Your guide to latest Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate Update, including points changes from the MFM, FAQs, and Rules Commentary for 2024 and 2025.
Updated March 9th, 2025, by Rob Baer. This post has been updated with the latest points, Balance Dataslate, and Warhammer 40k rules FAQ updates from Games Workshop for the Aeldari and more.
GW just announced another 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate is coming this week for March 2025, the THIRD month in a row since the December 2024 update. Coupled with big changes already in the Munitorum Field Manual, updated points costs, and a fresh Rules Commentary, some factions are already soaring to new heights while others are licking their wounds.
Four Back To Back Updates
Whether you’re looking for the winners to celebrate or the losers to commiserate, this guide has everything you need to stay ahead of the meta and make the most of the latest updates.
Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate Update Summary 2024, 2025
The armies at the top of the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k meta are once again getting some severe NERFS, while the underperforming armies are getting some love. If you’ve been underwhelmed with your army lately, these latest changes might be what you were waiting for.
- March 2025, Games Workshop announced another Balance Dataslate update is dropping this week, will they be like the rumors say?
- February 2025: Games Workshop updated the points, issued a FAQ, and made a new balance dataslate document (Version 2.1) primarily for the Aeldari release.
- January 2025: GW dropped points changes for the upcoming Imperial Gaurd codex, Grotmas detachment changes, and some minor tweaks to Daemons, Tau, and Dark Angels in their latest Balance Dataslate update.
- December 2024, 2025: Games Workshop dropped a massive Balance Dataslate with big changes to Space Marines, GSC, Adepts Soritas, and more. They also update 24 factions with new Detachment rules each day for Grotmas 2024.
- The latest updates included a small FAQ and changes to points. Plus, Deep striking is no longer allowed within 3″, and AP stratagems got a tune-up!
- November 2024: Games Workshop issued a new FAQ ahead of the World Championships of Warhammer and promises another big update soon.
- October 16th, 2024: While a new Warhammer 40k 10th edition Balance Dataslate was not released this quarter, new Munitorium points changes and rules commentary FAQ updates were.
- August 2024: The updated 40k movement rules for the Tacoma US Open tournament are now official for all games!
- June 2024: The third Balance Dataslate for Warhammer 40k was released on June 20th, 2024 (the previous was released in January). Games Workshop has also announced that they will now only be doing 40k Balance Dataslate updates every other quarter (initially, they said every quarter), with points changes every quarter, making January and June the two main Balance Dataslate updates for 2024.
- Prior to June 2024: Major core rule changes included adjustments to Indirect Fire Weapons, Overwatch for Titanic Units, and Movement Pivot Values. The Tank Shock Stratagem was been nerfed, and the usage of Insane Bravery was limited to once per battle, and Devastating Wounds no longer spill over to more than one model.
If you’re wondering when the next Balance Dataslate for Warhammer 40k will be, it looks to be coming in April of 2025 after Adepticon. We say this because it seems like GW put out the latest one in December to give players enough time to prep for the Las Vegas Open 2025. So, in theory, they should follow the same courtesy for Adepticon and post it after the event.
February 2025 Update:
Games Workshop has dropped a new Aeldari 10th Edition codex FAQ, shaking things up with new attachment rules and point adjustments that might just make you rethink your army list. Warlocks and Farseers are now more flexible with how they join squads, while some units got price drops—hello, Avatar of Khaine!
But that’s not all; if you liked the Forge World options, it’s time to say goodbye, as most have slipped into Legends territory. Time to strategize and adapt your Eldar with these new 10th Edition rules twists!
Overall, it’s too soon to tell if this new balance Datslate update was a winner or a loser…
January 2025 40k Balance Dataslate Update Addition
Alright, folks, let’s break down the latest from GW. They’ve dropped some big updates, and there’s a little something for everyone—or at least enough to keep us all arguing over meta-shifts.
First up, the Astra Militarum. GW is clearly gearing up for their new codex, sprinkling in some early points changes across the board. Here’s the twist, though: while the points apply to everything, they’re not tournament-legal until the codex officially lands.
So, for now, your beautifully optimized Guard lists will have to wait before you can unleash them in competitive play (and see all the new points here). Be sure to pay attention to this, especially if you’re going to LVO:
The points below allow players to enjoy Codex: Astra Militarum in non-tournament settings. Until the full release of this Codex, players should continue using the Index: Astra Militarum points and rules for tournaments and other similar events.
