimes a lone soldier finds themselves in a situation where they need to take up the mantle of leadership for the good of the cause. Well, I Guess I’m in Charge, Now represents these droids making their ineffective attempts at seizing the initiative and allows the player to place this Unit’s Order Card at the bottom of their Order Deck when the B1s are placed in reserve. This Unit will likely account for a good portion of any strike team’s characters, so taking advantage of this ability is often a trade of early battlefield presence for a more effective later activation.

    Well, I Guess I’m In Charge, Now is really interesting. Considering you’ll probably have a ton of these, and you might not want them to activate, you can just move a couple of the cards to the bottom and get to your big characters.

    However, this means at the end, you’ll have a bunch of droids to activate. Then, you’ll want to put them on objectives as it will always have Protection. Basically, they have three innate abilities, so you can always take advantage of them.

    B1 Battle Droids Rules 5

    This Unit’s Stance, Countless, reflects the immense numbers of droids that the Separatists can bring to bear in any conflict. With an early Reposition in the Combat Tree, B1 Battle Droids are extremely mobile when they attack. If the attacking character can manage to gain enough successes to run their entire Combat Tree, they can put out an impressive amount of damage – but their middling Expertise Charts don’t offer much in the way of consistency. Smart positioning and use of the reserve mechanic can mean the difference between victory or defeat for these rank-and-file droids. While the B1’s may not seem like the most hardened combatants, with a low point cost of 3 they can be easily fit into most squads, leaving room for more powerful Secondary Unit options.

    With their low point cost, the card is actually pretty good. You can take a bunch of them, and they have pretty consistent damage and should be tactically fun.

    Bo-Katan Kryze & Mandalorians Rules: (April 18th 2023)

    Bo-Katan Kryze Shatterpoint Rules 2

    Enemies of this Nite Owl would do well to remember that Mandalorians are Stronger Together. This ability appears on many Mandalorian Units and provides them a free focus action if a character in that Unit ends a move action within range 2 of another allied Mandalorian character. This action doesn’t count against the Unit’s two allowed actions for the activation, and helps these Units have a little more punch when they fight together. With the extra jump available from Jet Pack, Bo-Katan should be able to take advantage of this free action more often than not.

    In spite of all the hardship that she has gone through, Bo-Katan holds onto her belief that Mandalore Will Survive – an ability that provides her extra opportunity to move and heal whenever she makes a focus action. Paired with her second Innate ability, Some of Us Serve a Higher Purpose – which provides nearby allied Mandalorian characters with both Protection and Steadfast – Bo-Katan can take the role of an exceptional support-focused Secondary Unit that helps her strike team stand strong on objectives and survive incoming fire.

    She can buff up your other Mandalorians, is relatively fast with her jet pack, and attacks on the move! She has three different abilities for buffing up Mandalorians, so whatever you do, keep her close to the others. Otherwise, she may not be super helpful.

    Close Support is Bo-Katan Kryze’s Stance, providing formidable a Defense Expertise Chart, solid damage output, and a whopping three Shove results. On top of that, she has options for mobility and for shutting down the enemy’s approach – giving her tools for many varied situations. Bo-Katan has a point cost of 4, and can be fit into most squads, but definitely shines when she’s on the battlefield with other Mandalorian Units.

    For only 4 points, she has decent damage output and can stay fairly defensive. She also has a ton of ways to get in close, and with seven attack defense dice in combat, she should be a decent character to run into the enemy and get off the damage.

    Clan Kryze Mandalorians Rules 

    The Clan Kryze Mandalorians are also able to make use of Jet Pack for some extra mobility, and are more effective combatants when they fight together with other Mandalorians on account of their Mandalorians are Stronger Together ability. These particular troopers are also each outfitted with a Helmet Visor that provides extra value from focus actions by giving the Unit Sharpshooter [1].

    Having jet packs for the whole unit is excellent for mobility, and they all have Sharpshooters, so they are not bad for a supporting unit.

    Clan Kryze Mandalorians’ Stance, Skirmish Tactics, offers a lot of options as far as what goals they can accomplish with each attack. They are excellent at moving enemy characters off of objectives with their early Shove results, and can also various conditions with enough successes in their attack roll. Their point cost of 4 makes them a solid pick for any squad – and can be run as a self-sufficient Supporting Unit or accompanied by other Mandalorians to maximize the effectiveness of their Tag-based abilities.

    As most support units, they don’t have a super complex stance card but do have some options depending on what’s happening. Just like with most support units, they will be much more effective if paired with a leader like Bo-Katan but they could be decent fodder at 4 points.

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Reveals Free Rules PDF Download: (April 13th, 2023)

    The rules come from AMG, but we also have seen a full gameplay demo, which you can check out here!

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core RulesThe game rules shouldn’t be too crazy to learn, but there are definitely some intricacies, as you can see above.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 2Well, if you are buying the core set, this is everything it will come with, and there are a decent amount of tokens, cards, terrain, dice, and movement tools. So, if you’re planning on playing, it looks like buying the core set is the way to go.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 3Well, if you’re this into it, you at least have an idea about the game! However, the mission cards are interesting, and just winning the first struggle does not win you the game.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 4Each unit comprises a certain number of characters, and each character or unit will have two cards. Each unit can have more than one character in it, which you can tell by the number of little men on the bottom. Some abilities will only affect the main character, while some will affect the whole unit.

    Characters in a unit don’t have to stay together; they can go about as they please.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 5So, you move up the stance trees the more expertise rolls you get, and then you get different bonuses depending on how you roll. Some characters have multiple stances, and you must decide which way to go up the trees and what benefits you garner.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 6

    The more objectives you control, the closer you get to winning the game, so try to grab all those objectives!

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 7Obviously, you need a way to win the game! The further you go on the struggle marker, the closer you get to winning a struggle. Then, you have to win more than one struggle to actually with the whole game, so don’t blow too much on the first struggle!

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 8In Star Wars Shatterpoint, to attack, first, you have to look at the attack’s range and measure it with the correct tool. Then, the first number in the block is the number of attack dice you get; everyone (without special rules) gets four attack dice.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 9Then, for the results, you have strikes (normal hits), criticals (can’t be stopped by the defense dice), fail results, and expertise rolls.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 10Once you have more damage tokens than your stamina, the character takes a wound. Once wounded, characters get worse and can just be moved away from by other characters.

    When you take more wounds than your durability, the character gets removed. Lastly, you get a momentum token on the struggle counter for wounding a character.

    Download All the Rules Here!

    So, this leads to winning, as the more wounds and objectives you control, the more tokens you get as well, thus winning the game.

    Captain Rex & 501st Clone Troopers Rules For Star Wars: Shatterpoint: (April 11th, 2023)

    Captain Rex Star Wars Rules 2

    CC-7567 Captain Rex is a strong leader and experienced soldier, often found on the front lines of conflicts encouraging the soldiers of the Galactic Republic in their struggles on the battlefield. Get a Move On, Soldier provides Captain Rex or a character in another allied Galactic Republic Unit a dash and the opportunity to gain a Hunker token and improve their defense against oncoming fire. In conjunction with Defensive Maneuver, which you will see on many Clone Trooper Units, this allows Rex himself to clear great distances on his own during his activation – or to provide assistance to slower-moving Units while still gaining ground himself. Both of these abilities offer Hunker tokens, which play well with some of his Innate abilities. Bring it On, Clankers allows nearby allied Clone Trooper Units to heal each time they gain a Hunker token and Brothers in Arms provides Rex himself with Steadfast while he has a Hunker token, helping him stand firm in the face of enemy attacks.

