GW Reveals New Sisters of Battle 40k Codex Rules

sister wal hor Adepta Sororitas sisters of battleNew Sisters of Battle Warhammer 40k rules are here. Take a closer look at what was just revealed from Games Workshop.

Sisters of Battle are primed and ready to hit the scene with an entire collection of plastic models wrapped into one box. But along with new models comes a spicy new ruleset. Take a look at what was just revealed from Warhammer Community.

New Miracle Dice Mechanic

Sisters of Battle

The Sororitas Army Set is coming with 12 “miracle” dice that have a purpose in the way the entire faction operates.

 These dice are kept to one side and accrued over the course of the battle as certain circumstances are met, and they’re expended to channel the Acts of Faith for which the Sisters of Battle are renowned. Here’s how you generate them…

sisters of battle miracle dice

Miracle dice are a currency that you have to pay in order to perform Acts of Faith. Acts of Faith are these incredible feats done by the Sisters in the heat of battle. But how do you gain a Miracle dice? You’ll net a Miracle die at the start and end of every Battle Round as well as one in each phase as long as one of your units trigger Vengeance, Sacrifice, Purity, or Valour.

Vengeance and Sacrifice look relatively easy to pull off whereas Purity and Valour are so random they can’t really be strategized around.

Each time you earn a Miracle dice, you roll it and add it to your pool, while retaining its score. You can then expend these dice in place of certain rolls (hit and wound rolls, saving throws, and more) later in the battle to ensure you get the exact result you need, when you need it. How about that for your own divine intervention?!

Sisters are getting Tzeentch-level dice modification!

The Sororitas Get Their Own Form of Chapter Tactics

Sisters of Battle are going to have a special table of bonus rules that look to act like Chapter Tactics for Space Marines. The cool thing here is that you can pick one or just roll for two at the start of the battle.

At the start of the battle, you can either pick one of the six Sacred Rites to activate – whichever is most advantageous for the mission or enemy army at hand – or sacrifice your choice to generate two at random to benefit from both!

sisters of battle spirit of the martyr

Spirit of the Martyr is one of the special rules. The neat thing about this is you get to treat your army as if it had a banner standing closeby at all times. Although you can only shoot/fight on a 5+, it’s a brutal effect when it’s army-wide.

sisters of battle the passion

The Passion is another rule that you may want to use if you plan on going against an aggressive melee list or you have some heavy hitters yourself. The Passion just gives your entire army exploding 6’s to hit.

Sisters Can Still Deny the Witch Army-wide

sisters of battle shield of faith

From sheer faith in the Emperor alone, they all have a 6++ invuln save (meaning you will always get to roll a dice for a chance to survive aside from mortals). But you will also be able to Deny the Witch. Just remember that you can only deny on 1D6 and it has to be greater than what the Psyker rolled. That means that 98% (not actual math) of the Psychic powers from enemies will be untouchable but you might have some luck against a smite-spam list.

Melee Is Hell During The First Round of Combat

sisters of battle zealot

With the Zealot rule coming to the army, it’ll be like they always have a Chaplain nearby for the rerolls. This will be especially brutal for the glass cannons like Arco-Flagellants getting to fight first and rerolling everything.

We’ve just covered the tip of the iceberg for Sisters. Looking ahead to more rules coming, we should be seeing Warlord Traits, Relics, etc. But for now, what are your thoughts on these rules? Will you be picking your Sacred Rite or rolling for two?

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