AoS Battlescroll 2025 Rules Update: Big Winners & Sad Losers

battlescroll Warhammer age of sigmar updates points changes titleMaster the new AoS gameplay with the latest Age of Sigmar Battlescroll for 2025, and explore key rules changes across all factions, from Order to Chaos!

Updated December 19th, 2024, by Rob Baer with new information, points, and links to relevant content.

The latest Battlescroll has landed, and it’s shaking things up in Age of Sigmar. With tweaks to double turns, fresh Honour Guard abilities, and faction-specific updates, it’s time to take a closer look at what’s changed. Whether you’re building regiments for a weekend skirmish or plotting your next grand tournament strategy, these updates are packed with opportunities to try something new.

From balancing the infamous double turn to beefing up underused heroes and monsters, the game’s meta is getting a much-needed refresh. Let’s dig into these changes and how they’re reshaping armies from Order to Chaos. Get ready to outwit your opponents with smarter moves, stronger units, and some surprising new strategies!

Age of Sigmar (AoS) Battlescroll Rules Update & Changes

Welcome back to the Mortal Realms, where even the gods need a rules update now and then! Whether you’re a battle-hardened commander or someone who just accidentally summoned a Purple Sun in their living room, this latest batch of tweaks and adjustments from the Age of Sigmar team has something for everyone.

With the new edition settling in and the first aos battlescroll 2024 hot off the presses, the folks at Games Workshop have been fine-tuning the chaos and magic of our beloved Warhammer realms. Here is the latest on the Age of Sigmar Battlescroll updates for 4th Edition AoS.

Core Rules and General’s Handbook Updates:

AoS Battlescroll Double TurnOne of the biggest updates revolves around priority rolls and double turns (and we’re happy Games Workshop keeps making adjustments to this for AoS, nothing like your core Warhammer rules changing). If you take a double turn, your opponent now gains the Underdog bonus for the rest of the game—unless they also take a double turn, which flips the bonus back.

This adjustment aims to balance early aggressive plays by adding consequences for grabbing the initiative too quickly.

Season Rules for 2024-2025

Players who fall behind by six or more victory points can take a double turn without penalties. This gives them a chance to score battle tactics without handing their opponent the Underdog advantage, leveling the playing field in tight matches.

Honour Guard System Gets a Boost

AoS Battlescroll Honor Guard 2The Honour Guard mechanic now offers two new options, significantly expanding its strategic depth.

  • Field Sergeant: Grants infantry units within 12” of a designated hero +2” to their Move characteristic. This ability is particularly useful for slower factions like Fyreslayers and Maggotkin, who can use the extra movement to reposition and outmaneuver enemies.
  • Prized Beast: Buffs a monster with +1 to hit rolls in combat (including companion weapons) and allows them to ignore Battle Damaged penalties. This is a fantastic addition for armies with key monsters like Mega-Gargants, Stonehorn Beastriders, or reinforced Stormdrake Guard.

Additionally, armies with more regiments than their opponent can now select a second Honour Guard ability for a different unit. This provides a rewarding trade-off for players willing to build larger, more varied armies.

Faction Adjustments

Faction UpdatesEvery faction received updates to bring more balance and creativity to the table (we’ll look at each below).

  • Heroes Get a Boost: Underused heroes like Tahlia Vedra, Lord Kroak, and the Beast-smasher Mega-Gargant are seeing upgrades that make them more viable options in competitive lists.
  • Battle Traits Overhaul: Kharadron Overlords, Flesh-Eater Courts, Blades of Khorne, and Hedonites of Slaanesh all received refinements to their core abilities, aiming to increase their effectiveness and diversity.
  • Hero-Joined Regiments: A broader range of non-wizard and non-priest infantry heroes can now join regiments led by other heroes, and even a few monster heroes got the nod. Bloodthirsters and Tuskbosses can now accompany other units, making list-building much more versatile.

Advanced Rules Tweaks

Covering FireSome smaller changes include clarifications to abilities like Covering Fire, which now can’t be used after a Redeploy. There’s also a clear ruling that models placed on faction terrain can still be targeted by abilities, even if they’re immune to direct attacks. These adjustments smooth out potential edge cases while keeping gameplay fair and competitive.

Grand Alliance: Order AoS Battlescroll Adjustments:

Cities of Sigmar points changes

Cities of Sigmar

  • Discounts Galore! Heroes like the Alchemite Warforger (-10), Assassin (-30), and Steam Tank Commander (-30) are looking like solid picks. Even the Freeguild Command Corps got cheaper by 30 points.
  • Beefy Infantry Buffs: Irondrakes, Longbeards, and Freeguild Steelhelms are all more affordable (-10). Meanwhile, Executioners (+10) and Hammerers (+10) might have to prove their worth with the extra cost.
  • Monsters Get Cheaper: The War Hydra and Kharibdyss both saw a hearty 40-point discount, making them even more monstrous on the battlefield.