Now, onto the detachment drama! The Grotmas detachments got a shake-up for five factions: Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons, Adeptus Custodes, Chaos Knights, and Thousand Sons. We’ll have the exact details in the FAQ section below.
Daemons of Chaos players got a treat—GW removed all those pesky selection restrictions from the Denizens of the Warp Stratagem. Summoning your favorites just became way easier, so let the chaotic fun begin.
Dark Angels also got a couple of small changes. The Mounted Strategist Enhancement finally made it to the list, and Ravenwing Black Knights and the Command Squad had their melee weapons updated to align with other units carrying the same gear. It’s minor, but it smooths things out.
As for the Tau, they’re feeling a little sharper now. The Bonded Heroes Detachment Rule got an upgrade—units now get extra AP when shooting enemies within 9 inches. It’s a nice little boost for those who like to play aggressive and get up close and personal.
So, to sum it all up, Guard are gearing up for their codex, five Grotmas detachments got some tweaks, and Daemons, Dark Angels, and Tau all got a little glow-up. Time to get list-building and start prepping for the chaos to come—pun absolutely intended
December 2024 10th Edition 40k Detailed Rules Updates By Faction:
The galaxy burns brighter than ever, and with the 2024 Q4 Balance Dataslate, Warhammer 40k’s battlefield has been reshaped yet again.
Whether you’re rallying your Adeptus Astartes, commanding alien swarms, or revving up Ork war machines, there’s plenty to talk about.
Space Marine Rules Changes
It’s no secret that standard-issue Space Marines (or “Codex Compliant” Marines) have been searching for a niche, especially as their cooler cousins—the Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and other divergent Chapters—hogged the limelight. This update gives vanilla Marines a hearty boost:
- Army Rule Revamp: Oath of Moment now grants +1 to wound against the selected target… if your army doesn’t include units from any divergent Chapter. This levels the playing field for generic Marines, making them hit harder and giving Ultramarines something to brag about beyond Roboute Guilliman.This change is a significant win for players wanting to stick to the core Codex: Space Marines experience. It encourages lists that embrace the vanilla approach while simultaneously giving Ultramarines—the poster boys of the Imperium—an actual battlefield identity beyond being “pretty decent all-rounders.” Expect more lists to fully lean into Codex-compliant units, making the most of this rule.
- Points Rebalancing: Guilliman himself sees a steep rise (+60 points), but he earns it with new flexibility. Other buffs to Intercessor squads, Sternguard Veterans, and Reivers make them more enticing for your lists. Heavy Intercessor squads going up in points might sting, but the boost to their weapon profiles ensures they’re worth the investment.Sternguard Veterans, with their new full re-rolls to wound against Oath targets, become the absolute bane of high-value enemies, capable of wiping major threats clean off the board. Meanwhile, Reivers—long considered a suboptimal choice—gain utility through tweaks that make their Fearsome Assault and Terror Troops abilities more impactful.
- Datasheet Tweaks: Heavy Intercessors now wield Damage 2 heavy bolt rifles, Infernus Squads force Battleshock rolls with incendiary terror, and Outriders’ Thunderous Impact ability gives their melee swings extra punch.
- Outriders: once dismissed as overcosted, these bikes now pack a melee wallop that pairs beautifully with aggressive pushes or flanking maneuvers. Combined with Thunderous Impact, they’re a serious threat to even durable units. The Heavy Intercessors’ weapon buffs shift their role into potent mid-board control, ensuring they can punch holes in heavy infantry or lighter vehicles with ease. And for the Infernus Squads? Their pyreblasters—ignoring cover and forcing morale checks—are just the thing to make camping enemies rethink their life choices.
Codex Marines are finally ready to step out of the shadows of their more specialized brethren and claim their own space on the tabletop.
Rules Balance Status: Buffed
The Q4 2024 update showers Codex-compliant Marines with both firepower and utility buffs. Ultramarines and their standard cousins can now hit harder, while datasheet tweaks ensure that previously overlooked units, like Reivers and Outriders, become viable options.
Guilliman’s price increase reflects his expanded versatility, but overall, this is a great slate for fans of the Codex boys.
Imperial Faction Changes
The Q4 2024 balance update has hit the Imperium factions hard and fast, with points changes across the board and a few key rule tweaks that have left some armies cheering while others scramble to adjust.
