More New Horus Heresy Blood Angels Rules & Rumors

GW revealed some Horus Heresy Blood Angels rules, but we’ve also seen a ton of rumors for their legion rules as well- here is the latest!

With the release of the starter and new edition imminent, it’s time for GW to start revealing rules. This time around, they are focusing on the Blood Angels, but we’ve also seen some Horus Heresy playtest rumors for them.

So while they might change a little, the playtest versions have been pretty accurate so far.

Warhammer Community showed off some new legion-specific rules; let’s check them out!

New Horus Heresy Blood Angels Rules & Rumors Revealed

Blood angels rules

As their name might suggest, the Blood Angels revel in close combat, ever eager to tear up their foes with chain bayonets, elegantly-crafted power spears, or a size-30 boot if it’s all that’s available. Their barely-restrained Encarmine Fury is unleashed when charging into battle, making it easier to wound their victims – even fellow Space Marines can’t withstand a Baal-style beating.

Getting +1 to Wound is obviously really strong, especially when it applies to basically your entire army! Just make sure you get those charges off.

Blood angels rules 2

This preference for explosive close-range assaults also lead the IX Legion to an enduring love affair with the fearsome inferno pistol, perfect for cracking open targets too tough for the sharpest sword. The Blood Angels can replace volatile plasma pistols with a tank’s worst enemy – and at their preferred engagement distance of “in your face”, the weapon’s short range is of little concern.

With 8 Strength, this should help you cut through opposing armor!



They didn’t show off rules, but we’ve seen playtest rules, so take them with a grain of salt as they could change, but look pretty good.

Primarchs Horus Heresy 9


Primarchs Horus Heresy 10The favorite angel of papa. He’s got some serious weapons and even some decent shooting attacks. Plus, when you add his Warlord Trait with the Encarmine Fury, your charge will be turning your marines into serious combat monsters.

Legion Specific Rules

Blood angels rules 2This is a very interesting rule as you can basically force your models wherever you want on the battlefield, however, you can’t be within 1″ of enemy units, so your opponent could swarm the marker or back way off. However, if they do that, you can just place them somewhere else, but they can then scatter.

Blood angels rulesObviously, the traits are focused on how insane the Angels can be and giving them more combat power!

Blood angels rules 3They get a ton of wargear options and are quite good in combat. However, their biggest thing comes with the special rules.

Blood angels rules 4You want to get these guys locked in with big units as they will gain a 5+ or 4+ FNP! Then the Sunset Blade will get AP3, rending, and Sunder. Also, the shields will make them even harder to kill, so when combined with their good save and FNP, they are going to be hard to kill!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about the new rules and rumors for Horus Heresy Blood Angels so far?