If your Warhammer Age of Sigmar faction isn’t getting a Battleforce, there are still deals to be had. Check out all these AoS Start Collecting Box values!
Have the new Age of Sigmar Battleforces got you excited? There are still some fantastic deals you might be missing in the AoS Start Collecting boxes that also have crazy value!
With all the news of the Battleforces popping up, don’t forget about the great deals that are inside every Start Collecting box.
They still have incredible value and are only $85 a pop! And while they may not have the same amount of models as a Battleforce but you can rest assured, you’re way better off than buying all the models separately.
Plus some like the Beastclaw Riders are perfect making the bulk of your army when purchased in multiples.
Start Collecting Tzeentch $85
- Burning Chariot of Tzeentch $40
- 3x Flamers of Tzeentch $25
- 3x Screamers of Tzeentch $35
- ten-man Pink Horrors $35
Total Cost: $135
Total Savings: $50
Start Collecting Daemons of Slaanesh $85
- Exalted Seeker Chariot –No longer on GW online store ($60)
- 5x Seekers of Slaanesh $29
- ten-man Slaanesh Daemonette squad $29
Total Cost: $118
Total Savings: $33
Start Collecting Daemons of Nurgle $85
- Herald of Nurgle $25
- 3x Plague Drones $60
- 1x three-man set of Nurglings $25
- ten-man Plaguebearer squad $29
Total Cost: $139
Total Savings: $54
Note this was basically one half of the old Blight Wars Starter Box
Start Collecting Daemons of Khorne $85
- Herald on Bloodthrone Not on online GW store ($40-$50)
- 3x Bloodcrushers $50
- ten-man Bloodletter squad $29
Total Cost: $129
Total Savings: $44
Start Collecting Khorne Bloodbound Goreblade Warband $85![SC khorne bloodbound](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20552%20558'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
- Lord of Khorne $20
- Bloodsecrator $20
- Bloodstoker Not on GW online store ($15-$20)
- Khorgorath Not on GW online store ($30-$40)
- ten-man squad of Bloodreavers $58
Total Cost: $148
Total Savings: $50-$60
Note this is the Chaos side of the First Age of Sigmar Starter Set from 2015
Start Collecting Thunderstrike Brotherhood $85
- Lord Celestant on Dracoth $32.50
- Lord RelicatorNot on GW online store ($15-$20)
- Retributors $35 (Box of Retributors comes with five for $58)
- ten-man Liberator squad $62
- Prosecutors $24 (Box of Prosecutors come with six for $74)
This box is a weird one as it only comes with half the amount of units with normal boxes…You’d really need two of these boxes to reap full value.
Total Cost: $168.5
Total Savings: $83.5
Note this is the Sigmar side of the First Age of Sigmar Starter Set from 2015
Start Collecting Stormcast Vanguard $85
- Lord-Aquilor $40
- Vanguard-Hunters $30 (base box comes with ten for $60)
- Vanguard Palladors $60
- Gryph Hounds $12.50 (base box comes with six for $25)
This is another strange box as GW made it so you would almost need another Start Collecting to reap the full value from the box.
Total Cost: $142.50
Total Savings: $57.5
Note this was basically one half of the old Blight Wars Starter Box
Start Collecting Skeleton Horde $85
- Black Knights $33
- Skeleton Warriors $25
- Arkhan The Black $80
Total Cost: $138
Total Savings: $53
Start Collecting Sylvaneth $85
- Branchwych $23
- Treelord $61
- Sixteen Dryads $41
Total Cost: $125
Total Savings: $40
Start Collecting Ironjawz $85
- Orruk Warchanter $30
- ten-man ‘Ardboyz squad $53
- Gore-gruntas $79
Total Cost: $162
Total Savings: $77
Start Collecting Beastclaw Raiders $85
- Stonehorn $58
- Mournfang pack with Riders $65
Total Cost: $123
Total Savings: $38
Start Collecting Flesh-eater Courts $85
- Terrorgheist $58
- Crypt Horrors $47
- Ten-man squad of Crypt Ghouls $20 (base box comes with twenty for $40)
Total Cost: $125
Total Savings: $40
Start Collecting Kharadron Overlords $85
- Skywardens $40
- Grundstock Thunderers $40
- Grundstock Gunhauler $50
- Endrinmaster $25
Total Cost: $155
Total Savings: $70
Start Collecting Beasts of Chaos $85
- Great Bray-Shaman $14.75
- Cygor $53.75
- Ten-man squad of Ungors $24.75
- Ten-man squad of Bestigors $41.25
Total Cost: $134.50
Total Savings: $49.50
Start Collecting Skaven $85
- Plague Furnace $62
- Plagueclaw $33
- Twenty-man Plague Monks $35
Total Cost: $130
Total Savings: $50
Start Collecting Slaves to Darkness $85
- Chaos Sorcerer Lord $15
- Five-man Chaos Knights $30 (Base box comes with ten Knights for $60)
- Twelve-man Chaos Warrior squad $30 (Base box comes with sixteen Warriors for $40)
- Chaos Chariot$40
Total Cost: $115
Total Savings: $30
Start Collecting Fyreslayers $85
- Magmadroth $85
- Berzerkers $60
Total Cost:$145
Total Savings: $60
Start Collecting Greenskinz $85
- Warboss on War Boar $15
- Warboss with Great WAAAGH! banner $15
- Boar Chariot $30
- Five-man Boar Boy squad $29
- Ten-man Orruk Boyz squad $29
Total Cost: $118
Total Savings: $33
Start Collecting Seraphon $85
- Oldblood on Carnosaur $85
- Eight-man Saurus Knight squad $35
- Twelve-man Saurus Warrior squad $22.80 (Base box comes with Twenty for $38)
Total Cost: $142.8
Total Savings: $57.80
These boxes are fantastic deals and should be the first thing you look at when you’re thinking about picking up a big unit. Some of the boxes have larger models that cost $85 alone (Oldblood on Carnosaur and Magmadroth).
You’re essentially getting the model you want and a free scoop of other AoS units for the army. Which Start Collecting is the most appealing to you? Which faction has the best Start Collecting?
Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.