Adepta Sororitas: Miracle Dice Makeover
The Sisters of Battle face a more somber fate:
- Miracle Dice Nerfs: Reduced dice generation makes these sacred resources scarcer, and detachment abilities like Bringers of Flame take range reductions and cost hikes.
- Small Upside: The Penitent Host detachment gets more flexibility, offering hope amidst an otherwise tough set of changes.
This update feels like penance for a meta that’s long since left Sisters dominating.
Rules Balance Status: NERFED. Adepta Sororitas feel the weight of nerfs to Miracle Dice generation, limiting the resource that makes them unique. Though the Penitent Host gains some flexibility, the overall tone of these changes stifles the Sisters’ dominance, forcing players to rethink strategies.
Adeptus Custodes: Jetbike Redemption Arc
Adeptus Custodes rise with shining upgrades, especially to their Jetbikes. Their improved profiles and retooled weapons solidify their presence on the battlefield. Strategic mobility through Quicksilver Execution adds more tactical depth, making Custodes players one of the biggest winners of this update.
The golden boys bring their bikes out of storage with substantial improvements:
- Profile Boosts: Vertus Praetors and Shield Captains on Dawneagle Jetbikes enjoy Toughness 7, more wounds, and upgraded weapon profiles. Salvo Launchers and bolters now hit harder and apply re-rolls liberally.
- Strategic Mobility: Quicksilver Execution triggers on Normal Moves, expanding tactical options.
Rules Balance Status: Buffed. Verdict? Custodes players are grinning like the Emperor Himself just handed them a Custodes Jetbike starter pack.
Astra Militarum: Leontus and His Armored Brigade Get Nerfed
Imperial Guard players might want to sit down for this:
- Leontus Hit Hard: The faction’s golden boy can no longer order units like Ogryns, Bullgryns, or Super Heavies, curbing his utility.
- Points Changes: Tanks and Scion units see hikes, and Chimera spam suffers as transport costs rise.
Despite some surviving builds, the Guard’s days of overwhelming dominance seem numbered. However, tons of points are changing once the codex actually drops, so we’ll revisit once we see all the new rules.
Rules Balance Status: Nerfed. Astra Militarum take a hit as key tools like Lord Solar Leontus lose utility, and points increases target staple units. While not entirely gutted, Guard players will find themselves recalibrating and losing some of their former meta power.
Xenos Faction Changes
The Q4 2024 balance update for Warhammer 40k has brought significant changes to the Xenos factions, with points adjustments and a few major updates that will force players to rethink their strategies.
Orks: Waaagh! Just Got Waaagh!-ier
Good news for Orks (and bad news for everyone else):
- Waaagh! Buffs: Calling a Waaagh! now lasts until your next Command Phase, letting Boyz stay angry for longer and hit harder.
- Da Big Hunt Upgrades: Character targeting and Prey bonuses make this detachment a viable pick.
Finally, Orks are back to stompin’ and bashin’ with purpose.
Rules Balance Status: Buffed. Orks charge forward with significant improvements. Changes to the Waaagh! rule grant longer-lasting and impactful effects, while Da Big Hunt upgrades add versatility to their aggressive playstyle. Orks are back to smashing with confidence.
Necrons: From Hypercrypt to Starshatter
While the Hypercrypt Legion sees nerfs to its resurrection abilities, Necrons’ new Starshatter Arsenal detachment opens up terrifying options:
- Buffs to Destroyer Cults: Annihilation Legion detachment now adds AP to their ranged attacks when targeting the nearest enemy unit.
- Points Adjustments: Warriors and Immortals drop slightly, while C’tan and commonly used support units take minor hikes.
Necron overlords have plenty of shiny toys to reanimate their strategies.
Rules Balance Status: Mixed Outcome (Buffed and Nerfed). Necrons face a dual fate: Hypercrypt sees reduced resurrection powers, but the Starshatter detachment offers compelling new firepower options. Points tweaks leave them in a stronger position overall, especially for non-Hypercrypt builds.
Tyranids: The Hive Mind’s Evolution
Tyranids see meaningful changes in Assimilation Swarm builds:
- Regeneration Enhancements: Harvesters now regenerate lost models or wounds every turn, boosting durability.
- Points Adjustments: Norns and Trygons drop in cost, while overall swarm flexibility increases.
Swarm players rejoice—there’s a lot to chew on.