    It makes sense that he buffs up his fellow soldiers, with multiple abilities. However, he’s no slouch in combat himself, with I’m Always First (and with five dice, he can build up the damage quickly).

    Rex lets your units dig in with a bunch of Hunker tokens, healing, and more! Just be sure to keep him close to your other troopers, and he will shine.

    Captain Rex Star Wars Rules 3

    Rex’s Stance, Tactical Supremacy, provides him with options for damage and control while attacking – and as an equally capable combatant in both ranged melee confrontations, he’s always ready to bring the fight to the enemy.

    You can either go offensive with the top profile or add some movement and control, so two pretty decent stances for him.

    501st Clone Troopers Rules

    Captain Rex Star Wars Rules 4

    To provide support to their other Galactic Republic allies, the 501st Clone Troopers also have Coordinated Fire: 5. This ability hands out the Strained condition to the allied Unit’s target. If the enemy is unable to remove the condition before it makes another action or move, it will suffer damage – putting pressure on the enemy to spend resources healing before engaging.

    While they aren’t as tough as Rex, when combined with his rules, they become pretty strong. Then, when you add in the coordinated fire, they can really dish out some damage. This will also force your enemy to spend resources not on moving or attacking, so that’s always good.

    Captain Rex Star Wars Rules 5

    With their Advanced Combat Training Stance, the 501st Clone Troopers excel at slowing down the enemy advance and putting respectable damage into targets with combined fire from all characters in the Unit. With a Ranged Attack Stat of 7 and two characters in the Unit, that’s a lot of dice. Their point cost of 3 makes these Clone Troopers readily available to fit into almost any Squad, and even leave room for more expensive Secondary Units when used in squads under Primary Units that provide a large number of squad points.

    For just two models, they get a lot of dice, and while the stance isn’t the craziest thing we’ve seen, they look to be a well rounded and cheap addition to your army!

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint Game Full Demo & Review: (March 21st, 2023)

    Here’s how to play the new Star Wars: Shatterpoint Game from the Atomic Mass Games demo review at AdpetiCon 2023!

    We’ve seen a decent amount from AMG over the last couple of months about the gameplay, but seeing a full game is much better! We’ll go over a bunch of the mechanics but also have the video for you below so you can watch a whole game if you want.

    With the Core Set available for pre-order it’s even better to see how the game plays before you actually buy it, so let’s get into the game.

    How to Play Star Wars ShatterpointEach unit comprises a certain number of characters and each character or unit will have two cards. Each unit can have more than one character in it, which you can tell by the number of little men on the bottom. Some abilities will only affect the main character, while some will affect the whole unit. Characters in a unit don’t have to stay together; they can go about as they, please.

    When looking at the cards, they gave us a legend to keep track of everything:

    Star Wars shatterpoint stat cards

    Using this as a guide we can see that Anakin has 1 Active ability, 2 Reactive abilities, and 1 Identity since he is a Primary Unit. The cost to use Force Jump is 1, I’m Going to End This is 2, and Deflect is 0. Per the rules for Identity abilities, Anakin never has to spend Force to use his This Is Where The Fun Begins ability.

    However, remember those Wound tokens we talked about earlier? They don’t just matter for determining when a Unit is defeated. For each Wound token a Unit has the cost of its Active and Reactive abilities increases by 1 Force. So, Anakin with 1 Wound token would have to spend 2 Force to use Force Jump and 1 Force to use Deflect. Wounding enemy units not only helps you win victories it also can significantly slow them down as their abilities become more and more of a drain on your opponent’s limited Force Pool. 

    There aren’t too many symbols, so looking at the cards shouldn’t get too confusing. It’s also interesting that you increase the cost as the characters get injured. Definitely an interesting mechanic and makes wounding units even more valuable.

    Struggle Counter

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 2

    Before we talk too much about the Missions themselves, let’s talk about the Struggle. There is a dashboard for players to track the Struggle – a sort of tug-o-war between the players. At the end of each player’s Turn they will score points, moving the struggle token toward their end of the track. If the Struggle token ever reaches the end of that player’s track, they win the current Struggle!

    When a player gains a Momentum token, it is added to the end of their track.

    But, unlike the old school-yard game, Shatterpoint throws a monkey wrench into the works. Momentum tokens are added to a player’s side of the track as certain actions are performed – most notably wounding enemy characters, but there are character special rules and other ways to gain momentum as well. Momentum moves the end of your track toward the center making it easier for you to achieve victory and is an important part of any strategy!

    You gain momentum tokens for wounding enemy characters, getting objectives, and so on. When you pull the struggle token to your track, you win. The game is based on three different struggles, so after you win the first one, the game is not over. The trackers all get removed, and you go to the next objective.

    However, you will keep all your damage and such, meaning if you go all out to win the first one, you might not be able to win the next two.

    Whoever loses the struggle gets to pick the following map.

    Character Activation

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 3Each character will also come with a third card; this will be their activation card. You shuffle your cards together, and whatever card you flip is what character goes next.

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint: Force Tokens

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 4At the start of the game, you pool all your force tokens and these will be what you can use throughout the game.

    Throughout the game players will spend Force to activate their Unit’s abilities and to place Order cards in reserve. It is up to each player to carefully weigh how to use their limited Force pool when activating their Units. Should they spend a majority of it early on a couple of powerful activations? Or should they be more sparing with the Force available to them, letting every Unit potentially use some of their abilities but not all? Smart use of a player’s Force pool will mean the difference between victory and defeat.

    Jedi and certain characters can use these tokens to perform different actions, but once you’ve used all your force tokens, they are gone for the rest of that struggle, so use them wisely!

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 5Maybe the most common use of the force tokens is to put a drawn card into reserve. This allows you to draw another activation card, and you can decide to play the reserve card whenever you choose (on your activation).


    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 6

    The game uses 5 range tools for measuring things like abilities and attacks: 4 range tools numbered 2-5 and a shove tool. Range 1 abilities can be measured using the short end of any of the Range tools or either end of the shove tool. Movement in Shatterpoint uses just two movement tools. The long movement tool is used when a character makes an advance, while the short movement tool is used for a number of different movements like dashing, jumping, and climbing. The use of these tools means that measuring anything in the game is fast and easy.

    Movement sticks and aides are a cornerstone of AMG games, so this isn’t anything too crazy. You can also use the markers to attack or climb. However, if you don’t want to move, you can use those actions to recover (take wounds off), take cover (extra defense die against ranged attacks), or focus (make your attack better).

    Just keep in mind, you move each character separately, and they must end their move touching the movement tool.

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 7For moving over elevated terrain, you have this smaller tool. If your tool is taller than the terrain, you can move over it. If you can’t get over the terrain, that’s that. However, ingress points, such as ladders, will let you move up basically for free.

