AMG Fixes Missing Items in Star Wars: Legion Battle Forces

star wars legion battle force starter setAMG has fixed their Star Wars: Legion Battle Forces with downloadable cards and an update on some of the missing components in the boxes.

The Star Wars Legion Battle Forces were actually a pretty decent value, but as we know, there have been some issues with missing components. However, they are aware of the situation and are working on a fix for any missing items from two of the four Star Wars Legion Battle Forces box sets.

We wrote up how you can get a refund, but if you didn’t feel like returning yours, they will hopefully soon have the fixes. For now, though, let’s check out the downloadable fixes from AMG and then get into their post about fixing the rest.

AMG Fixes Missing Items From Star Wars: Legion Battle Forces

Star Wars Patch

You can print these out right now, as all the non-essential cards missing from the boxes are included in this fix. We’re not 100% here if everyone had the exact same thing missing, but it would make sense. So, if you were missing any of the above from your 501st Battlefroce box, you can download it here.

ErrataThe only thing a little confusing here is they put out an errata saying to remove critical one from the DC-15x. So, we assume the errata takes precedence, and they just printed the original card instead of a changed one.

Star Wars Patch 2

The Separatist Invasion battle force box had more of the cards and tokens missing. So if you grabbed that box, be sure to grab this here and print out the tokens.

AMG’s Statement

Obviously, they know about the issue and are working to resolve it. However, reprinting individual pieces is not always easy, as they have to change how their sprues are manufactured just to get the needed pieces. So, we know they are working on it, but it might require some patience at this point.

Star Wars Patch 3


Star Wars Patch 4These two replies are also pretty crucial, as they explicitly say they will not be selling the pieces. It seems like they will just get them for free if you had issues. However, they haven’t really given the exact way to do it just yet, but we hope they come up with something easy.

If you missed out on any of the Start Wars Battle Forces box sets, click the links below to get yours!

Click Here to Get the Errata & Printouts

Did you have problems with components missing from your Star Wars Legion Battle Forces boxes? 

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