Rules Balance Status: Buffed. Tyranids’ regeneration-focused Assimilation Swarm benefits immensely from durability improvements, while strategic points adjustments give players greater list-building flexibility. This is a big step forward for Tyranid swarms.
Genestealer Cults
- Cult Ambush Rework: Now uses a pool of points instead of dice rolls, giving the faction reliable respawn options but capping their maximum potential.
- Tunnel Crawlers Nerf: Deep strike range is now 6″ instead of 3″.
- Xenocreed Enhancement: Deeds That Speak to the Masses now adds +2 Resurgence Points.
Rules Balance Status: Mixed Outcome (Buffed and Nerfed)
Genestealer Cults gain reliability with the new Cult Ambush mechanics but lose some of the dramatic highs of the older rules. Competitive builds may still thrive, but overall power feels more measured.
T’au Empire
T’au face significant challenges with the removal of 3” deep strikes, hampering the Retaliation Cadre’s effectiveness. This update leaves their alpha-strike capacity diminished.
- Retaliation Cadre Impact: The 3″ deep strike mechanic is removed, limiting the effectiveness of their Bonded Heroes rule.
- Tiger Shark Tax: An additional 50 points added to their most iconic unit.
Rules Balance Status: Nerfed. This change really hits the Battlesuits and will force players into other options.
Chaos Faction Changes
The Q4 2024 balance update has left no faction untouched, and the Chaos forces—those bringers of ruin and corruption—have received their fair share of changes.
Chaos Space Marines
Chaos Space Marines receive targeted buffs, with Annihilators gaining much-needed anti-vehicle efficiency.
- Predator Buffs: Annihilators now re-roll damage against Monsters and Vehicles, finally giving your gunline something to crow about.
- AP Stratagem Nerf: Armour of Contempt-style Stratagems now only last for one activation, balancing the meta.
Rules Balance Status: Buffed. While some Stratagem nerfs level the field, overall, these changes push the faction into a stronger tactical position.
Chaos Knights
Chaos Knights benefit from cheaper War Dogs and more accessible Doom and Darkness effects.
- Improved Army Rules: Doom and Darkness effects kick in earlier, amplifying battleshock potential.
- Cheaper War Dogs: Cost reductions make small, aggressive Knight builds even nastier.
Rules Balance Status: Buffed. These tweaks bring more utility to their smaller units, enhancing flexibility without major downsides.
Chaos Daemons
Across the warp-touched spectrum, subtle tweaks keep things spicy.
- Lamprey Bite Upgrade: Screamers gain anti-vehicle and anti-monster buffs, letting them rip into tanks and monsters with glee.
Rules Balance Status: Buffed. Chaos Daemons see incremental but meaningful upgrades, with Screamers getting stronger anti-vehicle abilities. The changes may not revolutionize the faction but certainly bolster their options.
December’s 40k Balance Dataslate Impact on 10th Edition Gameplay & Meta
Competitive Play Implications:
At the competitive level, the dataslate is less about fun and more about recalibrating the galaxy’s balance. Space Marines, particularly Codex-compliant ones, emerge as major contenders. The Oath of Moment buff and datasheet upgrades mean tournament tables will be swarming with Sternguard Veterans and buffed Intercessors.
Adeptus Custodes now have solid Jetbike options that provide mobility and firepower, making them a tougher matchup for melee armies. Orks, with their longer Waaagh!, become a viable aggro choice, potentially spicing up top tables with green-skinned mischief.
On the flip side, Genestealer Cults are still scary but less random, which might actually be a blessing for precision-minded players. Astra Militarum are no longer as oppressive, with key tools nerfed, which means fewer “meta bullies” running roughshod over events.
Adepta Sororitas, however, are likely to see their competitive presence dwindle as Miracle Dice constraints make them less reliable. Meanwhile, factions like Tyranids, Chaos Space Marines, and Chaos Knights get just enough tweaks to maintain relevance in an increasingly Space Marine-centric meta.
For competitive players, this dataslate offers clear winners and losers but also opens the door for creative builds to emerge as the meta shifts
Casual Play Considerations:
For casual players, this dataslate is like being handed a mixed bag of candy—you’re not sure if it’s mostly treats or tricks until you start digging in. Codex-compliant Space Marines finally feel fun again without needing to borrow toys from their fancier cousins, so expect more Guilliman-led armies stomping around the kitchen table.