    If you end within range one of a ladder, you’re character just moves up.


    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 8There are different types of abilities, such as defensive, innate, and attack. Some are free, others cost actions, and some cost force. There are also built-in actions, such as taking cover.


    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 9In Star Wars Shatterpoint to attack, first, you have to look at the attack’s range and measure it with the correct tool. Then, the first number in the block is the number of attack dice you get; everyone (without special rules) gets four attack dice.

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 10Then, for the results, you have strikes (normal hits), criticals (can’t be stopped by the defense dice), fail results, and expertise rolls.

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 11Expertise rolls are pretty strong as you look at the bottom left of the card and add the results from that column to your roll. In this case, two expertise rolls add a critical hit and two regular hits.

    How to Play Star Wars: Shatterpoint Defense

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 12You start with your defense dice and add your hunker-down tokens as extra dice. In this case, they had two hunker-down dice; then there will be failed blocks, expertise dice, and blocks. These cancel out the attacks, but cannot cancel the critical.

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 13Instead of just dealing one point of damage, you also get to move down your own stance tree. This can do additional damage to characters, disarm them, and do all sorts of things. Then, you put all your damage into a damage pool which gets resolved at the end of the turn and put it on the opposing character’s card.

    How to Play Star Wars Shatterpoint 14Once you have more damage tokens than your stamina, the character takes a wound. Once wounded, characters get worse and can just be moved away from by other characters.

    Once you take more wounds than your durability, the character gets removed. Lastly, for wounding a character, you get a momentum token on the struggle counter. So, this leads to winning, as the more wounds and objectives you control, the more tokens you get, thus winning the game.

    Be sure to watch the Star Wars Shatterpoint how-to-play video how to play below for all the insights from Atomic Mass Games themselves.

    Click Here to Get Your Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Previews From AdeptiCon 2023: (March 21st, 2023)

    The previews were streamed here on the Professionalcasualnetwork, but another recording of the stream is on YouTube, and we put that at the bottom of this post as well.

    Shatterpoint Previews From AdeptiConFirst up, we have Mother Talzin and her Nightsisters alongside Maul! This was the first preview they showed, so we expect this to be one of the very first boxes hitting shelves once the game goes live.

    Star Wars shatterpoint PreviesNext up is another amazing character, Mace Windu! They didn’t give an exact release date for any of these, but once the models are shown off like this, hopefully, they are not too far off…

    Star Wars shatterpoint PreviewsThe bounty hunters came out to play with Cad Bane and Aurra Sing! Of course, you couldn’t have Bane without Todo 360, and so awesome to see the mini. 

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 2They did promise Ahsoka Tano in a separate release, and here it is alongside Plo Koon, who they said will be very defensive.

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 3This is an excellent move, as you can score Queen Amidala, Sabe, and her Handmaidens! They mention they will have a ton of firepower and look like really fun minis to paint. Now, let’s go a little further into the future.

    Looking Further into the Future

    Everything they showed before looks like it will be out before too long, but they didn’t stop there! Check out what the future holds for the game.

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 4Well, you can probably guess what this is going to be! However, they aren’t just by themselves.

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 5You will be able to get full packs for both Vader and Skywalker!

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 6We think this may be one of the coolest packs as you can score Princess Leia in her disguise along with Lando! Not to mention R2-D2 with his serving tray, just in case you need some refreshments during the battle.

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 7Then the best reveal (well, maybe not, but we think it’s fantastic) looks like Ewoks will be invading the battlefields soon of Star Wars: Shatterpoint as well. They also said there would be more too, so get excited…

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 8Going away a little from the original trilogy, you can also play the Inquisitors from the Obi-Wan series soon as well!

    Even Further into the Future

    We go even further into the release schedule, but who knows how far out these models are?

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 9

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 10Han looking good, and we hope this means you’ll also get a Chewbacca mini with him as well!

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 11They actually said this was the first model they sculpted for the game, so hopefully, that means we will see the model very soon!

    Star Wars shatterpoint Previews 12Last but not least, they showed off the crew of the Ghost from Rebels, but since they don’t have anything painted for them, it might be quite a few months before we see them drop.

    Click Here to Get Your Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set

    Ahsoka Tano Star Wars: Shatterpoint Rules (March 30th, 2023)

    Ahsoka Tano Star Wars Shatterpoint Rules 2

    Ahsoka Tano, Jedi No More is a fast-moving defensive powerhouse who is ready to prove to all- comers that you don’t have to look tough to be tough. Providing a solid 8 squad points, players will find they have a lot of flexibility in Unit choice while building out her squad.

    Enemies who choose to attack Ahsoka from a distance will have to weigh the risk of taking return damage from Deflect – while attacking her companions has the potential to trigger her Identity ability, Fierce Protector, allowing her to close distance with the enemy and strike back or support other Units with some crucial healing to turn the tide.

    She has some excellent defensive tools, and with Deflect, Too Fast, and Protector, she should be pretty annoying to take down and deal out a decent amount of damage.

    Ahsoka Tano Star Wars Shatterpoint Rules 3

    On the offensive, Ahsoka clears a lot of ground during her activation with Force Speed and has two Stances to use in combat – each with its own unique advantages. Jar’Kai is focused on dealing consistent damage to enemies, forgoing some defense dice against both Ranged and Melee attacks in favor of offensive power. Her Form V Shien Reverse Grip Stance offers Ahsoka more Shove results early in her Combat Tree, as well as various options to move and heal during combat. Choosing which Stance to use during attacks will be key to leveraging the strengths of both of these Stances to their greatest effect.

    With her lightsabers and acrobatics, she has some very interesting stances (which you can learn more about here) where you can either go offensive and pump out the damage, or she can heal and be more defensive if you’re on the back foot a little.

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Initiation & Retail Support Kits (March 28th, 2023)

    initiation kit mission 1

    The Initiation Kit supports up to 8 players as they learn the fundamentals of Star Wars: Shatterpoint over the course of three sessions. Each session players play a different Mission designed to familiarize them with gameplay concepts and mechanics, ultimately culminating in a full game of Star Wars: Shatterpoint at the final session.

    Assuming LGSs will actively be doing this, it seems like a great way to teach people and maybe even encourage someone to try it out who otherwise wouldn’t have taken the leap alone.

    initiation kit foil order cards

    Every player who participates will receive a set of the mission cards to keep that they can use to help teach the game to new players. Additionally, as a reward for participating, each player will also receive a foil order card for the four Primary characters included in the Core Set: Ahsoka Tano, Jedi No More™; General Anakin Skywalker™; Asajj Ventress, Sith Assassin™; and Lord Maul™.

    A little bonus is also excellent for players excited about the game. Ultimately, it’s not a huge thing, but it’s still nice either way!

    Now onto the Retail Support Kit…

    foil Shatterpoint order

    In addition to the Initiation Kit, the Star Wars: Shatterpoint Retail Event Support Kit provides more opportunities to build your Shatterpoint community from the start. This kit contains an 18”x24” Shatterpoint poster to promote the game in your store as well as 16 foil Shatterpoint order cards that can be given to players as promotional items to welcome them to the game.

