GW Reveals New Seraphon Rules For AoS 2.0

By Wesley Floyd | May 29th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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It’s the Seraphon turn for some love, as GW revealed new rules teasers today for how they will fight and cast spells in Age of Simar 2.0

Warhammer Community just revealed some of what Seraphon are bringing to the table in the new edition of AoS.

Who are the Seraphon?


The Seraphon are a race of reptilian warriors who hail from High Azyr. Summoned to war by the sage Slann – ancient magi from the world-that-was – Seraphon range from hulking, scaled warriors known as Saurus to the Skinks, agile warriors who coordinate the stellar empires of their kin while not at war. The Seraphon would be mighty enough alone, but their numbers are bolstered by gigantic star lizards, from the thundering Stegadons to the predatory Carnosaurs. Perhaps they are mere memories, brought to life by their former masters. What is without question is their utter dedication to the war with Chaos and their brutal effectiveness against all who would serve the Ruinous Powers.

Seraphon in AoS 2.0

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Seraphon are going to be centered around summoning, and the best part is that it doesn’t cost any points. It will consume celestial conjuration points though.

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Slann are going to be key for players that want to use summoning to its fullest potential. Being able to get 3+D3 and even more if they bring an Astrolith Bearer, they’ll be able to summon a whole unit for free on their second turn.

Players will have to choose between casting amazing spells that Slann are known for or performing rituals to get their conjuration up. Be sure to protect the Slann because they’ll definitely have a target on their back.

Malign Sorcery

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Seraphon will have Malign Sorcery spells to cast, but they get a bonus! With spells like the Purple Sun, they are extremely dangerous to the caster and those around it.  One neat ability with the Seraphons’ Arcane Vassal rule, they’ll be able to cast those dangerous spells with disposable Skinks.

Seraphon look like they’re holding the spell-casting wrestling belt. Most armies have a very hard time out-wizarding the Seraphon. It only makes sense fluff-wise that they get the coolest bonuses for casting.

If you missed our last posts of what’s coming to AoS 2.0, We’ve got it all here for you. You Don’t want to miss what was covered!

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What do you think about the previews? Will you be running more than one Slann? Are you going to save your conjuration points or spend them on the cheap units?

Let us know over in the comments on our Facebook Hobby Group.

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