Orks are a blast with their extended Waaagh! abilities, bringing even more chaotic energy to your friendly game nights. Adeptus Custodes Jetbikes might show up more often, and honestly, who wouldn’t want their golden boys zipping around with new toys?
However, not everyone is having a great time. Adepta Sororitas players will miss their Miracle Dice abundance, which may lead to fewer “oh no, you didn’t!” moments and more careful planning. The Astra Militarum players? Well, they might need a support group after seeing their beloved Lord Solar Leontus take a hit.
On the bright side, Tyranids and Chaos players have plenty to experiment with, making for some exciting new list ideas. In casual play, these changes mostly add variety and fresh dynamics, though the occasional nerf might spark some “what were they thinking?” moments over pizza.
Adjustments to Stratagems & Abilities
Stratagems and abilities are a core part of the game’s tactical depth, and the 2024 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate brings several important adjustments to these elements. These changes aim to refine gameplay, making stratagems and abilities more balanced and aligned with their intended narrative.
Here are some of the key updates.
3” Deep Strikes? Not Anymore!
The team decided it was time to dial back those sneaky 3” Deep Strikes. Turns out, it wasn’t exactly the fairest or most engaging mechanic—it left some armies flexing reserve denial while others stood around looking helpless. Now, the minimum range is 6”, giving everyone a bit more breathing room (and a chance to actually do something about it).
AP Stratagems Got a Tune-Up
Stratagems that could tank AP reductions for an entire phase? Yeah, those were a bit much. They’ve been trimmed down to only work against attacks from one unit at a time. The idea? Make the defense game less “invincible wall” and more about tactical choices.
Warhammer 40k Munitorium Field Manual Points Updates Across Factions
One of the most eagerly anticipated aspects of any 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate in 2024, 2025, are the updates to the points. These adjustments can dramatically alter how armies are built and performed on the battlefield.
New Points Values for Key Units:
The latest Warhammer 40k update brings a range of points changes across various factions. The update tweaks a lot of armies, but the next big shakeup won’t hit until March or April 2025. In the meantime, it’s time to adapt or get left in the dust!
Buffed Factions:
- Adeptus Mechanicus: Those Kastelan Robots and Datasmiths are rolling in discounts.
- Black Templars: Cheaper Repulsors and Executioners for the holy hammer time.
- Blood Angels: Sanguinary Guard and Death Company with better prices for more blood-spilling.
- Chaos and Imperial Knights: Affordable War Dogs mean more barking on the battlefield.
- Chaos Space Marines: Bikes are zooming in for less.
- Necrons: Warriors, Ghost Arks, and Ophydian Destroyers are resurrecting those budget vibes.
- Leagues of Votann: Thunderkyn and Iron-masters are dropping those gold nuggets.
- Tyranids: Norn and Trygon are hungry for action at a discount buffet.
NERF-ed Factions:
- Astra Militarum: Infantry squads, characters, and tanks got a little heavier, but some units like Death Korps and Ogryns are feeling fresh.
- Adepta Sororitas: Castigator and Exorcist turned into luxury items.
- Adeptus Custodes: Dawneagle Jetbikes got fancy price tags, but received buffs in the Dataslate.
- Drukhari: Scourges and Grotesques are making you pay for the pain.
- Tau Empire: Tiger Shark’s new price tag hits like its railgun.
- Space Wolves: Scouts and Wulfen getting fancier to deploy.
- Space Marines: Intercessors, Scouts, and Guilliman got a price hike—ouch! However, this should all be a buff in the long run with the Dataslate changes.
Rationale Behind 40k Points Changes:
The rationale for these 40k points changes is to promote fairness and balance in the game. Units that were previously undercosted and thus overly popular have seen points increases to curb their prevalence and power. Conversely, units that were less effective or underused have had their points reduced, making them more attractive choices for players.
So, the latest points update in the 10th Edition Munitorum Field Manual has flipped things around a bit in Warhammer 40K. Some factions, like Adeptus Mechanicus and Blood Angels, are enjoying lower prices on key units, making them more viable on the battlefield.
On the other hand, factions like Astra Militarum and Space Marines are feeling the sting of price increases, which could change up their game plans.
Overall, it’s a mix of good news and challenges, so it’ll be fun to see how everyone adjusts and what new strategies come into play!