    A poster for the store is a must, and it’s great to know there will potentially be a welcome gift for players in the form of some foil Shatterpoint order cards!


    Star Wars: Shatterpoint General Anakin Skywalker Rules Preview! (March 14th, 2023)

    Star Wars Shatterpoint General Anakin Skywalker Rules

    As a powerful Jedi, General Anakin Skywalker provides 7 squad points to build his squad, but what he lacks in back-up he more than makes up for with his unique suite of abilities and exceptional melee attacks. Anyone unfortunate enough to have been on the receiving end of Anakin’s tactics knows that he is a force to be reckoned with and a threat that cannot be ignored. Enemies who try and take soften this Jedi with ranged attacks can quickly find themselves a lot worse for wear on account of taking return damage from Deflect. Some foes may try to avoid the General, making use of terrain and elevation to escape his notice. Lucky for Anakin, Force Jump provides him with additional mobility and the ability to reach higher elevations with ease. An enemy will inevitably face Anakin in melee, and that is exactly where he excels.

    It makes sense for Anakin to be excellent in melee and have plenty of incredible Force powers. Force Jump is also one of his hallmark moves, so don’t try to get away by hiding!

    Star Wars Shatterpoint General Anakin Skywalker Rules 2

    General Anakin Skywalker has two Stances to choose from in combat. Form V Djem So provides solid damage and a lot of critical results in the Melee Expertise Chart – so attacks in this Stance are very consistent and a safe bet when dealing damage is the primary goal. When stronger defense or clearing an objective take precedence over raw power, Form V Shien may be a better option – giving Anakin an extra defense die against both ranged and melee attacks and providing a terrifying three Shove results at the beginning of his combat tree.

    We’ve learned a little about stances, but at this point, we don’t have all the info. Still, this looks like he can be highly effective in either melee or at range.

    Character Card

    Anakin’s prowess in close-quarters combat isn’t only represented in his Stance Card, though. I’m Going to End This is an exceptionally powerful ability with a Force cost to match that power. This Reactive ability allow the General to make a second attack with his full dice pool – something that most Units can’t do. Players will want to use those extra attacks against enemy Primary and Secondary Units – because if they managed to Wound one, well….This Is Where the Fun Begins. General Anakin Skywalker’s Identity moves the Struggle token closer to his controlling players Momentum tokens, and one step closer to victory. Choosing Primary units as targets for Anakin also provides some valuable healing to other Units that have the Galactic Republic Tag.

    I’m Going to End This is pretty crazy, as he more or less gets to attack twice! Then, This is Where the Fun Begins lets you move the struggle token very quickly, as all you have to do is just wound the enemy with Anakin.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Stat Cards Rules Overview (March 7th, 2023)

    Shatterpoint Stat Card

    On the General Anakin Skywalker card above, his list of abilities fills most of the card, with his Tags at the bottom of the card and his Stamina and Durability listed at the bottom right. A Unit’s Stamina determines how much damage it can suffer before becoming Wounded. However, being Wounded doesn’t mean the character is out of the fight. A Unit is only Defeated and removed from the battlefield if it finishes an activation and has a number of Wounds equal to or greater than its Durability. So it takes 11 damage to Wound Anakin based on his Stamina value of 11, and three or more Wounds to Defeat him based on his Durability of 3.

    The cards look pretty easy to read as long as you have a legend around. We’ll have to see how much damage each character can do because three durability doesn’t seem like too much for Anakin.

    It is nice though you get pretty much everything right here in this key / legend.

    Star Wars shatterpoint stat cards

    Using this as a guide we can see that Anakin has 1 Active ability, 2 Reactive abilities, and 1 Identity since he is a Primary Unit. The cost to use Force Jump is 1, I’m Going to End This is 2, and Deflect is 0. Per the rules for Identity abilities, Anakin never has to spend Force to use his This Is Where The Fun Begins ability.

    However, remember those Wound tokens we talked about earlier? They don’t just matter for determining when a Unit is defeated. For each Wound token a Unit has the cost of its Active and Reactive abilities increases by 1 Force. So, Anakin with 1 Wound token would have to spend 2 Force to use Force Jump and 1 Force to use Deflect. Wounding enemy units not only helps you win victories it also can significantly slow them down as their abilities become more and more of a drain on your opponent’s limited Force Pool. 

    There aren’t too many symbols, so it shouldn’t get too confusing when looking at the cards. It’s also interesting that you increase the cost as the characters get injured. Definitely an interesting mechanic and makes wounding units even more valuable.

    Tactic Abilities

    Star Wars shatterpoint stat cards 2

    Before we talk about the second piece of the Unit rule puzzle in Shatterpoint, it is worth spending a little bit of time talking about Tactic abilities. Tactics are perhaps the most powerful abilities available to players as they almost always allow the Unit that has them to provide bonuses to allied Units in their strike team.

    Take for instance the Tactic ability Pride of the Mandalore, found on both Gar Saxon and Bo-Katan Kryze.

    This seems really strong, as you can move another Mandalorian unit when this activates for free. So, expect the team tactics to be a huge focus of the game.

    Stance Cards

    Star Wars shatterpoint stat cards 3

    Shatterpoint’s combat resolution mechanics are so key to the game that they will be the focus of a whole upcoming article where we will dive into the system that brings the action and dynamic action of Star Wars duels and blaster fights to the tabletop like never before. Suffice to say here, that in addition to the Unit’s Stat Card, each Unit also has an additional card called a Stance Card. Stance Cards list all of a Unit’s attacks, defenses, and Combat Tree (much more on that later). Some Unit’s Stance Cards, typically Primary Units, are double-sided and can be flipped back and forth between the different fighting styles. This adds another element of tactical choice and personalization to the main characters of each squad.

    It’s interesting each model will have two fighting styles, and we’ll definitely need a legend for these as there is a lot going on with these cards. Either way they should have some very interesting mechanics with so many fighting options.

    AMG Reveals Star Wars: Shatterpoint Gameplay Mechanics! (February 28th, 2023)

    Gameplay Mechanics Star Wars Shatterpoint

    The game uses 5 range tools for measuring things like abilities and attacks: 4 range tools numbered 2-5 and a shove tool. Range 1 abilities can be measured using the short end of any of the Range tools or either end of the shove tool. Movement in Shatterpoint uses just two movement tools. The long movement tool is used when a character makes an advance, while the short movement tool is used for a number of different movements like dashing, jumping, and climbing. The use of these tools means that measuring anything in the game is fast and easy.

    Movement sticks and aides are a cornerstone of AMG games, so this really isn’t anything too crazy.

    Like the vast majority of tabletop games, Shatterpoint uses dice to determine the outcome of various actions, most notably attacks. There are two types of dice in Shatterpoint. Attack Dice which are eight-sided and Defense Dice which are six-sided. We’ll be going over the dice and how they are used in far more detail in an upcoming article.

    So, there will be d6s and d8s which is pretty standard honesty. From there it also looks like the attackers will have the advantage with the d8s. But, we’ll hopefully see those rules soon!


