9th Edition 40k Core Stratagems Rules Shockers!

Azrael dark angels primaris rules shadowspearWow, 9th Edition 40k is changing for sure with these six new Core Stratagems rules, some of which are pretty shocking to how we used to play honestly.

Spotted on Reddit there’s a sheet of core Stratagems with their CP cost and other details. We’ve seen a few here and there from official previews, but here are all of the core Stratagems we will be able to use very soon.

9th Edition 40k Core Stratagems Rules Shockers!

Primaris repulsor


9th edition stratagem cut them downStarting with some of the Stratagems that were previewed by WHC, we’ve got Cut Them Down. This is GW’s attempt at making falling back less good-looking. However, nobody is going to spend 1CP for Tau falling back from a squad of five Intercessors. You’ll only be rolling 5 dice and fishing for 6’s. The math just isn’t there.

But there are a ton of other uses that may just be situational for now.

9th edition overwatch stratagemOverwatch now costs a CP and, like any other Stratagem, you can only use it once per phase. That means you don’t get free shots on every declared charge target. You can only pick one and hope for the best. Tau will work a little differently now too with regards to this strat.

9th edition stratagem desperate breakoutDesperate Breakout is a neat Stratagem as it gives your units that don’t have FLY and are surrounded a fighting chance. Even if you get tri-tipped you can pop 2CP to break away from the enemy. However, if you roll a 1 on your dice check, you’ll have to pull one of your models.

9th edition stratagem emergency disembarkationEmergency Disembarkation is a way for units inside a Transport that just got destroyed to squeeze out a few extra inches of movement. You normally can get out within 3″. However, at the risk of rolling a 1 or 2 (which will kill a model), you can potentially get your payload onto an objective or maybe behind a wall of cover. Definitely niche, but still useful.

9th edition stratagem insane braveryInsane Bravery is still a Stratagem which makes a unit fearless. However, it’s been updated to where you can only use it once per battle. Wow, that’s a shocker!

9th edition stratagem counter offensiveCounter-Offensive is your standard melee interrupt Stratagem. No big changes there, except when you look at how the fight phase works now, there is more play with this strat for sure now.

9th edition stratagem command rerollBelieve it or not, you can’t use the Command Reroll on everything. The way it’s worded, you won’t be able to use the Command Reroll Stratagem for things like the Strength/AP characteristic on Obliterators. You can’t use it to reroll Bile’s or Szeras’s unit-modifying abilities, etc. However, there are still plenty of options to use this Stratagem on so it should definitely see play still!

There you have it! The full list of Core Stratagems that every army will have access to has been revealed!

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After seeing these Stratagems, which ones do you think you’ll be using the most? Did low-morale armies take a big nerf with Insane Bravery only being allowed once per game?

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