Top 5 Painted Army Showcases of 2017

By Drago | January 2nd, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Army Showcase, Best of, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News

2017 had many amazing armies and models shared. Take a look at the top 5 Army Showcase articles and see if your favorite painted army made the list!

5 – Tiki Ogres: The Last Voyage of the Crusty Anchovy

anchovy ogor showcaseBon voyage and other well-preserved cheese to another project. A bunch of Alestorm, Kraken and late nights wrapped up in one final set of pictures.

4 – Junkyard Ghosts: Dirty Rusted Orks Army

ork walpaper flash gitzOrks come in all shapes and sizes…and colours. This fantastic painted army showcase shows another side of them and how some can survive even death!

3 – RETRO: Forge World Chaos Legion of Azgorth Showcase

chaos-dwarfPreviously known as Chaos Dwarves, the Legion of Azgorth was redone by Forge World in 2011. Checkout this awesome tabletop showcases for these cool models!

2- Fear the Cavalry! Converted all Death Rider DKOK

Checkout this amazing custom converted 80 man 2,000 point Death Rider army for the Death Korps of Krieg that Gothmog made for a local GT!

1 – Big Brother Primaris: Army Parade Showcase

redemptor hor walThe new Primaris Space Marines have made a great impact when they were unveiled by Cawl. See how fantastic they really are!

Did your favourite featured army from 2017 make the list? Let us know in the comments below!