    During a player’s turn, they get the chance to activate one of their Units. When a Unit activates it can make up to two actions. The basic actions in Shatterpoint are:

    • Move – Each character in the Unit may advance, dash, or climb.
    • Focus – The next attack made by each character in the Unit this activation adds 1 die to its attack roll
    • Combat – Each character in the Unit may make an attack
    • Ability –The Unit may use an ability that requires the use of an action
    • Recover – Each character in the Unit may Heal. When a character Heals it may remove one Condition or 1 Damage from itself or another allied character within Range 2 of it.
    • Take Cover – Each character in the Unit is Pushed and gains a Hunker Token which improves its defense against Ranged attacks.

    In addition to its standard actions, many characters have unique abilities that they can use during play. We will take a closer look at these abilities and how they function in a future article.

    Again, nothing too insane for actions, as they seem somewhat standard. Still, it’s nice each character has so many options, and that special characters get unique actions too.

    Unit Activation & Cards

    Gameplay Mechanics Star Wars Shatterpoint 2

    Unit activation works quite a bit differently from any of Atomic Mass Games’ other games and is purposefully designed once again to help create the experience of the high tension and somewhat tumultuous action of the best Saturday morning animated stories. Shatterpoint’s battles aren’t the carefully planned out, strategic affairs you find in games with large armies duking it out. These are the moments where our heroes and villains have been thoroughly thrown from the expected and now must use their cunning and wits to seize victory and change the course of fate. To bring this feeling to the game, players have very little control over how and when each Unit will activate. Each Unit has its own Order Card. At the start of the game, each player shuffles all their Unit Order Cards together, along with a special Shatterpoint Order Card to create their Order Deck.

    Adding cards to the game can really add some fun stuff! Especially when you have to shuffle the cards in, and you can’t just pick out precisely what you want. It also seems like the Shatterpoint cards will add some more variety.

    However, not everything is completely out of the player’s control. Each player has the option to place a just drawn card in Reserve (for a cost). If a player chooses to place their drawn Order Card in reserve, they immediately draw the next Order Card from the top of their deck and must activate that Unit instead. On future turns a player with a card in reserve may choose to activate that Unit instead of drawing the top card of their Order Deck. A player may only ever have one card in Reserve at a time, so players must choose wisely when to use this ability.

    In addition to the Reserve mechanic, players also each have an extremely powerful Shatterpoint card. The Shatterpoint Card acts like a wild card, allowing players to activate the Unit of their choice, even a Unit that has already Activated with its own Order Card previously.

    At the end of a player’s turn, if they have no Order Cards left in their Order Deck or reserve, they Refresh their Order deck by removing any Order Cards for defeated Units and then shuffling the remaining cards from the Order Discard Pile together to form a new Order Deck.

    Adding the reserve pile is very interesting, especially if it’s a Shatterpoint card, where you can have a huge swing turn. It is also cool that it seems to force you from just always using the same plan.

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Gameplay Mechanics: Using the Force

    Gameplay Mechanics Star Wars Shatterpoint 3

    At the start of the game players determine the Will of the Force by adding Force tokens to their Force pool equal to the combined total of all Force stats on their strike team’s Unit Stat Cards. Typically, only Primary Units have a Force stat, so most often a strike team’s Force pool will be equal to the combined Force stats of its two Primary Units.

    What would a Star Wars game be without The Force? From the looks of it this will be a limited resource that lasts the whole game, so you’ll have to choose wisely when to use your points.

    Gameplay Mechanics Star Wars Shatterpoint 4

    Throughout the game players will spend Force to activate their Unit’s abilities and to place Order cards in reserve. It is up to each player to carefully weigh how to use their limited Force pool when activating their Units. Should they spend a majority of it early on a couple of powerful activations? Or should they be more sparing with the Force available to them, letting every Unit potentially use some of their abilities but not all? Smart use of a player’s Force pool will mean the difference between victory and defeat.

    We’ll have to see some more abilities, but being able to jump all over the place seems to be “on-brand” for Anakin!

    How Missions Work For Star Wars: Shatterpoint (February 21, 2023)

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Missions

    Before we talk too much about the Missions themselves, let’s talk about the Struggle. There is a dashboard for players to track the Struggle – a sort of tug-o-war between the players. At the end of each player’s Turn they will score points, moving the struggle token toward their end of the track. If the Struggle token ever reaches the end of that player’s track, they win the current Struggle!

    When a player gains a Momentum token, it is added to the end of their track.

    But, unlike the old school-yard game, Shatterpoint throws a monkey wrench into the works. Momentum tokens are added to a player’s side of the track as certain actions are performed – most notably wounding enemy characters, but there are character special rules and other ways to gain momentum as well. Momentum moves the end of your track toward the center making it easier for you to achieve victory and is an important part of any strategy!

    This is an interesting way to play the game, as you score at the end of your turn, and can just set up the win. However, the Momentum tokens are also a cool idea to move you further along without doing actual objectives.

    Phase Cards

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Missions 2

    Once the game has begun, you’ll flip over a randomized Phase 1 card with a map to show you what objectives are active for the first Struggle. You’ll be fighting with your opponent to control these objectives by claiming them with characters. Be prepared to climb, jump, and hurdle over terrain to get there – the action starts quickly and doesn’t let up! As mentioned above, you’ll be scoring points at the end of each of your turns, pushing the Struggle token toward victory on your end of the track. Too much sitting back and your opponent will quickly overwhelm you! But worry not. Even if your opponent wins the first Struggle there is still hope (and what would any Star Wars game be without HOPE?) Once a player wins the first Struggle (By moving the Struggle token to the end of their track), phase two begins with a new set of randomized Struggle Cards.

    With randomized cards, the games really should be quite different each time. This also changes the map of each game with different terrain. Then, after the struggles are won, you switch to a new one throughout the game.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Missions 3

    While Phase 1 cards present the players with no choices in what the struggle is, Phase 2 cards will give an option between two maps, chosen by the player who lost the last Struggle, as to which objectives they want to be active, these new active objectives replace the current Phase 1 active objectives. Should the same player win the Struggle in Phase 2, they are the winner of the game! If both players have won a Struggle after Phase 2, the game continue into Phase 3.

    After the first phase, you get a little more of a choice for what happens next. Still fairly randomized, but you seem to be able to lead the game where you want it to go.

    Winning the Game

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Missions 4

    Now, some people may assume “Oh, I’m playing best out of 3! That’s pretty cool!” And you wouldn’t be wrong, kind of. Between each phase, nothing in the game resets – damage, injuries, wounds, conditions… It all stays on characters. Positioning your characters to capitalize on the ever-shifting objectives and planning for the future are a huge part of any successful strategy in Shatterpoint and will tax even the greatest characters and players alike!

    This is interesting because no damage or anything changes, so if you go all out to win the first phase, your characters might just be too damaged actually to bring home the overall victory!

