GW Teases Rules of The Realms For AoS 2.0

By Wesley Floyd | June 1st, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

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In Aos 2.0, there will be realms to play on that will have different rules and effects game-wide. Let’s dive into the realms that they just GW teased!

Warhammer Community just announced the rules for the Realms that will be played in for Age of Sigmar 2.0:

How to Choose a Realm

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The choice of which realm you decide to set your battle in is up to you – the realm you fight in might depend on the story you want to tell, while for structured events, you could have every single game take place in the same Mortal Realm, journey through several, or roll a dice to decide. Likewise, if you don’t fancy using a Mortal Realm, you don’t have to – but you’ll be missing out on some really fun stuff if you do.

Each of the Mortal Realms has a set of unique rules that create unusual challenges and opportunities for the armies fighting in them – you might recognise some of these as expansions of those first introduced in the most recent General’s Handbook.

Some Realms will have special spells to go along with the atmosphere. Others will take place of a command ability if they want to use the realm’s effect.

Realm of Hysh

realm hysh

Getting to slap box your opponent’s units before they get to hit you for the place of a command ability.

Realm of Chamon

realm chamon

realm chamon rust

The fact that the mortal wound ignoring goes off on a 6+ won’t really be a game-breaking effect. but Curse of Rust is where it’s at. Giving a -1 to hit AND -1 to a save is brutal.

Realm of Aqshy

realm aqshy

Ew. Something like a Free People’s crossbow unit or Kharadron harpooners are going to try and take full advantage of this realm. Get it close and get in quick!

Realm of Ghur

realm ghur

This has a 1/6 chance of going off, but when it does you’ll make your opponent’s heart sink. Khorne guys need to try and go here.

If you missed all the talk of what else is coming to AoS 2.0, you can find it all here.

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AoS 2.0 Rules Teasers: Skaven, Flesh-Eater Courts & Shooting

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Warhammer Community has given us a plate-full of information this holiday with teasers for Skaven, Flesh-Eater Courts, and new shooting rules. Now can get a better idea of how AoS 2.0 will pan out.

Age of Sigmar: New Sylvaneth Rules Preview

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Sylvaneth are up in Age of Sigmar’s 2.0 rules previews. Let’s take a look at what these spirits of the forest will get in the new edition.

Blades of Khorne & Command Points in AoS 2.0

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Free Summoning & New Nagash Rules for AoS

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New AoS Changes for Khaine, Tzeentch & More

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Fyreslayers Faction Focus: Age of Sigmar 2.0

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Prepare to see half-naked redheads running through your ranks with big axes and even bigger beards.

GW Teases New Slaves to Darkness, & Ironjawz Rules

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What do you think about the previews? Will you be rolling a D6 to see where you go? Where do you want to fight the most?

Let us know over in the comments over on our Facebook Hobby Group.

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More on the latest of Warhammer AoS 2.0