Space Marines 9th Edition New Release Roadmap

40k ninth edition 9th wal horCheck out all the new release 9th Edition 40k Space Marines models, rumored and confirmed, that are waiting to be released in this fall roadmap.

Coming from official previews and different sources across the web, we’ve got a decent look at what’s in store for Space Marines in 9th Edition.


codex space marinesKeep in mind that we don’t know what the codex supplements for main Chapters like Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and Space Wolves will bring. However from everything we’ve gathered, here’s what we can keep our eyes peeled for.

Space Marines 9th Edition New Release Roadmap

Indomitus box armiesStarting off with the Primaris half of Indomitus, it shouldn’t be any surprise to see some of the units from the Box Set drop as a multipart kit in the future.

primaris captain whitePrimaris Captain


Primaris Lieutenant whitePrimaris Lieutenant


Primaris Chaplain whitePrimaris Chaplain

Judiciar whiteJudiciar

Bladeguard Veterans whiteBladeguard Veterans

For the Bladeguard Veterans, we’ve already got an early look at their multipart variant that GW mentioned is on the way very soon!

Bladeguard Ancient whiteBladeguard Ancient


Eradicators whiteEradicators

Assault Intercessor Squad whiteAssault Intercessors


Outriders whiteOutriders

Beyond Indomitus: Invader ATV & Servo-Turret

Invader ATV action shotInvader ATV

Firestrike Servo-Turret

indomitus space marine points 2For the Firestrike Servo-Turret and Invader ATV, we’ve already seen their two different wargear options. The ATV can be given some kind of punisher cannon or a multi-melta while the Servo-Turret can have an autocannon or a twin las-talon.

Hammerfall Drop Turret Terrain Piece

primaris hammerfall bunker wal


hammerfall missile launcher


hammerfall drop turret defensive arrayThe Hammerfall Drop Turret is on the way to the Primaris line at some point as well. Being officially previewed with a couple of rules tasters, we can see that the missile turret on top can reach virtually anywhere on the board with a 72″ range. Plus, the guns on the sides can shoot at every target it’s in range of.

These rapid-deployment bastions are the ultimate area-denial assets, as their automated guns blaze away at EVERY ENEMY UNIT WITHIN RANGE. Approach this murder-bunker of doom at your peril!

Primaris Gladiator Tank

Spotted during the Indomitus celebration previews, we’ve seen the Gladiator which looks like the baby of a Repulsor Executioner and Impulsor. This tank is looking light and fast with a bunch of different wargear options for taking on just about any battlefield role.

Gladiator tankYou could build a Gladiator Lancer – an anti-tank sniper that’s ideal for chewing through your opponents’ most durable war machines and monsters.

Gladiator variant 2Next up is the Gladiator Reaper, a great anti-infantry option that’s sure to tear through hordes of infantry models.

Gladiator variant 3Gladiator Valiant – a short-ranged armour hunter that uses twin las-talons and multi-meltas to scrap armour and heavy infantry alike. 

Primaris Techmarine

Tech marine in armyYour prayers to the Omnissiah have been answered! One of the most requested units for Space Marines, the Primaris Techmarine is on his way to repair your tanks and tear your foes limb from limb! 

With the signature axe and backpack, there’s no mistaking this character on the field. Not to mention the awesome “Doc Ock” arms that they each come with as well.

Primaris Chaplain on Bike

bike chapWith all the fiery zeal of their foot-slogging counterparts, these warriors exhort nearby battle-brothers to heightened acts of valour and martial prowess. And they look great doing it. 

The new Pramaris Chaplain on a Bike is zooming in to view alongside his other Primaris Bike Brethren.

The Gladiator Confirmed This Earlier Rumor Pic- Primaris Land Speeders

primaris units rumor pic 1If you look down at the bottom left corner of this rumor image that was spotted earlier this year, you’ll see what looks like the Gladiator Reaper. The tank to the right looks like it’s either an Impulsor or maybe even the back of another Gladiator. It’s difficult to tell. But the fact that the Gladiator has been officially revealed, it looks like we’ll have some kind of big Primaris Land Speeder on the way as well.

