AoS 2.0: Allegiance Abilities & Artifacts REVEALED

By Wesley Floyd | June 15th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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New Allegiance abilities and artifacts have been revealed that you can use now in your games of Age of Sigmar. What do you make of these teasers?

These images were spotted on imgur, and it looks like each Alliance will have its own artifacts, and abilities once again!

Allegiance Abilities for Death

allegience abilities death

Check out some of the command abilities available to the Nighthaunt characters. These command traits fit very well with the army. Let’s take a look at Predator of the Shadows.

  • Predator of the shadows: Add 1 to the hit and wound rolls for the general if they are in cover. How cool is it to imagine a wraith able to move through walls and pick off people from behind.

Take a look at the General’s battle trait as well. Deathless Minions lets anyone within 6″ of him ignore a wound on a 6+. That’s some nice resiliency considering it’s all completely free.

Artifacts of Destruction

artifacts of destruction

There will be realm-specific artifacts as well as generic artifacts. Generic artifacts are for special keyworded armies like Destruction, Chaos, or Order. Just because they are generic artifacts, that doesn’t mean they aren’t any less powerful.

  • Battle Brew: You can take 1 or 2 swigs of the brew. If you take 1 swig, add 1 to the hit and wound rolls until your next hero phase. If you take 2 swigs, add 2 to the hit and wound rolls. the only trade-off is you’ll be taking D6 mortal wounds at the end of the turn.

You might as well take 2 swigs if your general finds himself going up against a maw crusher. He probably wound survive anyway and he can put a hurtin’ on it before he goes down.

generals handbook 2018

All of this looks to be available to your armies, in addition to whatever new abilites and artefacts we see in the Generals Handbook for each faction themselves.  The question is will you play faction or allegiance specific with allies being available every 1:4 units now?

What do you think of the command abilities previewed for Death? Will you be taking a Lord Arcanum as your general? What artifact will fit perfect in your army list? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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