Star Wars: Shatterpoint Reveals Free Rules PDF Download!

shatterpoint-star warsHere are the latest Shatterpoint Core Rules changes, base sizes, FAQ, and an errata that have all been released for the game up until now!

We’ve seen a decent amount from AMG over the last couple of months about the gameplay, but seeing the full rules is obviously far better! It’s nice these are coming out so soon before the core box drops, as it gives you plenty of time to decide whether you want to grab the game or not. 

Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Rules

Before we get into the rules, just one more thing, AMG has promised more videos about the gameplay soon if you learn better from watching.

Click on the quick links below to order your own Star Wars Shatterpoint game and stay up to date with the latest for the game!

New Shatterpoint Core Rules, Base Sizes, FAQ, & Errata Released By AMG: (July 7th, 2023)

All the changes for Shatterpoint Core Rules, Base Sizes, FAQ, & Errata come from Atomic Mass Games.

New Shatterpoint FAQ

Let’s start with the change log to the Core Rules; it can be a little hard to cross-reference, but let’s check out the new appendix.

New Shatterpoint FAQIf you have a Cross-Era unit, they can either be chosen for any army that they have an icon for, or in-between. Meaning if you have a Fall of the Jedi and the New Republic icons, you could take them in any of the Eras.

New Shatterpoint FAQIt looks like you can start Skywalking, as your elevation is that for the rest of your move. When you start on terrain high up, you are considered to stay that way for the entire move, incase you want to “jump” to another platform, etc.

push pullLastly, the Push & Pull mechanics have been a little confusing for the community, so let’s hope this clears things up moving forward.

Base Sizes

Shatterpoint FAQNext up, AMG always has a base size reference sheet which is nice because you know exactly what models need when it comes to base sizes. Nothing too crazy here.


Shatterpoint FAQ 2

Click Here to Download All the Changes

Last but not least, the FAQ only has one change, and you can have more than one Hunker Token Pretty simple.

AMG Updated Shatterpoint Rules Just in Time For Launch

You can find all the changes to the Star Wars Shatterpoint rules here.

Updated Shatterpoint RulesJust to note, we’ll mainly focus on the changes here, and if you want to see all the core rules, you can here! Luckily, they cleared up some pretty big questions here, and we’ll have the rules that were changed in the rulebook below.

Updated Shatterpoint Rules 2

There were only a few significant typos, so that’s always a good thing, but be sure to note these before playing games!

Updated Shatterpoint Rules 3

Next up, they added a change log which is always lovely, so you don’t have to look around and guess what’s changing!

Updated Shatterpoint Rules 4Updated Shatterpoint Rules 9The whole push-pull part of the game is a little confusing, so it’s nice they gave some more pictures and clarifications.

Updated Shatterpoint Rules 6There were also a lot of questions about strained, and now it’s much more straightforward, if you do one of the actions above, you suffer damage and then get rid of the token.

Updated Shatterpoint Rules 7Hunker Tokens and Cover probably had the most questions (from what we’ve seen), and hopefully, it’s not too confusing.

Basically, you have to have a Hunker Token, you have to be by terrain that is not lower than the enemy, and you can actually see the target. Lastly, this is only for ranged attacks; you lose all your hunker tokens at the unit’s next activation.

Updated Shatterpoint Rules 8Last but not least, ingress points were causing some confusion, but something like a ladder can be climbed.

Star Wars: Shatterpoint Reveals Free Rules PDF Download!

The rules come from AMG, but we also have seen a full gameplay demo, which you can check out here!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core RulesThe game rules shouldn’t be too crazy to learn, but there are definitely some intricacies, as you can see above.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 2Well, if you are buying the core set, this is everything it will come with, and there are a decent amount of tokens, cards, terrain, dice, and movement tools. So, if you’re planning on playing, it looks like buying the core set is the way to go.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 3Well, if you’re this into it, you at least have an idea about the game! However, the mission cards are interesting, and just winning the first struggle does not win you the game.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 4Each unit comprises a certain number of characters, and each character or unit will have two cards. Each unit can have more than one character in it, which you can tell by the number of little men on the bottom. Some abilities will only affect the main character, while some will affect the whole unit.

Characters in a unit don’t have to stay together; they can go about as they please.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 5So, you move up the stance trees the more expertise rolls you get, and then you get different bonuses depending on how you roll. Some characters have multiple stances, and you must decide which way to go up the trees and what benefits you garner.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 6

The more objectives you control, the closer you get to winning the game, so try to grab all those objectives!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 7Obviously, you need a way to win the game! The further you go on the struggle marker, the closer you get to winning a struggle. Then, you have to win more than one struggle to actually with the whole game, so don’t blow too much on the first struggle!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 8In Star Wars Shatterpoint, to attack, first, you have to look at the attack’s range and measure it with the correct tool. Then, the first number in the block is the number of attack dice you get; everyone (without special rules) gets four attack dice.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 9Then, for the results, you have strikes (normal hits), criticals (can’t be stopped by the defense dice), fail results, and expertise rolls.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Rules 10Once you have more damage tokens than your stamina, the character takes a wound. Once wounded, characters get worse and can just be moved away from by other characters.

When you take more wounds than your durability, the character gets removed. Lastly, you get a momentum token on the struggle counter for wounding a character.

So, this leads to winning, as the more wounds and objectives you control, the more tokens you get as well, thus winning the game.

Download All the Rules Here!

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