FEB White Dwarf New Age of Sigmar Rules SPOTTED

lord celestant sigmar wal hor

Don’t miss this one, February has come early! The new Warhammer rules for Stormcast Eternals in February’s White Dwarf have already been spotted.

As we saw with January’s revamped White Dwarf, GW seems to be doing two things, getting back to their 2000’s format roots and adding in exclusive new rules for 40k, as well as AoS to entice readers to buy each issue.

feb white dwarf cover FEB White Dwarf New Warhammer Rules REVEALED

Fast forward to now, the new cover and now the rules inside have been spotted well ahead of the release date for this analog magazine.

Planned leak or not, Games Workshop said the following at thier New Years Open about the future of White Dwarf, and what would be coming inside:

crimson fist space marine white dwarf wal hor

Specialist games and Forge World will have content going forward in the ‘non 40k/aos’ section. Necromunda battle report coming soon.

AoS will be getting an ‘index astartes‘ style segment adding new sub-faction rules like what we got with crimson fists this month.

The new rules section will alternate between AoS and 40k. So 40k got crimson fists this month, next month sees AoS get a new stormhost.

Regarding 40k, these rules will not be locked to only loyalist chapters but will include chaos and xeno factions; basically, anyone with a sub-faction rule will be looked at in time. (Remember there will only be six new sub-faction per game system each year and Loads of armies to cover.)

WD team excited by the suggestion to look at the FW chapters that use to have rules like the Badab war chapters.

Also, there will no longer be a ‘new releases’ section at the beginning as the community site has that covered.

New Rules Spotted

You saw it here firest! For February’s issue Stormcast Eternals, and more specifically, Vandus Hammerhands’ men, are getting four new Warscroll Battalions in the next White Dwarf. Take a look at what was spotted on Imgur as a glimpse into the future!

Vandus Hammerhand’s Warscroll Battalions

lords of the storm Vandus Hammerhand's Warscroll Battalions

Looking at the Lords of the Storm Battalion, this has Vandus Hammerhand himself. However, it looks like you also have to take just about every other hero option available to the Stormcast as well. If you take this Battalion, it’ll give you the Stand firm, Brothers ability. This basically gives you a 5+ FNP against wounds that would take a Hero out of action. (you only get to roll the 5+ save if it’s the Hero’s last wound on the line).

thunderhead brotherhood Don't miss this one, February has come early! The new Warhammer rules for Stormcast Eternals in February's White Dwarf have already been spotted.

As for the Thunderhead Brotherhood, you MUST take three units of Hammers of Sigmar Liberators and two units of their Judicators. These guys lend a helping hand to each other. If one of your Judicators managed to wound a model in a unit, the Liberators get to reroll hit rolls of 1 against them.

hammerstrike force

Lastly, the Hammerstrike force needs you to take two Hammers of Sigmar Paladins and a unit of their Prosecutors. You get the Dauntless Spirit rule that allows you to reroll wounds of 1 if you are fighting a unit bigger than yours. Stormcast Eternals aren’t known for their numbers. And there are horde armies everywhere in AoS so you’ll more than likely going to be rerolling a lot.

Hammerhands Warrior Chamber

What happens when you combine all three Battalions together?

warrior chamber
warrior chamber 2

If you manage to cram a grand total of seven Warscroll Battalions together, you get the Warrior Chamber, giving you a few nice rules.

Exemplars to All: Let’s you reroll saves of 1 for units wholly within 8″ of a Hero from this Battalion.

Blood Feud: Allows you to reroll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by units from this Battalion that target Bloodbound units. (They specifically hate Khorne).

Keep in mind, you’ll still be getting all the rules from your other Warscroll Battalions as well. There’s actually a lot of little rules going on with the Hammers of Sigmar in this issue.

stormcast wd 2

There’s also a little bit of background information on the Hammers of Sigmar and the one who leads them. Telling of old heroes and the early life of Vandus, you’ll get your full dose of lore on these guys as well.

If you missed the new 40k rules from January we got you covered here:

New Crimson Fist Rules

Kroot Kill Team Rules

It looks like the February 2019 White Dwarf is following an Age of Sigmar version of the Index Astartes in January’s edition showcasing Crimson Fists. Could White Dwarf magazine be alternating every month between AoS rules and 40k rules? What do you think about these Warscroll Battalions? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.