    How to Build Star Wars: Shatterpoint Squads (February, 13th 2023)

    AMG previewed the rules for how to build squads in Star Wars: Shatterpoint, and it is always good to know how the game itself will play.

    build Star Wars Shatterpoint Squads

    No matter how players choose to approach who to include in their squads, every squad follows the same rules for composition. Each squad must include exactly one Primary Unit, one Secondary Unit, and one Supporting Unit. A Unit in Shatterpoint is one or more miniatures that share a common Stat Card. Each individual miniature in Shatterpoint is known as a character. So, a Unit is composed of 1 or more characters. Abilities in Shatterpoint can affect either a Unit, meaning all the characters in that Unit, or just one character, meaning just the single individual miniature.  

    Units are further defined by their type, which is Primary, Secondary, or Supporting. Primary Units, as the name implies, are the big central characters around which the squad is built. In terms of theme, the Primary characters are the ones the narrative the players create while playing out their game on the tabletop centers on. In the Core Set the Primary characters are Ahsoka Tano, Jedi No More; General Anakin Skywalker; Asajj Ventress, Sith Assassin; and Lord Maul. When building a squad, players must first select a Primary unit to lead it. The choice of Primary Unit serves two critical purposes. First, every Primary Unit has a Squad Point value listed on the back of its Stat Card. The SP value of the Primary Unit determines how many points a player can spend when selecting their Secondary and Supporting Units. The more powerful a Primary Unit is, the less SP it will provide for fleshing out the squad.

    This seems pretty simple, as you basically have three unit types, then each unit has points, so if you spend more on certain units, you still need the other ones but you’ll have to go cheaper so to speak. To buy your squads, each character also has Sqaud Points, representing how much you can spend.

    How to Build Star Wars: Shatterpoint Squads: Points

    build Star Wars Shatterpoint Squads 2

    As an example, in the Core Set, Ahsoka Tano, Jedi No More has an SP value of 8. So, she can spend a total of 8 points when selecting her Secondary and Supporting Units. Bo-Katan Kryze is a Secondary Unit that costs 4 points. Having selected Bo-Katan, Ahsoka’s squad has 4 points left to use on a Supporting Unit. As luck would have it, Clan Kryze Mandalorians are a Supporting Unit that costs, you guessed it, 4 points. This means the squad has fulfilled its requirement to have a Primary, Secondary, and Supporting Unit and has a value equal to or less than Ahsoka’s allowed 8 SP.

    Obviously, they are going to make the core set just work, and with Ahsoka, you can take both the units above.


    build Star Wars Shatterpoint Squads 3

    Secondly, the Primary Unit chosen determines the Era that the Secondary and Supporting Units must be chosen from. While Shatterpoint offers players a lot of freedom in mixing and matching their favorite characters, squads are still limited to the Era of their Primary Unit. HOWEVER…the rules on Eras only apply to the squads themselves. So, players can mix and match their two squads freely. If you want to see General Obi-Wan Kenobi and his 212th Clone join forces with Darth Vader and his Imperial cronies, Shatterpoint’s list-building system does allow you to do that.

    This makes sense, as you can’t just mix and match every era, but it still seems like there is a lot of freedom.

    build Star Wars Shatterpoint Squads 4

     The only thing to keep in mind when building your two squads to create your strike team is that you can never include two versions of the same named unit in the same strike team. So, you can’t take Ahsoka Tano, Jedi No More, and Padawan Ahsoka Tano in the same Strike Team because both share the Unique Name “Ahsoka Tano”.

    This is pretty obvious, so no surprise here that the same character or named unit can’t be taken twice.

    Character Tags

    build Star Wars Shatterpoint Squads 5

    In addition to its Unit type designation, every Unit in Shatterpoint has a number of keywords associated with it known as Tags. Unit Tags include things like Force User, Jedi, Separatist, Scoundrel, and Clone Trooper to name but a few.

    While a Unit’s Tags have no inherent rules or impact by themselves, they are super important when it comes to determining if a Unit can be affected by allied, or in some instances enemy, abilities as the vast majority of Unit abilities (which we will discuss more in-depth in a future Transmission) in Shatterpoint specify one or more Tags that the Unit or character must have in order to be affected by the ability. So, while you can put Clone Captain Rex in with your B1 Battle Droids, those B1s aren’t going to be able to benefit from any of his abilities that specify Galactic Republic or Clone Trooper Tags.

    This should be a good way to denote who can do what without taking up much space. So, when looking at the cards, it really feels like every little spot is actually going to mean something.

    AMG Give More Insight Into Star Wars: Shatterpoint Design: (February 2nd, 2023)

    The info about the game comes from this Transmission, revealing a bunch about the game, the design process, and why they actually made the game! Let’s take a closer look.

    shatterpoint-star-wars-starterSo, the question some people may be asking is, why did they actually make the game?

    While we have incredible Star Wars games that cover the gamut of big starship battles, starfighter dogfights, and army scale engagements with Armada, X-Wing, and Legion, it was very important for us to create a game experience that truly captured the pivotal conflicts between small iconic groups of characters within these greater battles that we often see on screen

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set

    AMG’s second goal was to create a unique entry to miniatures skirmish games. William Pagani explained specifically that Shatterpoint “utilizes  a distinct system for how and when units activate. The struggle objective system gives a sense of building tension and payoff as the game progresses creating a very on-edge and unique miniature gaming experience.

    Well, there you have the two main reasons, but luckily, they revealed more about the game’s mechanics as well.

    As with most things designed by AMG, the process began with Shick and Pagani locked in a room to hone in on how best to execute a game centered on the narrative of fighting in Star Wars. They decided that combat shouldn’t just be about dealing damage, but about using your abilities to claim objectives under fire, drive back your opponent, and create openings for the rest of your strike team – all while using the environment to your advantage. After a few weeks of discussion, they had initial design documents and development with the rest of the team began.

    From the sounds of it, the game will be very objective-driven and, hopefully, will really be able to show off the real character traits of each hero and villain.

    New Rules Mechanics

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set 2

    Pagani wanted to create something that showcased the themes of hope and struggle – with “combat trees, board manipulation of attacks and abilities, and a struggle mechanic” that charts the players’ course to victory. All these elements capture the feeling of fighting a life or death battle with your back to the wall.

    Mechanically, “characters in Shatterpoint are expressed through their abilities and their combat stances,” Shick explained. “The abilities show the character’s talents, powers, and leadership which come together to give the foundational feel for the character as we see them on screen. How combat style is expressed through each character’s Combat Stance really brings out the narrative feel and their individual personality.” He provided further insight for players saying, “Lord Maul’s™ combat stances showcase an extremely aggressive and dangerous character who is focused on the destruction of his enemies above all else. While Obi-Wan’s™ combat tree is less about raw damage and more about manipulating positioning and exposing his opponent, wearing them down and setting them up to suddenly find themselves out of position to claim a critical objective.”

    So from this, we know there will be Combat Stances that directly influence how they play and how much damage they can do. Then, there will be Combat Trees, and a character like Maul will be super aggressive, and Obi-Wan will be a little more subtle.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set 3

    Pagani considered the breakthrough of how to get the moving and changing objective system to work a big turning point for him. “It is an innovative system that hasn’t really been done before in tabletop gaming and that is always exciting!”

    The last big piece is this, the objective system is going to be very different, we’re not really sure how yet, but we’re excited to see it!

