New Start Collection Boxes GW Should Make in 2019

By Wesley Floyd | January 9th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k News

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The price may be going up, but Start Collecting boxes are still a value. Check out the factions for Warhammer 40k and AoS that GW needs to make in 2019!

There are so many factions across 40k and AoS, GW can’t always bring out a new box for everybody.  So which factions do we think need a Start Collecting?

Here are our thoughts on what we’d like to see:

Editor’s Note: Since writing this post GW, announced new price hikes on all Start Collecting boxes, and new boxes such as the Deepkin which was on our list below, and Maggotkin which was not. Overall the boxes are going on up average about 7% from $5 each to $10 at the most. You can check out the full pricing list here.

Death Guard Start Collecting Box Set

death shroud guard

Death Guard may have gotten their own Battleforce set in 2018. However, they still don’t have a Start Collecting box. We know that there are a ton of Death Guard players out there and would love a cheaper alternative to a bog the size of their Battleforce. With competitive play becoming more and more popular in 40k, they could maybe throw in three blight Drones. (Just something to entice people with a meta-unit.)

Custodes Start Collecting Box Set

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Custodes have been one of the more popular meta armies in 8th edition. They only need a few models to get the job done because they are so elite. The real power comes from the Captains on Bikes so maybe a Start Collecting Box Set with a Captain on a Dawn Eagle jet bike, a Squad of Regular Custodes for Troops, and a Custode Contemptor wouldn’t be a bad idea. That way, the player can at least take a patrol and even throw in the Captain on Bike option to his main list for more competitiveness.

Imperial Guard 32 Start Collecting Box Set

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Imperial Guard players are running rampant in the 40k meta. It seems like every Imperial list is running a loyal thirty-two. (Two HQ’s and three Infantry Squads). If Games Workshop made a box with exactly those models inside, they would probably sell like hotcakes. People who don’t want anything to do with Guard may even consider buying them simply because everything they need for a Batallion is right there at their fingertips. Right now the current one comes with a smattering of Tank, Weapon and troops.

World Eaters/Emperor’s Children Start Collecting Box Set

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It could be time for GW to maybe start focusing on some lesser factions. World Eaters/ Emperor’s Children are the two Chaos factions that don’t have a codex themselves quite yet. However, GW could still show a little support with a Start Collecting Box. Hobbyists know they don’t mind giving minor factions support already. We saw this with the Imperial Fists Battleforce with Power Fist upgrades. We also the Crimson Fists get more Stratagems and relics in the January 2019 White Dwarf.   So who knows what is on the way for Chaos.

Idoneth Deepkin Start Collecting Box Set


Idoneth Deepkin are a newer faction to AoS that are VERY good. They have some Eels that hit like a ton of bricks and other units that force you to shoot at them if they’re closer. Nonetheless, they still don’t have their on Start Collecting Box Set just yet. Maybe a group of Thralls and some Eels sprinkled in would be a good starting point.

Clan Skryre Start Collecting Box Set

skaven engineer

Skaven do have a Box set…but it’s only for the Clan Pestillens. There’s still an untouched gold mine of Ratty factions! Clan Eshin, Clan Verminus, and Skryre are all in the same boat. They’re just waiting for more support to become more appealing to players. With that said, Skryre is the clan that can throw out mortal wounds like nobody’s business. They’ve got a decent amount of rules already so that may be a good starting point in bringing all the other clans full circle. A Box Set with some Storm Fiends, a Warplightning Cannon, some Acolytes, and a Warlock sounds right up Skryre’s alley.

What factions do you think GW will give Start Collectings in 2019?

Which army would you pick up if they had their own Box Set? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.