Daughters of Khaine

Daughters of Khaine changes


  • Cauldron Discounts: The Bloodwrack Shrine (-20) and Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (-30) are ready to bring some pain without breaking the bank.
  • Cheaper High Gladiatrix (-30): She’s now a steal for what she brings to the table.
  • Avatar of Khaine (-20): Behold the power of the avatar—at a friendlier price.

Lumineth Realm-lords

Lumineth Points

  • Hurakan Windmage (+10): A bit pricier now, but still a staple.
  • Archmage Teclis (+10): A small nudge upwards in points, but let’s be honest, he’s worth it.
  • Lots of Discounts: Loreseeker (-10), Stoneguard (-10), and Windchargers (-10) all saw reductions, which should help balance things out.


Battlescroll Slyvaneth PointsMajor Discounts: The Lady of Vines (-30), Treelords (-40), and even Spite-Revenants (-30) got more affordable. Drycha Hamadreth took a massive 50-point cut!


Battlescroll Points changes 2

  • More Affordable Leaders: Auric Flamekeeper (-10), Runeson (-20), and even the Runeson on Magmadroth (-20) are easier to fit into lists.
  • Infantry Discounts: Hearthguard Berzerkers (-10) and Vulkite Berzerkers (-10) are ready to bring the heat with a bit more budget to spare.

Idoneth Deepkin

Idoneth points changes

  • Hero Deals: The Akhelian King (-20) and Isharann Soulrender (-30) are easier on your points, while the Tidecaster stayed steady.
  • Namarti Thralls (-10): Your trusty infantry now comes at a slightly lower cost.

Kharadron Overlords

Kharadron OVerlords points

  • Sky High Discounts: Brokk Grungsson (-20) and Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (-40) are top-tier bargains. Grundstok Gunhauler (-20) and Skywardens (-10) also join the savings train.


Seraphon points

  • Monster Discounts: Bastiladon variations (-30) and Skink Oracle on Troglodon (-40) are hitting the board cheaper than ever.
  • Infantry Tweaks: Saurus Warriors and Skinks both went down by 10 points, while Hunters with Bolas got a slight bump (+10).

Stormcast Eternals

Stormcast changes


  • Dragons and Dracothian Guard Deals: Tempestors, Fulminators, and even Stormdrake Guard are now 10-20 points cheaper, opening up more options for dragon lovers.
  • Heroes in the Spotlight: Knight-Draconis (-10), Knight-Vexillor (-10), and others like Vandus Hammerhand (-20) are looking better value-wise.

Grand Alliance: Chaos Age of Sigmar Rules & Battlescroll Adjustments:

Blades of Khorne Changes

Blades of Khorne

  • Cheaper Bloodthirsters: Both Insensate Rage (-20) and Wrath of Khorne (-20) are now easier to justify.
  • Mighty Skullcrushers (-30): Charging in style just got more economical.
  • Other Winners: Bloodsecrator (-20), Karanak (-10), and Skarbrand (-20) all saw significant drops.

Disciples of Tzeentch

Tzeentch points

The Chaos bird wizards are tinkering with their magical feathers:

  • Pink Horrors are now pricier (+20 points)—too much mischief, perhaps?
  • Burning Chariot of Tzeentch flies in with a discount (-20 points).
  • Flamers of Tzeentch got hotter (+10 points), so maybe pack extra sunscreen.
  • Kairos Fateweaver is plotting even more costly schemes (+20 points).
  • The Ogroid Thaumaturge is the budget magical beast you need (-20 points).

Hedonites of Slaanesh

Hedonites of Slaanesh changesThe party never stops, but it’s now slightly more affordable:

  • Daemonettes sashayed down in price (-10 points).
  • Dexcessa, the Talon of Slaanesh, is ready to drop the bass with a massive (-40 points).
  • Keeper of Secrets whispered to the accountants and earned a (-20 points).
  • Meanwhile, Synessa, the Voice of Slaanesh, took a spectacular plunge (-50 points).
  • Even the flamboyant Lord of Hubris is cheaper now (-20 points)—though they’d never admit it.

Maggotkin of Nurgle

Maggotkin of Nurgle Points

Grandfather Nurgle’s blessing makes some units stink a little less for your wallet:

  • Beasts of Nurgle are friendlier (-10 points).
  • Putrid Blightkings remain as tanky as ever but still demand a chunky 190 points.

Beasts of Chaos

beasts of chaos points changes

  • Shaggoth (-20): The big beastie is ready to storm the field at a better cost.
  • Bulk Discounts: Bullgors (-10), Jabberslythe (-20), and Cygors (-20) are getting cheaper.
  • Bestigors (+10): A rare increase for a Brayherd unit, but they’re still a solid pick.