40k Balance Dataslate 10th Edition: Comprehensive FAQs & Clarifications
The latest 10th Edition Balance Dataslate for 2024, 2025 (and Warhammer 40k rules commentary) isn’t just about points and rules changes; it also includes a wealth of FAQs and clarifications. These updates address common questions and ambiguities, ensuring that everyone is playing by the same rules and preventing disputes during games.
February 2025 Changes
The Aeldari entries in the balance datasheet were removed. Points were updated, and some units were removed. You can see more in our breakdown article here.
January 2025 Changes
Like we said earlier, the Grotmas detachments got a shake-up for five factions: Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons, Adeptus Custodes, Chaos Knights, and Thousand Sons. While the tweaks vary in impact, there’s plenty for each faction’s players to unpack, so let’s break it down:
Adeptus Custodes
The golden boys got a tweak to their Solar Spearhead detachment. The Veteran of the Kataphraktoi stratagem now takes place in the Command Phase, bringing some much-needed clarity. It’s a minor change but keeps things running smoothly—less time arguing, more time flexing your Custodian muscle.
Adeptus Mechanicus
AdMech players, rejoice (or chuckle at GW’s proofreading)! The Haloscreed Battle Clade and Noospheric Transference finally got the Adeptus Mechanicus keyword added. This was probably just a typo, but hey, it’s fixed now, and your battle clade is officially part of the Mechanicus family. Welcome to the fold, little typo!
Chaos Knights
For those stomping around with Chaos Knights, GW cleaned up the wording on the Conoclast Fiefdom and Dark Sacrifice rules. They added the keyword “friendly”, which is a subtle but important fix. Now you can’t trigger abilities off your opponent’s Chaos Knights in a mirror match. It’s like GW reminding you: “Play nice with your own toys, not someone else’s.”
Here’s a fun one: hand flamers got the Pistol keyword added. On the surface, this is just common sense (hand flamers should be pistols, after all), but it also makes them sneakily stronger. Picture this: shooting with your hand flamers while still able to charge into combat. Yep, Deathwatch just got a bit spicier.
The undying legions got a couple of adjustments. For starters, the Starshatter Arsenal and Reactive Reposition now read: “Your unit can make a Normal Move of up to D6″.” It’s a small wording change but clarifies things nicely. Also, Demanding Leader now happens in your Command Phase, bringing the timing in line with other similar abilities. Necrons may be ancient, but now they’re a little more in sync with modern game rules.
Thousand Sons
The Hexwarp Thrallband detachment got a tweak to the Empowered Manifestation ability. It now specifies that you can add up to 6 inches to your range. Translation? You’re no longer obligated to max out the range if you don’t want to. This is basically GW saying, “We get it, sometimes less is more.”
December 2024 Changes
In the December Dataslate, there are three small clarifications:
- Lion El’Jonson’s Secrets: Want to show off Lion El’Jonson’s knack for timing? As the player in charge, you absolutely get to decide when his “once per turn” All Secrets Revealed ability kicks in. Consider it your moment to make the galaxy gasp.
- Miracle Dice Shenanigans: If one of your Adepta Sororitas units heroically bites the dust within 12 inches of a friendly Imagifier, their Litany of Deeds lets you re-roll the result of the Miracle Dice you earn from Acts of Faith. Because nothing says divine inspiration like a second chance to roll better.
- Keyword Tweaks – Page 152: The Company Heroes keywords now read:
- All Models: Infantry, Grenades, Imperium, Tacticus, Company Heroes
- Ancient: Ancient
Because even heroes deserve a tidy list of labels to strut their stuff.
Impact of The Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate 10th Edition
This dataslate isn’t just about numbers—it’s about reshaping narratives. From the rekindled heroics of Codex-compliant Marines to the raucous comeback of Orks, every faction has a story to tell.
The 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate for 2024, and 2025, along with the new points changes, guarantees to keep things exciting (with points changes), balanced, and enjoyable, and your involvement is key to its success.
You can download all the changes here, and we have the updates from June 2024 right here as well. Click the links below for the latest updates from the Warhammer 40k universe and tabletop game!
- Best Warhammer 40k Armies Now
- Free GW Warhammer 40k App Army Builder for 10th Edition
- Full 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Core Rules Book
- Free PDF Download for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k USR Rules
What do you think about all the latest rules and points changes in the Warhammer 40k 10th edition balance dataslate from June, January, and December 2024-25?