    Are you excited about the new Star Wars Shatterpoint game? Will you be playing when it comes out? 

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set & More Sets Hit Pre-Order (January 30th, 2023)


    If you read this after June 2nd, 2023, the starter set and first expansions should be fully released and available from your favorite store!  To order one for yourself, you can click here or click the header below. 

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set: $164.99

    Click here to order yours from | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set

    Iconic characters from across the Star Wars galaxy clash in this new miniatures skirmish game! Star Wars: Shatterpoint invites players to collect, assemble, and paint their own squads of heroes, villains, and their allies and pit them against one another in tense duels to control key battlefield objectives. Focusing on dynamic fights between key characters and a unique combat system that brings the feel of epic Star Wars duels to the tabletop, Star Wars: Shatterpoint gives players 16 characters to begin building their squads along with a selection of terrain to begin constructing their battlefields. Rounding out the set are all the cards, dice, movement tools and accessories players need to leap into the tactical combat of Star Wars: Shatterpoint!

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set 2As we said, this comes with a decent amount of models, a bunch of terrain, and everything you need to play!

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set 3For the price, we expect plenty of people to grab this, and it should be a pretty big launch. The game will officially launch on 6/2/2023, so really not that far away now!

    Count Dooku Squad Pack: $49.99

    Click here to order yours from | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

    Count Dooku box

    A sinister Sith Lord and his minions enter the duels of Star Wars: Shatterpoint! Once a respected Jedi Knight, and the padawan of Grand Master Yoda himself, Count Dooku has chosen the dark side, now serving as the apprentice to Darth Sidious himself. This pack adds a new squad of Count Dooku,Jango Fett, and two IG-100 MagnaGuards to Star Wars: Shatterpoint that players can play right away or use alongside other characters to create their own custom squad.
    Count Dooku box 2They mentioned these boxes will be self-contained squads, and there will be two launching simultaneously as the core starter set!

    General Obi-Wan Kenobi Squad Pack: $49.99

    Click here to order yours from | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

    General Kenobi Box

    A iconic Jedi General and his allies enter theStar Wars: Shatterpoint in this pack! One of the Republic’s most iconic heroes, Obi-Wan Kenobi fights to contain the Separatist threat no matter the cost and this pack adds him, Clone Commander Cody, and two Phase II Clone Troopers from the renowed 212th Attack Battalion toStar Wars: Shatterpoint. Whether using them together as full squad or combining them with other characters, the beautifully sculpted miniatures in this pack are accompanied by the Unit, Order, and Stance cards players need to unleash their unique abilities on the battlefield. 

    General Kenobi Box 2This will be the second of the two squads, and who doesn’t want to play with General Kenobi?

    High Ground Terrain Pack: $74.99

    Click here to order yours from | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

    High Ground Terrain pack

    Players can add even more thematic terrain to their games of Star Wars: Shatterpoint with the High Ground Terrain Pack! Whether they’re dueling on Mustafar or fighting for control of Naboo, the two gantries and two tower frames that players can build, assemble, and paint in this pack give players even more power to customize their battlefields with terrain straight out of the Star Wars galaxy.

    High Ground Terrain pack 2You actually get a decent amount of terrain in the core set, but if you want to control the high ground (maybe you could even beat Anakin with it), this will be the set for you!

    Ground Cover Terrain Pack: $74.99

    Click here to order yours from | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

    Ground Cover Terrain Pack

    The battlefields of Star Wars: Shatterpoint become even more thematic with this terrain pack! Containing a host of different terrain, including a Swoop Bike, a GNK Power Droid, and a generator, the terrain pieces players find here will help set the stage for their battles while also giving their troops plenty of places to take cover.

    Ground Cover Terrain Pack 2They also have the dice and measurement sticks for sale, but if you get the core set, you’ll already have all that.

    Click Here to Get Your Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set

    We’ve already seen the first unboxing for the Star Wars Shatterpoint box set, and now, you can pre-order your own! The price of the starter is actually not bad considering you get everything you need to play, a bunch of models, and a decent amount of terrain!

    They haven’t released a ton about the rules quite yet, but we expect them to release more ahead of the launch date and have demos at Adepticon 2023.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Starter Set Preview & Unboxing: (January 25th, 2023)

    Let’s take a closer look at the preview from AMG’s Twitch stream.

    Shatterpoint PreviewThe Shatterpoint Starter box set itself is quite massive, and they said it’s the biggest they have ever made! So, we already heard the pre-order date would be January 30th, 2023. They confirmed it will cost $164.99, which really isn’t bad at all, considering you get 16 models and everything you need to play the game.

    The Marvel Crisis Protocol core box goes for $99, but this seems to have way more inside.

    Shatterpoint Preview 3The core rules obviously come in the box, and while they didn’t give a ton of info on how the game plays, they did mention you can mix and match the squads inside to make your army, however, you want (well, as long as it follows the rules).

    Shatterpoint Preview 4

    This is just the terrain and movement sticks in the game, so from the looks of it, there is plenty of terrain to get your games looking good!

    Shatterpoint Preview 2


    Shatterpoint Preview 7


    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Starter Set unboxing

    New dice with a few new symbols!

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Starter Set unboxingThey did show off all the accessories that come in the box, and you get dice, movement tools, cards, and tokens. the tokens look a little familiar, with plenty of markers for damage, Force, and more.

    They specifically said they couldn’t open the cards, but the size of the cards will be tarot and 4×6″. So, you can go ahead and get those sleeves ready, as they are the same size as the MCP character cards.

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Starter Set unboxing

    This nifty little marker is how you win the game, and as you get more victory points, you go closer to the middle, and whoever goes across the middle first wins the game.

    The Sprues

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Starter Set unboxingYou get one bag with all your model sprues and two bags for terrain and accessories.

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Starter Set unboxingHere is what the miniatures sprues will look like up close. They say you get four in total, and the bits look pretty good, even from a distance.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Squad Sets Launching on Jan. 30th

    Shatterpoint Preview 11Hello there! This squad pack will also be available on January 30th, and it will run for $50. They said another box set will be available as well but didn’t show it. Considering we’ve seen General Grievous previewed, it would make sense for him to be piloting the other box set.

    Lastly, they said each box will be a self-contained unit, meaning you can just play with them right out of the box but still mix and match them with your other models.  Check out the whole video on their channel here.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Unboxing Details:


    After their stream, AMG put out a TL:DR list of all their talking points from the stream itself as well.

    • The Core Set includes 16 miniatures, totaling 12 units – with 4 units per squad.
    • The Core Set comes with four pre-made squads to easily start playing. However, we confirmed that players will be able to mix and match villains and heroes to create their own squads.
    • The box comes with a TON of terrain with multiple levels and ladders.
    • Other featured components included the “struggle tracker,” measuring tools, dice, tarot-sized cards, and 4×6 cards.
    • The play space for the game is 3×3
    • We alluded to a series of articles that are coming in March to talk about more mechanics and special features of the game, like the “struggle tracker.”
    • When pre-orders go live on January 30th, it will include the Core Set and some other 1st Wave items – such as the “Hello There” squad pack featuring Obi-Wan Kenobi!
    • The Core Set retails for $164.99
    • The expansions retail at $49.99
    • The Core Set will come in English, French, Polish, German, and Spanish. However, every expansion box will include cards in each language.
    • We confirmed we will be demoing the game at Star Wars: Celebration as well as Adepticon.