Space Marine Codex Table of Contents Reveals New Units

Senatte66 on Reddit, took the new Space Marine Table of Contents page out of the Codex preview from the weekend and went all CSI on it. Looks like there are a bunch of new units listed as well as some pics of what look to be new Intercessors. 

space marine table of contentsThe words on the picture are very blurry. However, u/SLsheppard did a few tricks to get a better image, and typed them all out below:

space marine table of contentsThis is a mix of units we’ve had for years as well as units we’ve never even heard of. Go through each column slowly! You’ll even see some of the units we talked about above like the Gladiator Tank but here’s what we’ve got:


  • Primaris Captain
  • Captain with Master-crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle
  • Captain in Phobos Armor
  • Captain in Gravis Armor
  • Captain in Terminator Armor
  • Captain-Captain on Bike
  • Primaris Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant in [REIVER? RELIC?] Armor (I thought this ought to be the Bladeguard Lieutenant, but judging by the Indomitus datasheet that guy’s just a gear option for the regular Primaris Lieutenant)
  • Lieutenant-Lieutenant in Phobos Armor
  • Primaris Librarian
  • Librarian
  • Librarian in Phobos Armor
  • Librarian in Terminator Armor
  • Primaris Chaplain
  • Primaris Chaplain on Bike
  • Chaplain in Terminator Armor
  • Chaplain
  • Primaris Techmarine-Servitors


  • Techmarine-Intercessor Squad
  • Assault Intercessor Squad
  • Heavy Intercessor Squad
  • Infiltrator Squad
  • Incursor Squad
  • Tactical Squad
  • Company Champion
  • Scout Squad (due to where these guys show up on the list, they could be elites now). 
  • Primaris Apothecary
  • Apothecary
  • Company Ancient
  • Primaris Ancient
  • Bladeguard Ancient
  • Ancient in Terminator Armor
  • Veteran Intercessor Squad
  • Bladeguard Veteran Squad
  • Company Veterans
  • Vanguard Veteran Squad
  • Sternguard Veteran Squad
  • Judiciar
  • Reiver Squad
  • Aggressor Squad
  • Terminator Assault Squad
  • Terminator Squad
  • Relic Terminator Squad (Probably a single datasheet for the Cataphractii and Tartaros Terminators; they do share gear)
  • Centurion Assault Squad
  • Invictor Tactical Warsuit
  • Dreadnaught
  • Contemptor Dreadnaught
  • Venerable Dreadnought
  • Ironclad Dreadnought
  • Redemptor Dreadnaught
  • Assault Squad
  • Outrider Squad
  • Invader ATV Squad
  • Bike Squad
  • Scout Bike Squad
  • Attack Bike Squad
  • Suppressor Squad
  • Inceptor Squad
  • Storm Speeder Hellstrike


  • Storm Speeder SOMETHING
  • Storm Speeder SOMETHING
  • Land Speeder
  • Land Speeder [TORNADO?]
  • Land Speeder [TYPHOON?] (Did they split these off into separate entries for Power Level reasons…?)
  • Hellblaster Squad
  • Devastator Squad
  • Centurion Devastator Squad
  • Eliminator Squad
  • Eradicator Squad
  • Thunderfire Cannon
  • Firestrike Servo Turret
  • Hunter-Stalker
  • Whirlwind
  • Predator [DESTRUCTOR?]
  • Predator [ANNIHILATOR?]
  • Gladiator Lancer
  • Gladiator Reaper
  • Gladiator Valiant
  • Vindicator
  • Land Raider
  • Land Raider Crusader
  • Land Raider Redeemer
  • Repulsor
  • Repulsor Executioner
  • Rhino
  • Razorback
  • Impulsor
  • Drop Pod
  • Land Speeder Storm
  • Stormhawk Interceptor
  • Stormraven Gunship
  • Stormtalon Gunship
  • Hammerfall Bunker

Land Speeders and Predators have been mentioned with some new names but the Storm Speeder might be the name of that mystery Primaris Speeder in the pixelated image above. With that covered, we need to talk about this Captain with a heavy bolt rifle and Heavy Intercessor Squad.

New Heavy Intercessors Squads Spotted?

Spotted on Imgur from the codex preview, it looks like we might have a first pic or two of a regular Heavy Intercessor and a Primaris Captain with the same weapon.

heavy intercessor 1


heavy intercessor 2


ETBIntercessorSquad01Because the pictures are so blurry, it’s difficult to tell how much bigger, if at all those guns are compared to normal Intercessors. With that said, that Captain model standing next to the Techmarine and Chaplain is definitely a new sculpt. We already have a standard Primaris Captain with a power sword so GW may have given this new guy a special kind of gun. Who knows.

That was a lot to cover but it’s safe to say that the Space Marine support in store for 9th Edition isn’t even close to being over.

paintable primaris

Order The Paintable Primaris Action Figure

What do you think about what’s coming down the pike for Space Marines? What’s one area that Primaris Marines are exceptionally weak in at the moment?

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