Tau Keeping Overwatch Rules In 9th Edition 40k

tau-walpaper-crisis longWe saw how Overwatch is getting nerfed in 9th Edition 40k, but Tau players can breathe easy because they are keeping the overwatch rules from before!

Warhammer Community just dropped a rules preview for the Tau in 9th Edition. If you’ve been keeping track of how Overwatch has gotten nerfed, if you’re Tau, you won’t really feel the effects as much. Here are the details.

Tau Keeping Overwatch Rules In 9th Edition 40k

Tau Wal Hor


9th edition tau greater goodWe saw that firing Overwatch is normally a one-time Stratagem you get to pick for a unit. However, it looks like Tau units with For the Greater Good get a free overwatch. In addition, units within 6″ get to overwatch for that unit as well. Of course, after you basically get a free shooting phase, you can’t fire Overwatch again later in the turn.

Unlike other armies that need to use a Stratagem to Overwatch, the entire T’au army can do so for free, and they can use their updated For the Greater Good ability  to offer support fire just like they currently do! Enemies will still need to think twice about charging a T’au Empire gun line.

The Way Modifiers Will Work in 9th

9th edition auto hitGW clarified the way modifiers will work in 9th Edition as well. First off, auto-hitting is exactly what it sounds like. You don’t roll. 1’s always fail to hit and 6’s are always a success. However, specifically, A HIT ROLL can never be modified more than (+1/-1). That means that if there’s a unit with an innate -1 to hit ability in melee range with a squad of power fist Marines, the max that those power fists would be is -1. (In 8th, they’d be -2).

This mechanic alone is going to put down a lot of Aeldari Flyer shenanigan lists!

With these two new rules mechanics revealed, do you still have high hopes for 9th Edition? Have you gone against a list that’s full of -1 to hit tricks? Could the meta be changing from this modifier cap alone? 

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