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Pre-Order Date Announced By AMG: (January 19th, 2023)

    Shatterpoint pre-order announcement

    Our goal for the Core Set miniatures was to set them apart from anything else on the market, to really lean into the kinetic energy of the Star Wars universe. We want to give hobbyists something they can truly be proud of when they get their painted miniatures on the table.

    They talk a lot about the sculpting process in the interview over on their page, so if you want all the info about how they made the minis, be sure to check out the link below. But it’s always interesting to get insight into how they made all the models! The models do look great and should be really fun to paint up!

    Now, onto the pre-order, that was revealed in this Transmission for Atomic Mass Games!

    Thanks for joining us for joining us for our behind-the-scenes transmission about the sculpting process for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. We cannot wait to see them painted by you and to hear about the stories you’re telling with the strike teams at your table! Pre-orders will be available on 1/30/2023 for the game’s release in summer 2023.

    Wow, that pre-order is much sooner than we expected, as you can order yours in just a couple of weeks as of this writing! However, the game won’t release until summer, but that’s not too far off (hopefully it is, as the cold is getting to us!).

    Now, let’s check out the box you’ll be able to order!

    What Will Come In The Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Starter Set? 

    Atomic Mass Games revealed the models on Twitter and a little more info about the box itself.

    It looks like there will be 16 models in total in the new starter, which is pretty decent when you compare it to the Marvel Crisis Protocol box, which seems to be a similar scale.


    Which character from Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set are you most excited to paint – Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, or Bo-Katan?

    Even though we saw most of these in the actual teaser trailer, it’s nice to see exactly what you’ll get! There are some very cool characters included, and even if they aren’t up your alley, you should be able to split it with a friend.

    Shatterpoint starter set

    Who are you painting first from the second half of the Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set – Asajj Ventresss, Lord Maul, Gar Saxon, or General Kalani?

    The other half of the box also has some interesting characters, but we did see General Grievous in the preview video, and it would have been nice to have him in this box!

    Still, Star Wars Shatterpoint is shaping up to have a pretty sweet starter set just from these reveals.

    Shatterpoint starter set 2

    While they say the game is going to be much different from Marvel Crisis Protocol, the size and style of the minis and bases are similar, so the MCP starter might be something to compare this to.

    How Will Star Wars Shatterpoint Miniatures Game Play?

    Here is a statement from AMG’s Facebook about the Star Wars Shatterpoint game itself and its mechanics:

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint is a totally new game with its own mechanics and structure. We can’t wait to be able to share more with you next year. There are also plenty of Legion releases planned for 2023 – so fear not.

    Marvel Crisis Starter setThe MCP set comes with ten models inside, along with all the extras you need to actually play the game. So, looking at that, this Shatterpoint box could be a great value as it comes with 16 models, and we’re going to assume all the tokens and such you need to play the game.

    The MCP starter runs for $99 from AMG, so let’s hope they keep the price of this similar and don’t raise it too much for the extra six models.

    More Star Wars: Shatterpoint Card Art Revealed by AMG!

    These come from AMG’s Facebook

    shatterpoint card art

    Leaders are nothing without a second in command! Which Star Wars: Shatterpoint card art is your favorite – Bo-Katan, Gar Saxon, Captain Rex, or General Kalani?

    shatterpoint card art 2

    They are going for a very specific look with the art, and we’re a fan of it!

    shatterpoint card art 3Hopefully, they will start revealing some mechanics of the game soon, as art is cool, but we want to see how it plays!


    shatterpoint card art 4Gar Saxon is the last card they showed this time around, but luckily, we have more to look at.

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Card Art Revealed by AMG!

    These come from AMG’s Twitter.

    It’s time to take a look at some Star Wars: Shatterpoint card art! What do you think of our Core Set squad leaders – Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Asajj Ventress, and Lord Maul?

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Card Art 3The card art has a pretty classic feel, which is nice.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Card Art 4They are pretty consistent with the art style, so whether you like it or not, this looks like the style they chose for this game overall!


    Star Wars Shatterpoint Card Art 2Some people had issues with the pose on this card on Twitter, but we think it looks dope.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint Card ArtThese are the only four they have revealed so far, but hey, it’s nice to get little drops every week!

    Plus, they said there will be demo games at AdeptiCon, so if you’re going this March, You’ll get to see basically everything.

    AMG Announces New Star Wars: Shatterpoint Game!

    Let’s check out the press release from them!

    Star Wars Shatterpoint 2Since this is their announcement, we’ll let them tell you more about it!

    Asmodee and Atomic Mass Games today announced Star Wars: Shatterpoint, a new miniatures skirmish game that will join its existing catalog of Star Wars miniature games. The Shatterpoint game is set to release in June 2023.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint 3

    The Star Wars: Shatterpoint game empowers players to alter the fate of the galaxy, from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim. Players build and command a strike team composed of iconic Star Wars characters and pit them against each other in exciting battles.

    Star Wars: Shatterpoint Key Features

    Star Wars Shatterpoint 4

    ●      Customize: Create a Star Wars squad that is truly unique with beautifully sculpted and dynamic miniatures of identifiable Star Wars characters that are ideal for dedicated hobbyists and new painters alike.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint 5

    ●      Strategize: The Shatterpoint game’s fun and flexible squad-building experience invites players to create custom strike teams optimized to complete the various mission objectives. Players can choose thematic squads straight from the Star Wars galaxy, like Ahsoka TanoTM and Bo-Katan KryzeTM, Lord MaulTM and his loyalist super commandos, or mix and match their favorite characters to form the custom squads they want to play.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint 6

    ●      Battle: In the Shatterpoint game, players use their characters’ special abilities and diverse combat skills to control the flow of battle as they race against each other to complete dynamically evolving mission objectives.

    Design & Developtment

    Star Wars Shatterpoint 7

    “The design and development of  the Star Wars: Shatterpoint miniatures game is really our love letter to the excitement and energy of being a kid on Saturday mornings,” said Will Shick, director of product development at AMG.

    Star Wars Shatterpoint 8

    “We wanted to take all the great things about Star Wars—the action, the adventure, and the iconic characters—to create a Star Wars miniatures game experience that felt like it had come straight out of the animated lineups of the ’80s and ’90s. To say it was a dream come true to work with such a talented group of artists, sculptors, and our awesome team at Lucasfilm to create new versions of the iconic Star Wars cast in this style would be a complete understatement.”

    That does it for this one, but be sure to watch the whole video below for all the details.

    Are you excited about the new Star Wars Shatterpoint game? Will you be playing when it comes out? 

    Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

    Get ad-free access to our videos, a monthly drop of miniatures, and support some of the best creators out there for as little as $6 a month on Patreon!


    About the Author: Travis Pasch

    travis pasch writer headshot profile bio

    Travis Pasch

    Job Title: Head Writer & Editor

    Socials: @paschbass 

    About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

    Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

    Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!