Skaven points changesThe ratmen are getting serious (or not):

  • Deathmaster becomes a steal (-40 points), which is fitting for a sneaky assassin.
  • Ratling Guns got pricier (+20 points), perhaps they’ve been watching too many movies about inflation.
  • Hell Pit Abomination slithers in cheaper (-30 points)—it’s grotesque and now economical!

Grand Alliance: Death AoS Rules & Battlescrolls Adjustments:


Nighthaunt points

The spookiest faction sees some mixed fortunes:

  • Black Coach drives into affordability (-20 points).
  • Bladegheist Revenants are scarier for your budget (+20 points).
  • Lady Olynder demands more respect (+10 points), but it’s Lady Olynder, so you’ll pay it.

Soulblight Gravelords

Soulblight points

The vampiric lords and their legions are bringing bargains to the undead world:

  • Vengorian Lord and Lauka Vai are now both (-50 points)—cheaper nightmares!
  • Kritza, the Rat Prince, is now almost free (-30 points).

Flesh-Eater Courts

Flesheater courts points changesThe cannibal kings and their monstrous friends have adjusted their tastes:

  • Crypt Horrors and Crypt Flayers got leaner on points (-10 to -30).
  • Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon swoops down with a sharp (-40 points).
  • Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion, is here to stir up mayhem for less (-30 points).

Ossiarch Bonereapers

Ossiarch Bonereapers Points ChangesDeath is inevitable, but these costs feel less so:

  • Gothizzar Harvester is ready to reap souls for (-20 points).
  • Necropolis Stalkers sharpened their blades at a discount (-10 points).
  • On the other hand, Katakros flexes his might with a slightly higher cost (+20 points).

Warhammer Grand Alliance: Destruction AoS Rules Adjustments:


Ironjawz points changes

The Orruk brawlers got even more bashy without breaking the bank:

  • Gordrakk, the Fist of Gork, slams down (-50 points).
  • Megaboss on Maw-krusha charges in with a (-40 points).
  • Maw-grunta units received tasty reductions (-10 to -20 points).

Gloomspite Gitz

Gloomspite Gitz Points changesThe Gloomspite Gitz are here with new points, and let’s just say it’s a mix of mushroom-fueled chaos and discounts that even a squig would appreciate.

  • Dankhold Troggboss (+10): Someone told the Troggboss they’re priceless—so naturally, they demanded more points.
  • Loonboss (-20): The budget-conscious boss is back, and they’re a steal at this price!
  • Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (-10): More bounce for your buck; this boss is hopping into value town.
  • Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (-40): Mangler Squigs are on sale, and it’s a massive markdown for maximum mayhem.
  • Squigboss with Gnasha-squig (+20): Turns out, gnashing teeth are all the rage—at a premium, of course.
  • Webspinner Shaman (-10): A little less pricey for those looking to spin some Spiderfang spells.
  • Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (-20): Big spiders, smaller costs—spin your web wisely.
  • Arachnarok Spider with Flinger (-20): Now you can hurl webs and save points—what’s not to love?
  • Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (-20): Big spiders again, but now with more party and less wallet pain.
  • Manglers Squigs (-40): These chaotic spheres of destruction are more affordable than ever. Bounce, smash, repeat.
  • Skitterstrand Arachnarok (-20): Skittering through the battlefield just got cheaper. Who says size matters?
  • Loonsmasha Fanatics (-10): Smash harder, pay less. These fanatics are ready to wreak havoc on a budget.
  • Sporesplatta Fanatics (-10): The only thing spreading faster than their spores is their value.
  • Squig Herd (+10): Herding squigs is apparently more of an investment now—guess they unionized.


Kruleboyz Points changesSwampy cunning now costs less:

  • Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork, chats his way into affordability (-30 points).
  • Killaboss with Stab-grot gives you better value (-20 points).

Sons of Behemat

Sons of behemat poitns changesThe big stompy boys are coming down to earth:

  • Every Mega-Gargant (yes, all of them) saw a discount (-30 points).
  • Mancrusher Gargant stomps in for (-30 points), making it a bit easier to crush your foes.

Final Thoughts on the 4th Edition Warhammer AoS Rules & Battlescroll Changes

And there you have it—some major rules and Battlescroll shakeups from Games Workshop for Age of Sigmar (AoS) Warhammer across the Mortal Realms! From the squishy squigs of Gloomspite Gitz to the lightning-clad warriors of Stormcast Eternals, everyone’s had a moment under the metaphorical points scalpel from Games Workshop in this AoS Warhammer update. 

Click Here to Download All the New Rules Changes!

What do you think about the changes the Games Workshop made for Warhammer AoS Age of Sigmar Battlescroll and rules changes?